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PRTG Advanced sensor for Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365
PRTG Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 Advanced Sensor.
Advanced Sensor will Report Job status, job nested status, repository statistics and proxy status.
- If not already done, enable the the API in VBO
- On your probe, add script to 'Custom Sensors\EXEXML' folder
- In PRTG, on your probe add EXE/Script Advanced sensor
- Name the sensor eg: Veeam Backup for Office 365
- In the EXE/Script dropdown, select the script
- In parameters set: -username "%windowsdomain\%windowsuser" -password "%windowspassword" -apiUrl "https://<url-to-vbo-api>:443"
- This way the Windows user defined on the probe is used for authenticating to VBO API, make sure the correct permissions are set in VBO for this user
- Set preferred timeout and interval
- I've set some default limits on the channels, change them to your preferred levels
For issues, suggetions and forking please use Github.
param (
[string]$apiUrl = $(throw "<prtg><error>1</error><text>-apiUrl is missing in parameters</text></prtg>"),
[string]$username = $(throw "<prtg><error>1</error><text>-username is missing in parameters</text></prtg>"),
[string]$password = $(throw "<prtg><error>1</error><text>-password is missing in parameters</text></prtg>")
$vboJobs = @()
$vboRepositories = @()
$vboProxies = @()
#region: Authenticate
$url = '/v6/Token'
$body = @{
"username" = $username;
"password" = $password;
"grant_type" = "password";
$headers = @{
"Content-Type"= "multipart/form-data"
Try {
$jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl$url -Body $body -Headers $headers -Method Post -UseBasicParsing
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error invoking web request"
Try {
$authResult = ConvertFrom-Json($jsonResult.Content)
$accessToken = $authResult.access_token
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error authentication result"
#region: Get VBO Jobs
$url = '/v6/Jobs?limit=1000000'
$headers = @{
"Content-Type"= "multipart/form-data";
"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken";
$jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl$url -Headers $headers -Method Get -UseBasicParsing
Try {
$jobs = ConvertFrom-Json($jsonResult.Content)
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error in jobs result"
Exit 1
#region: Loop jobs and process session results
ForEach ($job in $jobs) {
# Sessions
$url = '/v6/Jobs/' + $ + '/JobSessions'
$headers = @{
"Content-Type"= "multipart/form-data";
"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken";
$jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl$url -Headers $headers -Method Get -UseBasicParsing
Try {
$sessions = (ConvertFrom-Json($jsonResult.Content)).results
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error in jobsession result"
Exit 1
# Skip session currently active or user aborted, get last known run status
if ($sessions[0].status.ToLower() -in @('running', 'queued', 'stopped')) {
$session = $sessions[1]
} else {
$session = $sessions[0]
# Log items
$url = '/v6/JobSessions/' + $ + '/LogItems?limit=1000000'
$headers = @{
"Content-Type"= "multipart/form-data";
"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken";
$jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl$url -Headers $headers -Method Get -UseBasicParsing
Try {
$logItems = (ConvertFrom-Json($jsonResult.Content)).results
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error in logitems result"
Exit 1
# Log items to object
ForEach ($logItem in $logItems) {
$sCnt = 0;$wCnt = 0;$fCnt = 0
Switch -wildcard ($logItem.title.ToLower()) {
'*success*' {$sCnt++}
'*warning*' {$wCnt++}
'*failed*' {$fCnt++}
Switch -wildcard ($session.status.ToLower()) {
'*success*' {$jobStatus = 0}
'*warning*' {$jobStatus = 1}
'*failed*' {$jobStatus = 2}
default {$jobStatus = 3}
# Thank you Veeam for fixing this!
$transferred = $session.statistics.transferredDataBytes
$myObj = "" | Select Jobname, Status, Start, End, Transferred, Success, Warning, Failed
$myObj.Jobname = $
$myObj.Status = $jobStatus
$myObj.Start = Get-Date($session.creationTime)
$myObj.End = Get-Date($session.endTime)
$myObj.Transferred = $transferred
$myObj.Success = $sCnt
$myObj.Warning = $wCnt
$myObj.Failed = $fCnt
$vboJobs += $myObj
#region: VBO Repositories
$url = '/v6/BackupRepositories'
$headers = @{
"Content-Type"= "multipart/form-data";
"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken";
$jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl$url -Headers $headers -Method Get -UseBasicParsing
Try {
$repositories = ConvertFrom-Json($jsonResult.Content)
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error in repositories result"
ForEach ($repository in $repositories) {
$myObj = "" | Select Name, Capacity, Free
$myObj.Name = $
$myObj.Capacity = $repository.capacityBytes
$myObj.Free = $repository.freeSpaceBytes
$vboRepositories += $myObj
#region: VBO Proxies
$url = '/v6/Proxies'
$headers = @{
"Content-Type"= "multipart/form-data";
"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken";
$jsonResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl$url -Headers $headers -Method Get -UseBasicParsing
Try {
$proxies = ConvertFrom-Json($jsonResult.Content)
} Catch {
Write-Error "Error in proxies result"
Exit 1
ForEach ($proxy in $proxies) {
$myObj = "" | Select Name, Status
$myObj.Name = $proxy.hostName
$myObj.Status = $proxy.status
$vboProxies += $myObj
#region: Jobs to PRTG results
Write-Host "<prtg>"
ForEach ($job in $vboJobs) {
$channel = "Job - " + $job.Jobname + " - Status"
$value = $job.Status
Write-Host "<result>"
$channel = "Job - " + $job.Jobname + " - Runtime"
$value = [math]::Round(($job.end - $job.start).TotalSeconds)
Write-Host "<result>"
$channel = "Job - " + $job.Jobname + " - Transferred"
$value = [long]$job.Transferred
Write-Host "<result>"
$channel = "Job - " + $job.Jobname + " - Success"
$value = $job.Success
Write-Host "<result>"
$channel = "Job - " + $job.Jobname + " - Warning"
$value = $job.Warning
Write-Host "<result>"
$channel = "Job - " + $job.Jobname + " - Failed"
$value = $job.Failed
Write-Host "<result>"
#region: VBO Reposities to PRTG results
ForEach ($repository in $vboRepositories) {
$channel = "Repository - " + $repository.Name + " - Capacity"
$value = $repository.Capacity
Write-Host "<result>"
$channel = "Repository - " + $repository.Name + " - Free"
$value = $repository.Free
Write-Host "<result>"
#region: VBO Proxies to PRTG results
ForEach ($proxy in $vboProxies) {
$channel = "Proxy - " + $proxy.Name + " - Status"
$value = [int]($proxy.Status -like "*Online*")
Write-Host "<result>"
Write-Host "</prtg>"
Copy link

Great script very usefull
Did have to replace the "Write-Host" by "write-output" to get the script working in PRTG.

Kind regards,

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