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Created April 4, 2023 19:06
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Find usages of logos in OpenSearch
import { Octokit } from 'octokit'
const LOGOS = [
const APP_LOGOS = [
const octokit = new Octokit({
throttle: {
onRateLimit: (retryAfter: number, options: any) => {
if (options.request.retryCount < 5) {
// retry up to 5 times
return true;
onSecondaryRateLimit: (retryAfter: number, options: any) => {
if (options.request.retryCount < 5) {
// retry up to 5 times
return true;
type RawData = {
path: string
html_url: string
repository: {
full_name: string
type FormattedData = {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: {
html_url: string
count: number
function formatData(data: RawData[]): FormattedData {
let repos: FormattedData = {}
for (const item of data) {
const path = item.path
const full_name = item.repository.full_name
if (full_name === 'opensearch-project/oui') {
if (!repos.hasOwnProperty(full_name)) {
repos[full_name] = {}
if (!repos[full_name].hasOwnProperty(path)) {
repos[full_name][path] = {
html_url: item.html_url,
count: 0,
return repos
function countPoints(data: FormattedData): number {
let count = 0
for (const repo of Object.keys(data)) {
const repoCount = Object.keys(data[repo]).length
count += repoCount
return count
function logData(search: string, count: number, data: FormattedData) {
console.log(`There are ${count} match(es) for \`${search}\`:`)
for (const repo of Object.keys(data)) {
console.log(` * In \`${repo}\` there is:`)
for (const match of Object.keys(data[repo])) {
const info = data[repo][match]
console.log(` * ${info.count} match(es) in [\`${match}\`](${info.html_url})`)
async function searchList(list: string[]) {
for (const logo of list) {
const result = await{
q: `${logo} in:file org:opensearch-project`.replace(' ', '+')
const data = formatData(
const count = countPoints(data)
if (count === 0) {
logData(logo, count, data)
async function run() {
console.log('# Usage of logos')
await searchList(LOGOS)
console.log('# Usage of app logos')
await searchList(APP_LOGOS)
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