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Last active January 17, 2023 15:45
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Shows strings as a table to be selectable by navigating with arrow keys

Create Menu


To use it in your own scripts, just load it as module, to make the function available

New-Module -Name "Create Menu" -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(""))) | Out-Null


Loading module example.

New-Module -Name "Create Menu" -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(""))) | Out-Null

$check = Create-Menu no,yes "Want it?" 1

echo ("you " + ($check ? "do" : "do not") + " want it")

... More examples in the module, like ...

Bildschirm­foto 2023-01-06 um 15 46 19

Function Create-Menu() {
Shows strings as a table to be selectable by navigating with arrow keys
Version 1.0.3
Author: Nabil Redmann (BananaAcid)
License: ISC
array of strings
.PARAMETER MenuOptions <String[]>
Takes an array with selections (must be more then one)
.PARAMETER Title <Null|ScriptBlock|String>
Takes a string or a scriptblock, use $global:varname to link to Title, Footer or CallbackSelection (available vars: $Selection, $SelectionValue, $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput, $global:*)
.PARAMETER Selected <Null|Integer>
Initial string to select
.PARAMETER Footer <Null|ScriptBlock|String>
Takes a string or a scriptblock (available vars: $Selection, $SelectionValue, $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput, $global:*)
.PARAMETER CallbackSelection <Null|ScriptBlock>
If you want to trigger something on selection or a key, or change the $MenuOptions/$Selection, return $True to exit and return $False to exit and do -CleanHost (available vars: $Selection, $SelectionValue, $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput, $KeyInput, $global:*) (default: Null)
.PARAMETER Columns <"Auto"|Integer>
Define how many columns should be shown (default: "Auto")
.PARAMETER MaximumColumnWidth <"Auto"|Integer>
The maximum amount of chars in a cell should be displayed, if to large, '...' will be appended
(default: "Auto" if Columns is a number, results in "20" if Columns is "Auto")
.PARAMETER ShowCurrentSelection <Boolean>
Shows the current selection text in full length in the console title (default: $True)
Without, will output the index of the selection, otherwise the selected string (default: $False)
.PARAMETER ReturnObject
Returns Selection index, SelectionValue string, MenuOptions string[] of maybe modified items, MenuOptionsInput string[] of input strings, Items object of {"Name" maybe modified,"Index","Input" originial string} -- has a higher priority then PassThrou
.PARAMETER BackgroundColor <Cyan|ConsoleColor>
Color for the selection (default: Cyan)
.PARAMETER ForegroundColor <Black|ConsoleColor>
Color for the selection (default: Black)
.PARAMETER ForegroundColorTitle <Cyan|ConsoleColor>
Color for the title (default: Cyan)
.PARAMETER ForegroundColorFooter <Black|ConsoleColor>
Color for the footer (default: Black)
.PARAMETER CleanHost <Boolean>
Will clear the menu after selecting from the terminal (default: False)
Default is the index of the selected string, using -PassThrou it will be the selected string
import-module ./create-menu.ps1
ls | Create-Menu
show all files as a selection and return its index upon selecting
New-Module -Name "Create Menu" -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(""))) | Out-Null
ls | Create-Menu
show all files as a selection and return its index upon selecting. Loading from remote location.
$check = Create-Menu no,yes "Want it?" 1
Shortest version. "no" first, becuase index 0 is equal to false. the "1" selects index 1 initially
$check = Create-Menu @("no","yes") -Title "Want it?" -Selected 1
Longer version
ls | create-menu -passthrou -T "Show Content:" |% {cat $_}
Outputs a filename's contents after selecting
echo "Select a letter"; $sel = @("a","b","c") | Create-Menu -PassThrou; echo "Selected: $sel"
Usage for -MenuOptions by piping in
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title "abc`n-----"
A simple string as title
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title {"SEL: $SelectionValue`n-----"}
A scriptblock with an internal variable
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title {"SEL: $SelectionValue`n-----"} -ReturnObject
A scriptblock with an internal variable, returning the selection opens
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title {Write-Host Green "SEL: $SelectionValue`n-----"}
A scriptblock with colored title
Create-Menu a,b -CallbackSelection {if ($KeyInput -eq 27) { return $False } }
ESC to cancel input
Create-Menu 0,1,2,3 -t {"SEL: $global:ki`n-----"} -CallbackSelection { $global:ki = $KeyInput }
Show code of pressed key
$YesNoCB = { If ($KeyInput -eq 89) { $Selection = 0 ; Return $True } If ($KeyInput -eq 78) { $Selection = 1 ; Return $True } }
Create-Menu Y,n -CallbackSelection $YesNoCb
Show "Y" and "n", pressing y (89) or n (78) will select the specific index, exit and show the selected
$SpacePressed = { If ($KeyInput -eq 32) { if ($SelectionValue -like '`* *') { $MenuOptions[$Selection] = $MenuOptionsInput[$Selection] } Else {$MenuOptions[$Selection] = '* ' + $SelectionValue } } }
$ret = ls ~/ | Create-Menu -t {"Full Name: $SelectionValue`n-----"} -CallbackSelection $SpacePressed -ReturnObject
$selected = $ret.Items |? { $_.Name -like '`* *' } |% Input
Allows to select multiple files with the space key (Keycode 32), then gets their
Based on:
#Start-Transcript "C:\Create-Menu.log"
Param ( # SHORT:
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True ,Mandatory=$True )][Alias("Options")][String[]]$MenuOptions, # -O -Menu
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Object]$Title = $Null, # ScriptBlock or String # -T
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Alias("Index")][int]$Selected = $Null, # -Sel -I
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Object]$Footer = $Null, # ScriptBlock or String # -F
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Alias("CB")][ScriptBlock]$CallbackSelection = $Null, # -CB -Call
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][String]$Columns = "Auto", # -Col
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][String]$MaximumColumnWidth = "Auto", # -M -Max
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][bool]$ShowCurrentSelection = $True, # -Show
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][switch]$PassThrou = $False, # -P -Pass
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][switch]$ReturnObject = $False, # -R -Ret -Return
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Alias("bc")][ConsoleColor]$BackgroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Cyan,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Alias("fc")][ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Black,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Alias("ct")][ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColorTitle = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Alias("cf")][ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColorFooter = [ConsoleColor]::Green,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][switch]$CleanHost = $False # -Clean
# in case items were pipelined
$all = @($Input)
If ($all) {
$MenuOptions = [array]$all
$MenuOptionsInput = $MenuOptions.psobject.copy() # | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json
$ExtraRow = @{}
$MaxValue = $MenuOptions.count-1
If ($Selected) { $Selection = $Selected } else { $Selection = 0 }
$EnterPressed = $False
$WindowTitleBackup = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
$RowQty = 0
If ($Columns -eq "Auto") {
If ($MaximumColumnWidth -eq "Auto") {
$MaximumColumnWidth = 20
$WindowWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width
$Columns = [Math]::Floor($WindowWidth / ([int]$MaximumColumnWidth +2))
Else {
If ($MaximumColumnWidth -eq "Auto") {
$MaximumColumnWidth = [Math]::Floor(($Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width - [int]$Columns) / [int]$Columns)
#$consoleTop = $False
Function ClearHost () {
#if ($consoleTop -eq $False) {
$consoleTop = [Console]::CursorTop - $RowQty
$top = $consoleTop - ($ExtraRow.Values |Measure-Object -sum).sum # extra rows needed, set: $ExtraRow["uniqueKey"] = someNumOfRows => $ExtraRow["title"] = 2
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $top)
Function CleanHost() {
$consoleTop = [Console]::CursorTop - $RowQty
$top = $consoleTop - ($ExtraRow.Values |Measure-Object -sum).sum
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $top)
# amount of rows to clean
$rows = $RowQty + ($ExtraRow.Values |Measure-Object -sum).sum
# overwrite with clean lines
$maxLineLength = $Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width
Write-Host ( (" " * $maxLineLength + "`n") * $rows ) -NoNewline # clear the lines with NO COLOR
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $top)
$MenuListing = @()
Function New-MenuListing($MenuOptions) {
If ([int]$Columns -gt $MenuOptions.count) {
$Columns = $MenuOptions.count
$RowQty = ([Math]::Ceiling(($MaxValue +1) / [int]$Columns))
For ($i=0; $i -lt $Columns; $i++) {
$ScratchArray = @()
For ($j=($RowQty*$i); $j -lt ($RowQty*($i+1)); $j++) {
$ScratchArray += $MenuOptions[$j]
$ColWidth = ($ScratchArray |Measure-Object -Maximum -Property length).Maximum
If ($ColWidth -gt [int]$MaximumColumnWidth) {
$ColWidth = [int]$MaximumColumnWidth-1
For ($j=0; $j -lt $ScratchArray.count; $j++) {
If (($ScratchArray[$j]).length -gt $([int]$MaximumColumnWidth -2)) {
$ScratchArray[$j] = $($ScratchArray[$j]).Substring(0,$([int]$MaximumColumnWidth-2))
$ScratchArray[$j] = "$($ScratchArray[$j])…"
Else {
For ($k=$ScratchArray[$j].length; $k -lt $ColWidth; $k++) {
$ScratchArray[$j] = "$($ScratchArray[$j]) "
$ScratchArray[$j] = " $($ScratchArray[$j]) "
$MenuListing += $ScratchArray
return $MenuListing, $Columns, $RowQty
Function New-TextBlock ($Block, $BlockName, $ForegroundColor = -1) { # $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor // (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.*
if ($Block) {
if ($Block -is [String]) {
Write-Host $Block
$ExtraRow[$BlockName] = ($Block | Measure-Object -Line).lines
else {
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param($Selection, $SelectionValue, $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput) # supply usable variables
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Block *>&1 -OutVariable Lines | Out-Null
$ExtraRow[$BlockName] = ($Lines | Measure-Object -Line).lines
#Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Block # output with color, breaks when using with $x = Create-Menu ... line count does not match anymore
#Write-Host $Lines # no color
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor $Lines # manual color
<# has line jumping error. this block was used with ClearHost() to only refresh the the title
# write title, scroll down if needed, and get size
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Block 6>&1 | Tee-Object -Variable Lines
$ExtraRow[$BlockName] = ($Lines | Measure-Object -Line).lines
# get title position
$BlockPos = [Console]::CursorTop - $ExtraRow[$BlockName]
# reset title position
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $BlockPos)
$maxLineLength = $Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width
Write-Host ((" " * $maxLineLength + "`n") * $ExtraRow[$BlockName]) -NoNewline # clear the lines with NO COLOR
# reset position and final output
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $BlockPos)
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Block
} -ArgumentList $Selection, $MenuOptions[$Selection], $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput
$MenuListing, $Columns, $RowQty = New-MenuListing $MenuOptions
$clean = $False
While ($True) {
If ($ShowCurrentSelection) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "CURRENT SELECTION: $($MenuOptions[$Selection])"
New-TextBlock $Title "title-block" $ForegroundColorTitle
# output selections
For ($i=0; $i -lt $RowQty; $i++) {
For ($j=0; $j -le (($Columns-1)*$RowQty);$j+=$RowQty) {
If ($j -eq (($Columns-1)*$RowQty)) {
If (($i+$j) -eq $Selection){
Write-Host -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])" -NoNewline
Write-Host "" # this fixes the color overflow
} Else {
Write-Host "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])"
} Else {
If (($i+$j) -eq $Selection) {
Write-Host -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])" -NoNewline
} Else {
Write-Host "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])" -NoNewline
#Uncomment the below line if you need to do live debugging of the current index selection. It will put it in green below the selection listing.
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$Selection"; $ExtraRow["debug"] = 1
#Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "title $($global:title) - $($global:footer)"; $ExtraRow["debug"] = 1
New-TextBlock $Footer "footer-block" $ForegroundColorFooter
if ($EnterPressed) {
If ($CleanHost) {
$KeyInput = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown").virtualkeycode
Switch ($KeyInput) {
13 { #Enter
# ignore empty fields
If ($MenuOptions[$Selection]) {
$EnterPressed = $True
# set title to before menu
If ($ShowCurrentSelection) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $WindowTitleBackup
If ($CleanHost) {
If ($ReturnObject) {
$items = @()
For ($i=0; $i -lt $MenuOptions.length; $i++) {
$items += @{
"Name" = $MenuOptions[$i];
"Index" = $i;
"Input" = $MenuOptionsInput[$i];
Return @{
"Selection" = $Selection;
"SelectionValue" = $MenuOptions[$Selection];
"MenuOptions" = $MenuOptions;
"MenuOptionsInput" = $MenuOptionsInput;
"Items" = $items;
ElseIf ($PassThrou) {
Return $MenuOptions[$Selection]
Else {
Return $Selection
# else:
37 { #Left
If ($Selection -ge $RowQty){
$Selection -= $RowQty
} Else {
$Selection += ($Columns-1)*$RowQty
38 { #Up
If ((($Selection+$RowQty)%$RowQty) -eq 0) {
$Selection += $RowQty - 1
} Else {
$Selection -= 1
39{ #Right
If ([Math]::Ceiling($Selection/$RowQty) -eq $Columns -or ($Selection/$RowQty)+1 -eq $Columns){
$Selection -= ($Columns-1)*$RowQty
} Else {
$Selection += $RowQty
40 { #Down
If ((($Selection+1)%$RowQty) -eq 0 -or $Selection -eq $MaxValue){
$Selection = ([Math]::Floor(($Selection)/$RowQty))*$RowQty
} Else {
$Selection += 1
Default {
if ($CallbackSelection -ne $Null) {
# return new MenuOptions, if you want
$ret,$sel,$res = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param($Selection, $SelectionValue, $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput, $KeyInput)
$res = . $CallbackSelection
Return $MenuOptions, $Selection, $res
} -ArgumentList $Selection, $MenuOptions[$Selection], $MenuOptions, $MenuOptionsInput, $KeyInput
If ($sel -is [Int]) {
$Selection = $sel
If ($res -eq $False) {
$EnterPressed = $True
$clean = $True
# set title to before menu
If ($ShowCurrentSelection) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $WindowTitleBackup
ElseIf ($res -eq $True) {
$EnterPressed = $True
# set title to before menu
If ($ShowCurrentSelection) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $WindowTitleBackup
ElseIf ($ret -is [Array]) {
$MenuOptions = $ret
$MenuListing, $Columns, $RowQty = New-MenuListing $MenuOptions
Function Create-Menu () {
Shows strings as a table to be selectable by navigating with arrow keys
Version 1.0.0
Author: Nabil Redmann (BananaAcid)
License: ISC
array of strings
.PARAMETER MenuOptions <String[]>
Takes an array with selections (must be more then one)
.PARAMETER Title <Null|ScriptBlock|String>
Takes a string or a scriptblock (available vars: $Selection, $SelectionValue)
.PARAMETER Selected <Null|Integer>
Initial string to select
.PARAMETER Columns <"Auto"|Integer>
Define how many columns should be shown (default: "Auto")
.PARAMETER MaximumColumnWidth <"Auto"|Integer>
The maximum amount of chars in a cell should be displayed, if to large, '...' will be appended
(default: "Auto" if Columns is a number, results in "20" if Columns is "Auto")
.PARAMETER ShowCurrentSelection <Boolean>
Shows the current selection text in full length in the console title (default: $True)
Without, will output the index of the selection, otherwise the selected string (default: $False)
.PARAMETER BackgroundColor <Cyan|ConsoleColor>
Color for the selection (default: Cyan)
.PARAMETER ForegroundColor <Black|ConsoleColor>
Color for the selection (default: Black)
Default is the index of the selected string, using -PassThrou it will be the selected string
$check = Create-Menu no,yes "Want it?" 1
Shortest version. "no" first, becuase index 0 is equal to false. the "1" selects index 1 initially
$check = Create-Menu @("no","yes") -Title "Want it?" -Selected 1
Longer version
ls | create-menu -passthrou -T "Show:" |% {cat $_}
Outputs a filename after selecting
echo "Select a letter"; $sel = @("a","b","c") | Create-Menu -PassThrou; echo "Selected: $sel"
Usage for -MenuOptions by piping in
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title "abc`n-----"
A simple string as title
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title {"SEL: $SelectionValue`n-----"}
A scriptblock with an internal variable
ls ../ | Create-Menu -Title {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "SEL: $SelectionValue`n-----"}
A scriptblock with colored title
Based on:
#Start-Transcript "C:\Create-Menu.log"
Param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True ,Mandatory=$True )][String[]]$MenuOptions,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][Object]$Title = $Null, # ScriptBlock or String
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][int]$Selected = $Null,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][String]$Columns = "Auto",
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][String]$MaximumColumnWidth = "Auto",
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][bool]$ShowCurrentSelection = $True, # ... in console title
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][switch]$PassThrou = $False,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][ConsoleColor]$BackgroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Cyan,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$False,Mandatory=$False)][ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Black
# in case items were pipelined
$all = @($Input)
if ($all) {
$MenuOptions = [array]$all
$ExtraRow = @{}
$MaxValue = $MenuOptions.count-1
$Selection = $selected ? $Selected : 0
$EnterPressed = $False
$WindowTitleBackup = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
If ($Columns -eq "Auto") {
If ($MaximumColumnWidth -eq "Auto") {
$MaximumColumnWidth = 20
$WindowWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width
$Columns = [Math]::Floor($WindowWidth / ([int]$MaximumColumnWidth +2))
else {
If ($MaximumColumnWidth -eq "Auto") {
$MaximumColumnWidth = [Math]::Floor(($Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width - [int]$Columns) / [int]$Columns)
If ([int]$Columns -gt $MenuOptions.count) {
$Columns = $MenuOptions.count
$RowQty = ([Math]::Ceiling(($MaxValue +1) / [int]$Columns))
$consoleTop = $False
Function ClearHost () {
if ($consoleTop -eq $False) {
$consoleTop = [Console]::CursorTop - $RowQty
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $consoleTop - ($ExtraRow.Values |Measure-Object -sum).sum) # extra rows needed, set: $ExtraRow["uniqueKey"] = 2
$MenuListing = @()
For ($i=0; $i -lt $Columns; $i++) {
$ScratchArray = @()
For ($j=($RowQty*$i); $j -lt ($RowQty*($i+1)); $j++) {
$ScratchArray += $MenuOptions[$j]
$ColWidth = ($ScratchArray |Measure-Object -Maximum -Property length).Maximum
If ($ColWidth -gt [int]$MaximumColumnWidth) {
$ColWidth = [int]$MaximumColumnWidth-1
For ($j=0; $j -lt $ScratchArray.count; $j++) {
If (($ScratchArray[$j]).length -gt $([int]$MaximumColumnWidth -2)) {
$ScratchArray[$j] = $($ScratchArray[$j]).Substring(0,$([int]$MaximumColumnWidth-4))
$ScratchArray[$j] = "$($ScratchArray[$j])..."
} Else {
For ($k=$ScratchArray[$j].length; $k -lt $ColWidth; $k++) {
$ScratchArray[$j] = "$($ScratchArray[$j]) "
$ScratchArray[$j] = " $($ScratchArray[$j]) "
$MenuListing += $ScratchArray
While ($EnterPressed -eq $False){
If ($ShowCurrentSelection) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "CURRENT SELECTION: $($MenuOptions[$Selection])"
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "TITLE: $Selection`n----"; $ExtraRow["title"] = 2
if ($Title) {
if ($Title -is [String]) {
Write-Host $Title
$ExtraRow["title"] = ($Title | Measure-Object -Line).lines
else {
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { param($Selection, $SelectionValue) # supply usable variables
# write title, scroll down if needed, and get size
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Title 6>&1 | Tee-Object -Variable Lines
$ExtraRow["title"] = ($Lines | Measure-Object -Line).lines
# get title position
$TitlePos = [Console]::CursorTop - $ExtraRow["title"]
# reset title position
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $TitlePos)
$maxLineLength = $Host.UI.RawUI.MaxWindowSize.Width
Write-Host ((" " * $maxLineLength + "`n") * $ExtraRow["title"]) -NoNewline # clear the lines with NO COLOR
# reset position and final output
[Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, $TitlePos)
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Title
} -ArgumentList $Selection, $MenuOptions[$Selection]
# output selections
For ($i=0; $i -lt $RowQty; $i++) {
For ($j=0; $j -le (($Columns-1)*$RowQty);$j+=$RowQty) {
If ($j -eq (($Columns-1)*$RowQty)) {
If(($i+$j) -eq $Selection){
Write-Host -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])" -NoNewline
Write-Host "" # this fixes the color overflow
} Else {
Write-Host "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])"
} Else {
If (($i+$j) -eq $Selection) {
Write-Host -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])" -NoNewline
} Else {
Write-Host "$($MenuListing[$i+$j])" -NoNewline
#Uncomment the below line if you need to do live debugging of the current index selection. It will put it in green below the selection listing.
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$Selection"; $ExtraRow["debug"] = 1
$KeyInput = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown").virtualkeycode
Switch ($KeyInput) {
13 { #Enter
# ignore empty fields
if ($MenuOptions[$Selection]) {
$EnterPressed = $True
# set title to before menu
If ($ShowCurrentSelection) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $WindowTitleBackup
if ($PassThrou) {
Return $MenuOptions[$Selection]
else {
Return $Selection
37 { #Left
If ($Selection -ge $RowQty){
$Selection -= $RowQty
} Else {
$Selection += ($Columns-1)*$RowQty
38 { #Up
If ((($Selection+$RowQty)%$RowQty) -eq 0) {
$Selection += $RowQty - 1
} Else {
$Selection -= 1
39{ #Right
If ([Math]::Ceiling($Selection/$RowQty) -eq $Columns -or ($Selection/$RowQty)+1 -eq $Columns){
$Selection -= ($Columns-1)*$RowQty
} Else {
$Selection += $RowQty
40 { #Down
If ((($Selection+1)%$RowQty) -eq 0 -or $Selection -eq $MaxValue){
$Selection = ([Math]::Floor(($Selection)/$RowQty))*$RowQty
} Else {
$Selection += 1
Default {
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