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Last active July 7, 2024 12:37
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  • Save AveYo/e98a6284d6ab2ba4ad725d605d23fd3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AveYo/e98a6284d6ab2ba4ad725d605d23fd3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steam minimal resource usage after removal of -no-browser & -vgui options. Enter script in powershell then use Steam_min shortcut on Desktop instead
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) & timeout /t 7 & exit /b
$found = $false; $utf8 = new-object Text.UTF8Encoding $false
$userdata = join-path (gp HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam SteamPath -ea 0).SteamPath 'userdata'; pushd $userdata;
dir -rec -file localconfig.vdf |% {
$cfg = $_; $data = [io.file]::ReadAllLines($cfg, $utf8); $ok = $true
if (($data |% {$_ -like '*OverlaySavedData*'}) -notcontains $true) { echo "$cfg : no steam overlay saved data"; $ok = $false }
if ($ok) { if (get-process -name Steam -ea 0) { start -wait "$(split-path $userdata)\Steam.exe" -args '-shutdown' } }
if ($ok) { while (get-process -name Steam -ea 0) { sleep 1; echo "." } }
if ($ok) { del -force $cfg -ea 0; if (test-path $cfg) { echo "$cfg : cannot write to file"; $ok = $false } }
if ($ok) { $data |where {$_ -notlike '*OverlaySavedData*'} |% { [io.file]::AppendAllLines($cfg, [string[]]$_, $utf8) } }
if ($ok) { write-host "$cfg : steam overlay saved data cleared" }
# can enter directly in powershell
@(set '(=)||' <# lean and mean cmd / powershell hybrid #> @'
:: makes 2 Desktop shortcuts: Steam_min - use with auto-login; Steam_login - use if auto-login is not enabled and dialog is black
:: after opening Store, leave the page on Discovery Queue menu, then switch to Library and/or enable Small Mode for best idle RAM
@echo off & title steamwebhelper_min || AveYo 2023.08.02
if 1%STEAMWEBHELPER_OFFLINE% gtr 10 (set OFFLINE=--proxy-server=localhost) else (set OFFLINE=--disable-background-networking)
if 1%USE_NEW_INGAME_OVERLAY% gtr 10 (set OVERLAY=) else (set OVERLAY=-vgui)
set ARGS_CEF=--enable-low-end-device-mode --disable-low-res-tiling \"--renderer-process-limit=1\" --aggressive %OFFLINE%
set ARGS_LNK=-cef-disable-gpu -no-dwrite -skipinitialbootstrap -quicklogin -oldtraymenu -silent %OVERLAY%
set ARGS_LNK_MIN=-cef-single-process %ARGS_LNK%
set ARGS_LNK_LOGIN=-cef-in-process-gpu -userchooser %ARGS_LNK%
for /f "tokens=2*" %%R in ('reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam /v SteamPath 2^>nul') do for %%A in ("%%~S") do set "STEAM=%%~fA"
set "CEF32=%STEAM%\bin\cef\cef.win7" & set "CEF64=%STEAM%\bin\cef\cef.win7x64"
pushd "%STEAM%\bin\cef" & (for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir steamwebhelper.exe /a:-D /b /s /oD') do set "CEF=%%~dpA") & popd
if not exist "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper.exe" set "CEF64=%CEF:~0,-1%"
if not exist "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper.exe" if not exist "%CEF32%\steamwebhelper.exe" echo; Steam CEF not found! & pause & exit /b
goto setup
2023.07.13: remove -noshaders
2023.07.17: add --disable-gpu to fix --enable-low-end-device-mode after last steam update
2023.07.24: add Steam_login shortcut to fix black dialog when auto-login is not used - vgui but disables single-process so +100MB
: disable useless breakpad reporting process, valve does not give a damn about high memory usage issue
2023.08.02: rip -vgui and 32bit cef, must use old client for it! this script will help both
: remove -cef-disable-breakpad as it was generating dumps for no reason
::# elevate with native shell by AveYo
>nul reg add hkcu\software\classes\.Admin\shell\runas\command /f /ve /d "cmd /x /d /r set \"f0=%%2\"& call \"%%2\" %%3"& set _= %*
>nul fltmc|| if "%f0%" neq "%~f0" (cd.>"%temp%\runas.Admin" & start "%~n0" /high "%temp%\runas.Admin" "%~f0" "%_:"=""%" & exit /b)
::# lean xp+ color macros by AveYo: %<%:af " hello "%>>% & %<%:cf " w\"or\"ld "%>% for single \ / " use .%|%\ .%|%/ \"%|%\"
for /f "delims=:" %%s in ('echo;prompt $h$s$h:^|cmd /d') do set "|=%%s"&set ">>=\..\c nul&set /p s=%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s<nul&popd"
set "<=pushd "%appdata%"&2>nul findstr /c:\ /a" &set ">=%>>%&echo;" &set "|=%|:~0,1%" &set /p s=\<nul>"%appdata%\c"
::# toggle when launched without arguments, else jump to arguments: "install" or "remove"
set CLI=%*& (set IFEO=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options)
if /i "%CLI%"=="" reg query "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe\0" /v Debugger >nul 2>nul && goto remove || goto install
if /i "%~1"=="install" (goto install) else if /i "%~1"=="remove" goto remove
reg add "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe\0" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe\0" /f /v Debugger /d "\"%CEF64%\steamwebhelper_min.exe\" %ARGS_CEF% --ignore=" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe\1" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%CEF32%\steamwebhelper.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe\1" /f /v Debugger /d "\"%CEF32%\steamwebhelper_min.exe\" %ARGS_CEF% --ignore=" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter.exe" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter.exe\0" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%STEAM%\steamerrorreporter.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter.exe\0" /f /v Debugger /d "%SystemRoot%\System32\systray.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter64.exe" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter64.exe\0" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%STEAM%\steamerrorreporter64.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter64.exe\0" /f /v Debugger /d "%SystemRoot%\System32\systray.exe" >nul
tasklist /fi "imagename eq Steam.exe" | findstr /i Steam.exe >nul && start "s" "%STEAM%\Steam.exe" -shutdown
rd /s /q "%STEAM%\dumps" >nul 2>nul
if not exist "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper_min.exe" mklink /h "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper_min.exe" "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper.exe" >nul
if not exist "%CEF32%\steamwebhelper_min.exe" mklink /h "%CEF32%\steamwebhelper_min.exe" "%CEF32%\steamwebhelper.exe" >nul
set lnk_min1= $l=join-path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) '\Steam_min.lnk';
set lnk_min2= $s=(new-object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut($l);
set lnk_min3= $s.TargetPath=join-path $env:STEAM '\Steam.exe'; $s.Arguments=$env:ARGS_LNK_MIN; $s.Save();
set lnk_login1= $l=join-path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) '\Steam_login.lnk';
set lnk_login2= $s=(new-object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut($l);
set lnk_login3= $s.TargetPath=join-path $env:STEAM '\Steam.exe'; $s.Arguments=$env:ARGS_LNK_LOGIN; $s.Save();
powershell -nop -c %lnk_min1% %lnk_min2% %lnk_min3% %lnk_login1% %lnk_login2% %lnk_login3%
%<%:f0 " steamwebhelper_min 2023.08.02 "%>>% & %<%:2f " INSTALLED "%>>% & %<%:f0 " run again to remove "%>%
if /i "%CLI%"=="" timeout /t 7
exit /b
reg delete "%IFEO%\steamwebhelper.exe" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter.exe" /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete "%IFEO%\steamerrorreporter64.exe" /f >nul 2>nul
del /f /q "%CEF32%\steamwebhelper_min.exe" "%CEF64%\steamwebhelper_min.exe" >nul 2>nul
%<%:f0 " steamwebhelper_min 2023.08.02 "%>>% & %<%:df " REMOVED "%>>% & %<%:f0 " run again to install "%>%
if /i "%CLI%"=="" timeout /t 7
exit /b
'@); $0 = "$env:temp\steamwebhelper_min.bat"; ${(=)||} -split "\r?\n" | out-file $0 -encoding default -force; & $0
# press enter
* text=auto
* eol=crlf
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AveYo commented Jul 17, 2023

2023.07.17: add --disable-gpu to fix --enable-low-end-device-mode rendering everything black after last steam update

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AveYo commented Jul 23, 2023

I have added steamwebhelper_min_noautologin.bat variant for those that do not save credentials and get a black screen at login (probably bugged under windows 11)

The variant uses @set /a USE_NEW_INGAME_OVERLAY=1 so it disables -vgui mode for the old ui

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AveYo commented Jul 24, 2023

Back to just one script, but it makes 2 Desktop shortcuts:
Steam_min - use with auto-login for least RAM usage and just 2 processes
Steam_login - use if auto-login is not enabled and dialog is black, +100MB and +4 processes from the start

+disable useless breakpad reporting process, valve does not give a damn about high memory usage issue
+fixed Steam_login

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AveYo commented Aug 2, 2023

rip -vgui I knew it wont take long :( but you can still use an old client and this script will help it too

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AveYo commented Aug 2, 2023

Removed -cef-disable-breakpad as it was generating dumps for no reason

Hint: after opening Store, leave the page on Discovery Queue menu, then switch to Library and/or enable Small Mode for best idle RAM (under 200MB with a small library - a far-cry from -no-browser and then -vgui)

I don't see a way to address it other than inserting js into steamui\index.html

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AveYo commented Aug 3, 2023

added usteam_overlay_clear.bat for those pesky steam browser windows running in overlay that you forget about ;)
and no, you're not crazy, sometimes it loads content without any visible browser window in the overlay!

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nyaruku commented Aug 14, 2023

POG, gonna test it

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nyaruku commented Aug 14, 2023

kinda works, there are FAR LESS webhelper processes running

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TecnikOfficial commented Aug 17, 2023

he just combined all webhelper process to one ram usage is still the same ... it used to be great but after steam completely removed old ui this script is not much help

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AveYo commented Aug 17, 2023

@techgamers2, it's not the same over long term usage and with large libraries, the ram clearing triggers faster and goes more aggressive

added .gitattributes because github is stupid and still forces LF line-endings for windows file extensions

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@AveYo i used it, worked good. but i want to update a game and need to revert to original steam, how do i do that?

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AveYo commented Sep 1, 2023

@ammarpvl29 simply run the script again and it will undo the changes

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appreciate it man, thanks!

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valve need to wake up, 15% of my Ryzen 5 3600 is fucking too much for a launcher that should do NOTHING idle.

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@AveYo cant open steam anymore with shortcut, was working month ago. steamwebhelper, a critical Steam component, is not responding. The Steam UI will not be usable.

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AveYo commented Sep 19, 2023

@tosunkaya, works just fine over here. simply run the script again, it will undo it's changes.
then can run it again to redo-it

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@AveYo already did. and still not working. was working 1 month ago.

Steam Version: 1694466342
Steam Client Build Date: Tue, Sep 12 00:51 UTC -08:00
Steam Web Build Date: Sun, Sep 10 02:01 UTC -08:00

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AveYo commented Sep 19, 2023

Maybe your AV interferes with?

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I dont have any av. Maybe steam changed something in newer versions.

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AveYo commented Sep 19, 2023

Steam Version: 1694466342
Steam Client Build Date: Tue, Sep 12 00:51 UTC -08:00
Steam Web Build Date: Sun, Sep 10 02:01 UTC -08:00
Same. Windows 11 22621.2338

Anyway, it's no longer very helpful in recent steam versions.
I have something much effective planned.

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Cant wait to see.
I'm Interested

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Steam Version: 1694466342
Steam Client Build Date: Tue, Sep 12 00:51 UTC -08:00
Steam Web Build Date: Sun, Sep 10 02:01 UTC -08:00
Same. Windows 11 22621.2338

Anyway, it's no longer very helpful in recent steam versions. I have something much effective planned.

Would you happen to know how to scrape the parameters that currently work? The latest copy of the parameters I can find is, but Steam broke a whole lot of them in the recent updates.

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AveYo commented Oct 12, 2023

@ImportTaste I use GetLaunchOptions.bat script
run it once and it will add itself to Send to right-click menu
then, right-click Steam folder, Send to, GetLaunchOptions and it will generate a subfolder _LAUNCHOPTIONS_ with all the exe's and dll's text-mined and a summary @LAUNCH_OPTIONS.ini that opens automatically in notepad
I usually just drag exe and dll of interest in a new folder and do it that way to speed things up

But specifically about Steam, there are no longer useful launch options. The (very-old) chromium behind the scenes is left unchecked and that's why it often leaks / does not release memory.

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@AveYo on Sep 19

Anyway, it's no longer very helpful in recent steam versions. I have something much effective planned.

Today I learned, through unfortunate circumstances, that @AllowSkipGameUpdate was removed; so, I wanted to ask you about what you said here since I'm quite fed up with the Steam client at this point.

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xamionex commented Dec 27, 2023

Made the code a little more readable and added some QoL my friends would like :P
Gonna be using this until OpenSteamClient gets remade :D

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check this out:
it works good
after launching a game webhelper will disappear

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3nly commented Mar 1, 2024

check this out: it works good after launching a game webhelper will disappear

Does anyone have a solution in March of 2024? Aetopia has stopped updating NoSteamWebHelper, was working fine previously.

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check this out: it works good after launching a game webhelper will disappear

Does anyone have a solution in March of 2024? Aetopia has stopped updating NoSteamWebHelper, was working fine previously.

Oh god damnit.

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