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Anthony Narkevicius BanditTech

  • Los Angeles, CA
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BanditTech / XInputControllerTestbench.ahk
Created March 26, 2020 05:49
XInput Controller Testbench
; Example: Control the vibration motors using the analog triggers of each controller.
deadzone := 10
Global Controller := {}
Controller.Btn := {}
Global GameX, GameY, GameW, GameH
while !WinExist("Path of Exile")
sleep, 100
WinGetPos, GameX, GameY, GameW, GameH
BanditTech / InventoryTestbench.ahk
Last active July 4, 2020 07:22
Inventory Testbench
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Create Executable group for gameHotkey, IfWinActive
global POEGameArr := ["PathOfExile.exe", "PathOfExile_x64.exe", "PathOfExileSteam.exe", "PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe", "PathOfExile_KG.exe", "PathOfExile_x64_KG.exe"]
for n, exe in POEGameArr
GroupAdd, POEGameGroup, ahk_exe %exe%
Global GameStr := "ahk_group POEGameGroup"
Class Gui {
; Static Lists := {HWND:{},Setting:{}}
Static Windows := {}
; Windows { HWND { {Name,Label,Options,Colors,Font,Location,OnMessages} } }
Static Elements := {}
; Elements { HWND { {Label,Value,Options,GuiName,Tooltip,Colors,Font,Hover,Binding} } }
Static Tooltips := {}
Static ActiveGUI := 1
Static TooltipSuspended := 0
BanditTech / CLASS_ARGB.ahk
Created February 9, 2021 10:50
Color class for ARGB
Class ARGB {
This.ARGB :=Format("0x{1:08x}", ARGB)
This.A := (This.ARGB >> 24) & 0xFF
This.R := (This.ARGB >> 16) & 0xFF
This.G := (This.ARGB >> 8) & 0xFF
This.B := (This.ARGB >> 0) & 0xFF
This.RGB := Format("0x{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}", This.R, This.G, This.B)
Return This
BanditTech / CLASS_SortByNum.ahk
Created July 8, 2021 07:34
Class SortByNum {
; Initiate values, get the total number of potential groups
This.Excess := A.reverse(A.sortBy(sortlist,"Q"))
This.Min := min
This.Max := This.Min + maxOver
This.MaxOver := maxOver
This.TotalQ := This.GetQ(This.Excess)
This.TotalNum := This.Excess.Count()
This.Mean := Floor(A.meanBy(This.Excess,"Q"))
BanditTech / ImGuiDockspaceExample.cpp
Last active April 26, 2023 20:24 — forked from AidanSun05/ImGuiDockspaceExample.cpp
A modified DockSpace example for Dear ImGui.NET. Changes are listed at the top of the file.
// Fix fullscreen background being opaque.
// Remove helptext as I dont know howto include that in C#
// Convert most of the example to using C# syntax and functions provided with ImGui.NET
// ------------
// Added more clarifying comments inside the function.
// Removed MSVC warning C6011 - null pointer dereference.
// Fixed a slight grammar error - "This demo app only demonstrate" => "This demo app only demonstrates"
// Still Broken:
BanditTech / CatOS-Mix.xml
Last active June 2, 2023 03:28
CatOS Mix
<ImageComposition xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Information ShortName="CatOS Mix" LongName="CatOS Mix" Description="Made specifically for all the GameCats" Author="BanditTech"/>
<Viewport Color="#00000000" Width="640" Height="480"/>
<Item Type="Wheel">
<Display X="1%" Y="40%" Width="33%" KeepRatio="true" Anchor="BottomLeft" />
<Fallback Type="Text" Text="%name%" TextColor="#FFFFFFFF" FontFamilly="Arial" FontStyle="Bold Italic" />
<Item Type="Screenshot">
<Display X="1%" Y="42%" Width="33%" KeepRatio="true" Antialiasing="Medium" Anchor="TopLeft" Transparency="0.0"/>