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apache / xampp load configs from given dir for multiple projects (for OSX / Linux as well)
# you might need to comment out the block about the default htdocs handling (directory directive)
# do not forget to listen to port :80 as well - for diffrerent ports or IPs, add aditional `Listen ...` directives below the one available
Listen :80
# all config files at target dir
Include "D:/GitHub clients/xampp-vhost.*.conf"
# do not forget to add the server name to your /etc/hosts file
# project1.test.local
# Note: 1. Test the config before reloading `httpd -t` or `apachectl configtest`!
# 2. You need to soft reload the config or restart apache.
# `apachectl -k graceful` or `httpd -k graceful` (idled threads will use the new config)
# `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload` or `sudo service apache2 reload` (kills threads)
<VirtualHost project1.test.local:80>
ServerName project1.test.local
ServerAlias www.project1.test.local
ServerAdmin webmaster@test.local
DocumentRoot "D:/GitHub clients/Template_Basic_Project-Pug_Less/www"
ErrorLog "D:/GitHub clients/Template_Basic_Project-Pug_Less-error.log"
CustomLog "D:/GitHub clients/Template_Basic_Project-Pug_Less-access.log" common
<Directory "D:/GitHub clients/Template_Basic_Project-Pug_Less/www">
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
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