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Created September 13, 2011 04:12
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21:04 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ ls
Isolate Rakefile bootstrap doc log script vendor
README app config db lib public tmp
21:11 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ ls Gemfile
ls: Gemfile: No such file or directory
21:11 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ gem uninstall bundler
You have requested to uninstall the gem:
rails-3.1.0 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]
thor-0.14.6 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]
If you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.
Continue with Uninstall? [Yn] y
Remove executables:
in addition to the gem? [Yn] y
Removing bundle
Successfully uninstalled bundler-1.0.18
21:11 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ rake
(in /Users/bjclark/Development/rails_app)
rake aborted!
Could not find bundler (~> 1.0) amongst [actionmailer-3.1.0, actionpack-3.1.0, activemodel-3.1.0, activerecord-3.1.0, activeresource-3.1.0, activesupport-3.1.0, arel-2.2.1, bcrypt-ruby-3.0.1, builder-3.0.0, configuration-1.2.0, daemon_controller-0.2.6, diff-lcs-1.1.3, erubis-2.7.0, fastthread-1.0.7, file-tail-1.0.6, ghost-0.2.8, heroku-2.2.2, hike-1.2.1, i18n-0.6.0, isolate-3.2.0, isolate-3.0.0, launchy-0.4.0, mail-2.3.0, mime-types-1.16, multi_json-1.0.3, passenger-3.0.7, passenger-3.0.0.pre4, polyglot-0.3.2, ppane-0.1.1, rack-1.3.2, rack-1.3.1, rack-cache-1.0.3, rack-mount-0.8.3, rack-ssl-1.3.2, rack-test-0.6.1, rails-3.1.0, railties-3.1.0, rake-0.9.2, rake-0.8.7, rdoc-3.9.4, rest-client-1.6.1, rspec-2.6.0, rspec-core-2.6.4, rspec-expectations-2.6.0, rspec-mocks-2.6.0, rspec-rails-2.6.1, sprockets-2.0.0, spruz-0.2.11, term-ansicolor-1.0.5, thor-0.14.6, tilt-1.3.3, treetop-1.4.10, tzinfo-0.3.29]
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
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