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Installing Linux-Lite (or Linux-Mint) from the start on Oracle-VirtualBox
download linux lite 'linux-lite-4.2-64bit.iso'
create a new machine, based on 'linux 2.6' without creating an hard-drive.
enter settings/storage, remove everything click [OK], enter settings/storage again add IDE-controller click [OK], enter settings/storage again add cdrom (empty) and new hard-disk (60GB) click [OK].
settings/general: set 'shared-clipboard' and 'dragndrop' to 'bidirectional'.
settings/system/processor tab: check ON: 'Enable PAE/NX', select two CPUs.
settings/display/screentab: set RAM to 64MB. set 'Graphics Controller' to: 'VBoxVGA'. check ON: 'Enable 3D Acceleration'.
settings/shared-folders: add 'C:', 'D:', 'E:',... and select auto-mount for-each.
create a VirtualBox-snapshot ("empty") before installation.
start the virtual-machine and on the (GRUB) menu select 'Install Linux-Lite right now'.
the setup will automatically start.
to avoid bugs:
- use the English for the installation dialog.
- use default (English) keyboard layout (do not add Hebrew support due to a bug).
- uncheck (set OFF) the 'Download updates while installing linux'.
- check (set ON) the 'Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware and additional media formats'.
- use default 'Erase disk and install linux'.
- uncheck (set OFF) 'Encrypt the new linux installation for security'.
- uncheck (set OFF) 'Use LVM with the new Linux installation'.
- use 'New-York (USA)' timezone (start to type and choose from the suggested results).
Name and Username: me
Machine-name: vm
password: 1
check ON 'Log-in automatically'.
Do Not Install Updates (Yet...)
we are going to change mirrors and servers to allow parallel-download and faster-operations.
in-case of bugs:
- finish install and create a VirtualBox-snapshot ("clean install en keyboard NY tz").
> Terminal Preferences/Colors tab - set to 'Solarized (light)'.
sudo passwd root
su -
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install gedit
gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
>you can find-out the best mirrors (take first one) using: wget -qO -
>click 'Save-As'.
>switch encoding to 'Western (ISO-8859-15)' (===ASCII), click save, and allow to replace existing-file.
apt-get update
Go to 'Control Panel'/'Lite Sources'
click 'Check Repository Status' and let the terminal-window start and finish,
select 'Germany Europe'
and click 'Use selected repository'.
Go to 'Control Panel'/'Firewall Configuration'
for each profile (home/office/public) disable the firewall.
on the preferences menu, disable logging.
add-apt-repository -y ppa:apt-fast/stable
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install aria2 apt-fast
>select 'apt-get'.
>select 8 connections.
>select 'YES' to surpress the confirm messages. (more information: on how to set multiple-mirrors).
apt-fast -y install build-essential wget curl git
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
apt-get -y upgrade
>wait for 2 minutes after it is done, for several background-processes to finish, reboot.
>open the 'welcome screen' and click the update modules (first button), update drivers (second button), do not add support for another language due to a bug in the system.
>you can uncheck the 'show on startup' checkbox of the 'welcome screen'.
apt-get -y remove firefox* libreoffice* openjdk* thunderbird* pidgin* xchat* transmission* totem*
apt-get -y autoremove
apt-get -y clean
apt-fast -y install python-software-properties lzop lzma lzip
add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
apt-fast -y update
apt-fast -y install oracle-java8-installer
> follow instruction on the GUI part of the installer, wait for it to finish.
apt-fast -y install oracle-java8-unlimited-jce-policy oracle-java8-set-default
!!!!! it is best to avoid your installation of VirtualBox-Tools
!!!!! it messes with the mouse position over the screen.
!!!!! there is an old ("opensource") version already installed on the system that allows you to run the 'no shared-folders bug workaround'.
>mount the VirtualBox-Tools CD.
>either the CD-folder will open || or you should open it yourself, right click the window to open it 'as admin', then right-click it again to view it 'in terminal', type './', click [ENTER].
>it will first remove the default (plain) virtual-tools installed as part of Ubuntu-packages, next enter 'yes' (when asked to...) and enable all features, including ones that requires compiling kernel-elements.
>reboot and check the window-size of the Host-machine and the Client-machine are fine.
>create a VirtualBox-snapshot ("ready").
No shared-folders bug workaround:
> Go to 'Control-Panel' / 'Lite User Manager', add your user ("me") to "vboxsf" group, reboot.
sudo EDITOR=gedit visudo
>replace all user and groups end with
>add at the bottom
open terminal on your Desktop folder
touch ""
echo "1" | sudo -S chmod 777 ""
gedit ""
> enter the following text (assuming your root password is "1"):
echo "1" | sudo -S systemctl start vboxadd-service.service
echo "1" | sudo -S systemctl enable vboxadd-service.service
> double-click the "" file to enable Shared-folders.
> you can save a snapshot of the running linux so you won't need to re-run it again and again for temp.-jobs.
> note that adding those lines to .bashrc won't work for some reason...
>power-down the machine.
>optimize the hard-disk files of the virtual-machine using (for example): (see )
start /abovenormal /max "cmd /c "call C:\PROGRA~1\Oracle\VIRTUA~1\VBOXMA~1.EXE modifymedium disk c:\v\u64\u64.vdi --compact ""
>start the virtual-machine, cold boot if all is OK, delete all of the VirtualBox-snapshots ("ready" and older), create a new one ("ready"), power-down the machine and let it go to the snapshot ("ready"), optimize the snapshot files using the command above (modify it for the snapshot files).
here is how to install superr-kitchen
>open terminal (desktop location)
aria2c ""
unzip "" && rm ""
mv "" "superrs-kitchen"
mv _.git .git
mv _.gitignore .gitignore
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update
git submodule update --recursive
git pull --recurse-submodules
original notes...
git clone
cd superrs-kitchen
mkdir superr_originalupdate
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