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Last active July 18, 2024 21:25
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kaboomjs / kaplay with nuxt

Bug Report: marklovers/kaplay#259 and Test Case

NOTE: Problem does seem to be fixed: npm i kaplay@3001.0.0-alpha.18 or npm i github:marklovers/kaplay

'-> see VARIATION0__

With the above, all commands will be available in the app.vue AND npm run build && npm run preview will work !

How? It uses the dist kaboom.js file at runtime (which injects its commands into the global scope).

Note: importing the kaplay module would prevent the project from building - this here is the solution (KaPlay v.3001.0.0-alpha.17 ).


  • no package install needed
  • Warning: any kaplay command will not get its type info due to the KaboomCtx["_k"] crap, but at least shows no error in VSCode.


  • the real feeling (types work)
  • add the module npm i kaplay
  • add the types.d.ts to the tsconfig.json (see below)
  • copy files around (Solution A or B)
    • you can not tell tsconfig.json to include the file from node_modules/.../ since it is in the excluded list from nuxt
  • AND be carefull, otherwise you migh end up with kaplay imports (automatically done by vscode if you autocomplete from kaplay)


  • change package.json and add both postinstall scripts
    • automatically uses the POSTINSTALL script on each npm i execution - should actually help with copying the files to their destinations
    • windows: you might need to tell npm to use pwsh to work:
      • npm config set script-shell pwsh --userconfig ./.npmrc


  • you need to install the package and copy stuff around manually, each time you do updates or alike with npm
    • copy the ./node_modules/kaplay/dist/declaration/ files into the ./types/kaplay/ folder
    • copy the ./node_modules/kaplay/dist/kaboom.js and .map file file into the ./pulbic/* folder
needed for VARIATION 1 and 2, but not 0
<template lang="pug">
<script lang="ts">
export default defineNuxtComponent({
mounted() {
// Load assets
loadSprite("bean", "/sprites/bean.png");
export default defineNuxtConfig({
devtools: { enabled: true },
compatibilityDate: "2024-07-15",
app: {
head: {
script: [
//* not needed anymore ( see VARIATION0__ )
//src: "",
src: "/kaboom.js",
//defer: true --- DON'T
no `nuxt.config.ts` stuff needed.
just install the `kaplay` node module
<template lang="pug">
<script lang="ts">
import kaplay from 'kaplay';
// import types for "global" usage, not needed for local scope usage
import './node_modules/kaplay/dist/declaration/global.d.ts';
export default defineNuxtComponent({
mounted() {
//* load into local scope
//const KAPLAY = kaplay({global: false});
//let {loadSprite, add, pos, center, width, height, mousePos, onClick, text, sprite, onKeyDown} = KAPLAY; // add to local scope
//* load globally (attaches to the window object)
// globally used
loadSprite("bean", "/sprites/bean.png");
// ...
// prevent TS errors in app.vue
// taken from the kaplay/dist/declaration/global.d.ts
import { KaboomCtx } from "kaplay/dist/declaration/types.d.ts"
declare global {
const _k: KaboomCtx["_k"]
const add: KaboomCtx["add"]
const make: KaboomCtx["make"]
const readd: KaboomCtx["readd"]
const get: KaboomCtx["get"]
const query: KaboomCtx["query"]
const destroy: KaboomCtx["destroy"]
const destroyAll: KaboomCtx["destroyAll"]
const pos: KaboomCtx["pos"]
const scale: KaboomCtx["scale"]
const rotate: KaboomCtx["rotate"]
const color: KaboomCtx["color"]
const opacity: KaboomCtx["opacity"]
const sprite: KaboomCtx["sprite"]
const text: KaboomCtx["text"]
const polygon: KaboomCtx["polygon"]
const rect: KaboomCtx["rect"]
const circle: KaboomCtx["circle"]
const uvquad: KaboomCtx["uvquad"]
const area: KaboomCtx["area"]
const anchor: KaboomCtx["anchor"]
const z: KaboomCtx["z"]
const layer: KaboomCtx["layer"]
const outline: KaboomCtx["outline"]
const particles: KaboomCtx["particles"]
const body: KaboomCtx["body"]
const doubleJump: KaboomCtx["doubleJump"]
const move: KaboomCtx["move"]
const offscreen: KaboomCtx["offscreen"]
const follow: KaboomCtx["follow"]
const shader: KaboomCtx["shader"]
const timer: KaboomCtx["timer"]
const fixed: KaboomCtx["fixed"]
const stay: KaboomCtx["stay"]
const health: KaboomCtx["health"]
const lifespan: KaboomCtx["lifespan"]
const named: KaboomCtx["named"]
const state: KaboomCtx["state"]
const fadeIn: KaboomCtx["fadeIn"]
const mask: KaboomCtx["mask"]
const drawon: KaboomCtx["drawon"]
const tile: KaboomCtx["tile"]
const agent: KaboomCtx["agent"]
const sentry: KaboomCtx["sentry"]
const patrol: KaboomCtx["patrol"]
const navigation: KaboomCtx["navigation"]
const raycast: KaboomCtx["raycast"]
const on: KaboomCtx["on"]
const onUpdate: KaboomCtx["onUpdate"]
const onDraw: KaboomCtx["onDraw"]
const onAdd: KaboomCtx["onAdd"]
const onDestroy: KaboomCtx["onDestroy"]
const onLoad: KaboomCtx["onLoad"]
const onLoading: KaboomCtx["onLoading"]
const onError: KaboomCtx["onError"]
const onResize: KaboomCtx["onResize"]
const onCleanup: KaboomCtx["onCleanup"]
const onGamepadConnect: KaboomCtx["onGamepadConnect"]
const onGamepadDisconnect: KaboomCtx["onGamepadDisconnect"]
const onCollide: KaboomCtx["onCollide"]
const onCollideUpdate: KaboomCtx["onCollideUpdate"]
const onCollideEnd: KaboomCtx["onCollideEnd"]
const onClick: KaboomCtx["onClick"]
const onHover: KaboomCtx["onHover"]
const onHoverUpdate: KaboomCtx["onHoverUpdate"]
const onHoverEnd: KaboomCtx["onHoverEnd"]
const onKeyDown: KaboomCtx["onKeyDown"]
const onKeyPress: KaboomCtx["onKeyPress"]
const onKeyPressRepeat: KaboomCtx["onKeyPressRepeat"]
const onKeyRelease: KaboomCtx["onKeyRelease"]
const onCharInput: KaboomCtx["onCharInput"]
const onMouseDown: KaboomCtx["onMouseDown"]
const onMousePress: KaboomCtx["onMousePress"]
const onMouseRelease: KaboomCtx["onMouseRelease"]
const onMouseMove: KaboomCtx["onMouseMove"]
const onTouchStart: KaboomCtx["onTouchStart"]
const onTouchMove: KaboomCtx["onTouchMove"]
const onTouchEnd: KaboomCtx["onTouchEnd"]
const onScroll: KaboomCtx["onScroll"]
const onHide: KaboomCtx["onHide"]
const onShow: KaboomCtx["onShow"]
const onGamepadButtonDown: KaboomCtx["onGamepadButtonDown"]
const onGamepadButtonPress: KaboomCtx["onGamepadButtonPress"]
const onGamepadButtonRelease: KaboomCtx["onGamepadButtonRelease"]
const onGamepadStick: KaboomCtx["onGamepadStick"]
const onButtonPress: KaboomCtx["onButtonPress"]
const onButtonRelease: KaboomCtx["onButtonRelease"]
const onButtonDown: KaboomCtx["onButtonDown"]
const onSceneLeave: KaboomCtx["onSceneLeave"]
const getSceneName: KaboomCtx["getSceneName"]
const loadRoot: KaboomCtx["loadRoot"]
const loadSprite: KaboomCtx["loadSprite"]
const loadSpriteAtlas: KaboomCtx["loadSpriteAtlas"]
const loadAseprite: KaboomCtx["loadAseprite"]
const loadPedit: KaboomCtx["loadPedit"]
const loadBean: KaboomCtx["loadBean"]
const loadJSON: KaboomCtx["loadJSON"]
const loadSound: KaboomCtx["loadSound"]
const loadMusic: KaboomCtx["loadMusic"]
const loadFont: KaboomCtx["loadFont"]
const loadBitmapFont: KaboomCtx["loadBitmapFont"]
const loadShader: KaboomCtx["loadShader"]
const loadShaderURL: KaboomCtx["loadShaderURL"]
const load: KaboomCtx["load"]
const loadProgress: KaboomCtx["loadProgress"]
const getSprite: KaboomCtx["getSprite"]
const getSound: KaboomCtx["getSound"]
const getFont: KaboomCtx["getFont"]
const getBitmapFont: KaboomCtx["getBitmapFont"]
const getShader: KaboomCtx["getShader"]
const getAsset: KaboomCtx["getAsset"]
const Asset: KaboomCtx["Asset"]
const SpriteData: KaboomCtx["SpriteData"]
const SoundData: KaboomCtx["SoundData"]
const width: KaboomCtx["width"]
const getTreeRoot: KaboomCtx["getTreeRoot"]
const height: KaboomCtx["height"]
const center: KaboomCtx["center"]
const dt: KaboomCtx["dt"]
const time: KaboomCtx["time"]
const isFocused: KaboomCtx["isFocused"]
const isTouchscreen: KaboomCtx["isTouchscreen"]
const mousePos: KaboomCtx["mousePos"]
const mouseDeltaPos: KaboomCtx["mouseDeltaPos"]
const isKeyDown: KaboomCtx["isKeyDown"]
const isKeyPressed: KaboomCtx["isKeyPressed"]
const isKeyPressedRepeat: KaboomCtx["isKeyPressedRepeat"]
const isKeyReleased: KaboomCtx["isKeyReleased"]
const isMouseDown: KaboomCtx["isMouseDown"]
const isMousePressed: KaboomCtx["isMousePressed"]
const isMouseReleased: KaboomCtx["isMouseReleased"]
const isMouseMoved: KaboomCtx["isMouseMoved"]
const isGamepadButtonPressed: KaboomCtx["isGamepadButtonPressed"]
const isGamepadButtonDown: KaboomCtx["isGamepadButtonDown"]
const isGamepadButtonReleased: KaboomCtx["isGamepadButtonReleased"]
const isButtonPressed: KaboomCtx["isButtonPressed"]
const isButtonDown: KaboomCtx["isButtonDown"]
const isButtonReleased: KaboomCtx["isButtonReleased"]
const getButton: KaboomCtx["getButton"]
const setButton: KaboomCtx["setButton"]
const getGamepadStick: KaboomCtx["getGamepadStick"]
const charInputted: KaboomCtx["charInputted"]
const shake: KaboomCtx["shake"]
const camPos: KaboomCtx["camPos"]
const camScale: KaboomCtx["camScale"]
const camRot: KaboomCtx["camRot"]
const camFlash: KaboomCtx["camFlash"]
const camTransform: KaboomCtx["camTransform"]
const toScreen: KaboomCtx["toScreen"]
const toWorld: KaboomCtx["toWorld"]
const setGravity: KaboomCtx["setGravity"]
const getGravity: KaboomCtx["getGravity"]
const setGravityDirection: KaboomCtx["setGravityDirection"]
const getGravityDirection: KaboomCtx["getGravityDirection"]
const setBackground: KaboomCtx["setBackground"]
const getBackground: KaboomCtx["getBackground"]
const getGamepads: KaboomCtx["getGamepads"]
const setCursor: KaboomCtx["setCursor"]
const getCursor: KaboomCtx["getCursor"]
const setCursorLocked: KaboomCtx["setCursorLocked"]
const isCursorLocked: KaboomCtx["isCursorLocked"]
const setFullscreen: KaboomCtx["setFullscreen"]
const isFullscreen: KaboomCtx["isFullscreen"]
const wait: KaboomCtx["wait"]
const loop: KaboomCtx["loop"]
const play: KaboomCtx["play"]
const burp: KaboomCtx["burp"]
const volume: KaboomCtx["volume"]
const audioCtx: KaboomCtx["audioCtx"]
const rand: KaboomCtx["rand"]
const randi: KaboomCtx["randi"]
const randSeed: KaboomCtx["randSeed"]
const vec2: KaboomCtx["vec2"]
const rgb: KaboomCtx["rgb"]
const hsl2rgb: KaboomCtx["hsl2rgb"]
const quad: KaboomCtx["quad"]
const choose: KaboomCtx["choose"]
const chooseMultiple: KaboomCtx["chooseMultiple"]
const shuffle: KaboomCtx["shuffle"]
const chance: KaboomCtx["chance"]
const lerp: KaboomCtx["lerp"]
const tween: KaboomCtx["tween"]
const easings: KaboomCtx["easings"]
const easingSteps: KaboomCtx["easingSteps"]
const easingLinear: KaboomCtx["easingLinear"]
const easingCubicBezier: KaboomCtx["easingCubicBezier"]
const map: KaboomCtx["map"]
const mapc: KaboomCtx["mapc"]
const wave: KaboomCtx["wave"]
const deg2rad: KaboomCtx["deg2rad"]
const rad2deg: KaboomCtx["rad2deg"]
const clamp: KaboomCtx["clamp"]
const evaluateQuadratic: KaboomCtx["evaluateQuadratic"]
const evaluateQuadraticFirstDerivative: KaboomCtx["evaluateQuadraticFirstDerivative"]
const evaluateQuadraticSecondDerivative: KaboomCtx["evaluateQuadraticSecondDerivative"]
const evaluateBezier: KaboomCtx["evaluateBezier"]
const evaluateBezierFirstDerivative: KaboomCtx["evaluateBezierFirstDerivative"]
const evaluateBezierSecondDerivative: KaboomCtx["evaluateBezierSecondDerivative"]
const evaluateCatmullRom: KaboomCtx["evaluateCatmullRom"]
const evaluateCatmullRomFirstDerivative: KaboomCtx["evaluateCatmullRomFirstDerivative"]
const curveLengthApproximation: KaboomCtx["curveLengthApproximation"]
const normalizedCurve: KaboomCtx["normalizedCurve"]
const testLinePoint: KaboomCtx["testLinePoint"]
const testLineLine: KaboomCtx["testLineLine"]
const testLineCircle: KaboomCtx["testLineCircle"]
const testRectRect: KaboomCtx["testRectRect"]
const testRectLine: KaboomCtx["testRectLine"]
const testRectPoint: KaboomCtx["testRectPoint"]
const testCirclePolygon: KaboomCtx["testCirclePolygon"]
const isConvex: KaboomCtx["isConvex"]
const triangulate: KaboomCtx["triangulate"]
const NavMesh: KaboomCtx["NavMesh"]
const Point: KaboomCtx["Point"]
const Line: KaboomCtx["Line"]
const Rect: KaboomCtx["Rect"]
const Circle: KaboomCtx["Circle"]
const Ellipse: KaboomCtx["Ellipse"]
const Polygon: KaboomCtx["Polygon"]
const Vec2: KaboomCtx["Vec2"]
const Color: KaboomCtx["Color"]
const Mat4: KaboomCtx["Mat4"]
const Quad: KaboomCtx["Quad"]
const RNG: KaboomCtx["RNG"]
const scene: KaboomCtx["scene"]
const go: KaboomCtx["go"]
const layers: KaboomCtx["layers"]
const addLevel: KaboomCtx["addLevel"]
const getData: KaboomCtx["getData"]
const setData: KaboomCtx["setData"]
const drawSprite: KaboomCtx["drawSprite"]
const drawText: KaboomCtx["drawText"]
const drawRect: KaboomCtx["drawRect"]
const drawLine: KaboomCtx["drawLine"]
const drawLines: KaboomCtx["drawLines"]
const drawCurve: KaboomCtx["drawCurve"]
const drawBezier: KaboomCtx["drawBezier"]
const drawTriangle: KaboomCtx["drawTriangle"]
const drawCircle: KaboomCtx["drawCircle"]
const drawEllipse: KaboomCtx["drawEllipse"]
const drawPolygon: KaboomCtx["drawPolygon"]
const drawUVQuad: KaboomCtx["drawUVQuad"]
const drawFormattedText: KaboomCtx["drawFormattedText"]
const drawMasked: KaboomCtx["drawMasked"]
const drawSubtracted: KaboomCtx["drawSubtracted"]
const pushTransform: KaboomCtx["pushTransform"]
const popTransform: KaboomCtx["popTransform"]
const pushTranslate: KaboomCtx["pushTranslate"]
const pushScale: KaboomCtx["pushScale"]
const pushRotate: KaboomCtx["pushRotate"]
const pushMatrix: KaboomCtx["pushMatrix"]
const usePostEffect: KaboomCtx["usePostEffect"]
const formatText: KaboomCtx["formatText"]
const makeCanvas: KaboomCtx["makeCanvas"]
const debug: KaboomCtx["debug"]
const plug: KaboomCtx["plug"]
const screenshot: KaboomCtx["screenshot"]
const download: KaboomCtx["download"]
const downloadText: KaboomCtx["downloadText"]
const downloadJSON: KaboomCtx["downloadJSON"]
const downloadBlob: KaboomCtx["downloadBlob"]
const record: KaboomCtx["record"]
const addKaboom: KaboomCtx["addKaboom"]
const LEFT: KaboomCtx["LEFT"]
const RIGHT: KaboomCtx["RIGHT"]
const UP: KaboomCtx["UP"]
const DOWN: KaboomCtx["DOWN"]
const RED: KaboomCtx["RED"]
const GREEN: KaboomCtx["GREEN"]
const BLUE: KaboomCtx["BLUE"]
const YELLOW: KaboomCtx["YELLOW"]
const MAGENTA: KaboomCtx["MAGENTA"]
const CYAN: KaboomCtx["CYAN"]
const WHITE: KaboomCtx["WHITE"]
const BLACK: KaboomCtx["BLACK"]
const canvas: KaboomCtx["canvas"]
const quit: KaboomCtx["quit"]
const KEvent: KaboomCtx["KEvent"]
const KEventHandler: KaboomCtx["KEventHandler"]
const KEventController: KaboomCtx["KEventController"]
const VERSION: KaboomCtx["VERSION"]
"name": "nuxt",
"private": true,
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"build": "nuxt build",
"dev": "nuxt dev",
"generate": "nuxt generate",
"preview": "nuxt preview",
"postinstall": "nuxt prepare && npm run postinstall-kaplay",
"postinstall-kaplay": "cp ./node_modules/kaplay/dist/kaboom.js ./public/kaboom.js && cp -r ./node_modules/kaplay/dist/declaration/ ./types/kaplay/"
"devDependencies": {
"nuxt": "^3.12.3"
"dependencies": {
"kaplay": "3001.0.0-alpha.17"
"extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json",
// extra needed - this will enable globally all kaplay types (the global.d.ts will just silence the functions but will not enable the types)
"files": ["./types/kaplay/types.d.ts"],
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