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Last active December 16, 2015 04:28
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% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% File : ExtendedKalmanFilterLocalization.m
% Discription : Mobible robot localization sample code with
% Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
% Environment : Matlab
% Author : Atsushi Sakai
% Copyright (c): 2013 Atsushi Sakai
% License : Modified BSD Software License Agreement
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [] = ExtendedKalmanFilterLocalization()
close all;
clear all;
disp('Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) sample program start!!')
time = 0;
endtime = 60; % [sec]
global dt;
dt = 0.1; % [sec]
nSteps = ceil((endtime - time)/dt);
% State Vector [x y yaw v]'
xEst=[0 0 0 0]';
% True State
% Dead Reckoning
% Observation vector [x y yaw v]'
z=[0 0 0 0]';
% Covariance Matrix for motion
Q=diag([0.1 0.1 toRadian(1) 0.05]).^2;
% Covariance Matrix for observation
R=diag([1.5 1.5 toRadian(3) 0.05]).^2;
% Simulation parameter
global Qsigma
Qsigma=diag([0.1 0.1 toRadian(10) 0.05]).^2;
global Rsigma
Rsigma=diag([1.5 1.5 toRadian(3) 0.05]).^2;
PEst = eye(4);
% Main loop
for i=1 : nSteps
time = time + dt;
% Input
% Observation
[z xTrue xd w]=Observation(xTrue, xd, u, time);
% ------ Kalman Filter --------
% Predict
F=jacobF(xEst, u);
xPred = f(xEst, u, w);
PPred= F*PEst*F' + Q;
% Update
y = z - h(xPred,0);
S = H*PPred*H' + R;
K = PPred*H'*inv(S);
xEst = xPred + K*y;
PEst = (eye(size(xEst,1)) - K*H)*PPred;
if rem(i,5)==0 %アニメーションデータの間引き
plot(xTrue(1),xTrue(2),'.b');hold on;
plot(z(1),z(2),'.g');hold on;
plot(xd(1),xd(2),'.k');hold on;
plot(xEst(1),xEst(2),'.r');hold on;
axis equal;
grid on;
% Simulation Result
result.time=[result.time; time];
result.xTrue=[result.xTrue; xTrue'];
result.xd=[result.xd; xd'];
result.z=[result.z; z'];
result.PEst=[result.PEst; diag(PEst)'];
result.u=[result.u; u'];
% Motion Model
function x = f(x, u, w)
global dt;
F = [1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0];
B = [
dt*cos(x(3)) 0
dt*sin(x(3)) 0
0 dt
1 0];
x= F*x+B*u+w;
% Jacobian of Motion Model
function jF = jacobF(x, u)
global dt;
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
-dt*u(1)*sin(x(3)) dt*cos(x(3)) 1 0
dt*u(1)*cos(x(3)) dt*sin(x(3)) 0 1];
%Observation Model
function z = h(x, v)
H = [1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 ];
%Jacobian of Observation Model
function jH = jacobH(x)
jH =[1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1];
%Calc Input Parameter
function u = doControl(time)
T=2; % [sec]
% [V yawrate]
V=1.0; % [m/s]
yawrate = 5; % [deg/s]
u =[ V*(1-exp(-time/T)) toRadian(yawrate)*(1-exp(-time/T))]';
%Calc Observation from noise prameter
function [z, x, xd, w] = Observation(x, xd, u, time, dt)
global Qsigma;
global Rsigma;
xx=f(x, u, w);
z=h(xx, Rsigma*randn(4,1));
xd=f(xd, u, w);
x=f(x, u, 0);
%Plot Result
function []=DrawGraph(result)
x=[ result.xTrue(:,1:2) result.xEst(:,1:2) result.z(:,1:2)];
set(gca, 'fontsize', 16, 'fontname', 'times');
plot(x(:,5), x(:,6),'.g','linewidth', 4); hold on;
plot(x(:,1), x(:,2),'-.b','linewidth', 4); hold on;
plot(x(:,3), x(:,4),'r','linewidth', 4); hold on;
plot(result.xd(:,1), result.xd(:,2),'--k','linewidth', 4); hold on;
title('EKF Localization Result', 'fontsize', 16, 'fontname', 'times');
xlabel('X (m)', 'fontsize', 16, 'fontname', 'times');
ylabel('Y (m)', 'fontsize', 16, 'fontname', 'times');
legend('GPS','Ground Truth','EKF','Dead Reckoning');
grid on;
axis equal;
% degree to radian
function radian = toRadian(degree)
radian = degree/180*pi;
% radian to degree
function degree = toDegree(radian)
degree = radian/pi*180;
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