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<!--- I'd like this --->
<label for="merchant_name">Name
<input id="merchant_name" name="merchant[name]" size="30" type="text" /></label>
<label for="merchant_subdomain">Subdomain
<input id="merchant_subdomain" name="merchant[subdomain]" size="30" type="text" />
<span class='subdomain'></span>.chargify.local is currently <span class='availability'>available.</span>
<label for="merchant_email">Email
<input id="merchant_email" name="merchant[email]" size="30" type="text" /></label>
$("#loc-adv a").click(function(){
return false;
it "should return contest_ends_at in the proper time zone" do
e = Factory(:event)
e.contest_ends_at.utc_oftset.should ==
NoMethodError: undefined method `utc_oftset' for Mon Mar 01 15:59:59 UTC 2010:Time
$ wc -l app/controllers/legacy_controller.rb; cat spec/controllers/legacy_controller_spec.rb
83 app/controllers/legacy_controller.rb
cat: spec/controllers/legacy_controller_spec.rb: No such file or directory
We couldn’t find that file to show.
<title>Create and share movies of your drawings and voice! -- Show &amp; Tell for iPad</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/master.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8">
<ul class='highlights'>
$ file -I src/cli/_generator_test.rb
src/cli/_generator_test.rb: text/x-c++; charset=unknown-8bit
$ gem uninstall bundler
You have requested to uninstall the gem:
rails-3.1.0 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]
thor-0.14.6 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]
20:35 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ gem uninstall bundler
You have requested to uninstall the gem:
rails-3.1.0 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]
thor-0.14.6 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]
If you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.
Continue with Uninstall? [Yn] Y
Remove executables:
21:04 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ ls
Isolate Rakefile bootstrap doc log script vendor
README app config db lib public tmp
21:11 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ ls Gemfile
ls: Gemfile: No such file or directory
21:11 ~/Development/rails_app (master)$ gem uninstall bundler
You have requested to uninstall the gem:
rails-3.1.0 depends on [bundler (~> 1.0)]