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A very old experimental garbage collector memory manager project for Delphi and FreePascal
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// | |
// BeRo Garbage Collector Memory Manager - Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux | |
// | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// Version: 2011.03.14.0013 | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// | |
// Description: | |
// | |
// BGCMM is a incremental conserative mark-and-sweep garbage collector for Delphi and | |
// FreePascal. | |
// | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// | |
// P R I M A R Y L I C E N S E | |
// | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// | |
// BGCMM is copyrighted free software by Benjamin Rosseaux <>. | |
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under either the terms of the LGPLv3 | |
// (see copying.txt file or below after this primary license), or the conditions below: | |
// | |
// 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the | |
// software without restriction, provided that you duplicate all of the | |
// original copyright notices and associated disclaimers. | |
// | |
// 2. You may modify your copy of the software in any way, provided that | |
// you do at least ONE of the following: | |
// | |
// a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise | |
// make them Freely Available, such as by posting said | |
// modifications to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or by allowing | |
// the author to include your modifications in the software. | |
// | |
// b) use the modified software only within your corporation or | |
// organization. | |
// | |
// c) make other distribution arrangements with the author. | |
// | |
// 3. You may distribute the software in object code or executable | |
// form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following: | |
// | |
// a) distribute the executables and library files of the software, | |
// together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) | |
// on where to get the original distribution. | |
// | |
// b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of | |
// the software. | |
// | |
// c) make other distribution arrangements with the author. | |
// | |
// 4. You may modify and include the part of the software into any other | |
// software (possibly commercial). But some files in the distribution | |
// are not written by the author, so that they are not under this terms. | |
// | |
// These 3rd parts are marked, so far if any 3rd parts are present. | |
// | |
// See each file for the copying condition. | |
// | |
// 5. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as | |
// output from the software do not automatically fall under the | |
// copyright of the software, but belong to whomever generated them, | |
// and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this | |
// software. | |
// | |
// DAMAGE. | |
// | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// | |
// S E C O U N D L I C E N S E | |
// | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// | |
// Version 3, 29 June 2007 | |
// | |
// Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> | |
// Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies | |
// of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. | |
// | |
// | |
// This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates | |
// the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public | |
// License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. | |
// | |
// 0. Additional Definitions. | |
// | |
// As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser | |
// General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU | |
// General Public License. | |
// | |
// "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, | |
// other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. | |
// | |
// An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided | |
// by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. | |
// Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode | |
// of using an interface provided by the Library. | |
// | |
// A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an | |
// Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library | |
// with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked | |
// Version". | |
// | |
// The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the | |
// Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code | |
// for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are | |
// based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. | |
// | |
// The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the | |
// object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data | |
// and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the | |
// Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. | |
// | |
// 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. | |
// | |
// You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License | |
// without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. | |
// | |
// 2. Conveying Modified Versions. | |
// | |
// If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a | |
// facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application | |
// that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the | |
// facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified | |
// version: | |
// | |
// a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to | |
// ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the | |
// function or data, the facility still operates, and performs | |
// whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or | |
// | |
// b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of | |
// this License applicable to that copy. | |
// | |
// 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. | |
// | |
// The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from | |
// a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object | |
// code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated | |
// material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure | |
// layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates | |
// (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: | |
// | |
// a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the | |
// Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are | |
// covered by this License. | |
// | |
// b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license | |
// document. | |
// | |
// 4. Combined Works. | |
// | |
// You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, | |
// taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the | |
// portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse | |
// engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of | |
// the following: | |
// | |
// a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that | |
// the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are | |
// covered by this License. | |
// | |
// b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license | |
// document. | |
// | |
// c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during | |
// execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among | |
// these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the | |
// copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. | |
// | |
// d) Do one of the following: | |
// | |
// 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this | |
// License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form | |
// suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to | |
// recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of | |
// the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the | |
// manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying | |
// Corresponding Source. | |
// | |
// 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the | |
// Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time | |
// a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer | |
// system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version | |
// of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked | |
// Version. | |
// | |
// e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise | |
// be required to provide such information under section 6 of the | |
// GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is | |
// necessary to install and execute a modified version of the | |
// Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the | |
// Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If | |
// you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany | |
// the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application | |
// Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation | |
// Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL | |
// for conveying Corresponding Source.) | |
// | |
// 5. Combined Libraries. | |
// | |
// You may place library facilities that are a work based on the | |
// Library side by side in a single library together with other library | |
// facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this | |
// License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your | |
// choice, if you do both of the following: | |
// | |
// a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based | |
// on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, | |
// conveyed under the terms of this License. | |
// | |
// b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it | |
// is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the | |
// accompanying uncombined form of the same work. | |
// | |
// 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. | |
// | |
// The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions | |
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new | |
// versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may | |
// differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. | |
// | |
// Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the | |
// Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version | |
// of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" | |
// applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and | |
// conditions either of that published version or of any later version | |
// published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you | |
// received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser | |
// General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser | |
// General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. | |
// | |
// If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide | |
// whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall | |
// apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is | |
// permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the | |
// Library. | |
// | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
unit BGCMM; | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
{$mode delphi} | |
{$ifdef cpui386} | |
{$define cpu386} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef cpu386} | |
{$asmmode intel} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef cpuamd64} | |
{$asmmode intel} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} | |
{$define LITTLE_ENDIAN} | |
{$else} | |
{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} | |
{$define BIG_ENDIAN} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$define caninline} | |
{$else} | |
{$define LITTLE_ENDIAN} | |
{$ifndef cpu64} | |
{$define cpu32} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifndef BCB} | |
{$ifdef ver120} | |
{$define Delphi4or5} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver130} | |
{$define Delphi4or5} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver140} | |
{$define Delphi6} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver150} | |
{$define Delphi7} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver170} | |
{$define Delphi2005} | |
{$endif} | |
{$else} | |
{$ifndef PatchBCBTerminate} | |
{$define NeverUninstall} | |
{$undef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver120} | |
{$define Delphi4or5} | |
{$define BCB4} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver130} | |
{$define Delphi4or5} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef ver180} | |
{$define BDS2006} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifndef Delphi4or5} | |
{$ifndef BCB} | |
{$define Delphi6AndUp} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifndef Delphi6} | |
{$define BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} | |
{$ifndef BCB} | |
{$define Delphi7AndUp} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifndef BCB} | |
{$ifndef Delphi7} | |
{$ifndef Delphi2005} | |
{$define BDS2006AndUp} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef Delphi6AndUp} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef BCB} | |
{$ifdef borlndmmdll} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef win32} | |
{$define windows} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef win64} | |
{$define windows} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef wince} | |
{$define windows} | |
{$endif} | |
{$rangechecks off} | |
{$ifdef cpu386} | |
{$define stack} | |
{$define registers} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef cpuamd64} | |
{$define stack} | |
{$define registers} | |
{$endif} | |
interface | |
{$ifdef windows} | |
uses Windows; | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifndef fpc} | |
{$ifdef cpu64} | |
type ptruint=qword; | |
ptrint=int64; | |
{$else} | |
type ptruint=longword; | |
ptrint=longint; | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
type TBGCMMFinalizer=procedure(Ptr:pointer;Size:ptruint;Data:pointer); | |
var BGCMMGrayAll:boolean; | |
BGCMMMarkCount:integer; | |
BGCMMFinalizeCount:integer; | |
BGCMMSweepCount:integer; | |
BGCMMCleanUpCount:integer; | |
BGCMMMaxAllocsPerCollect:integer; | |
BGCMMMaxItemsPerHashBucket:integer; | |
BGCMMUseFullCollects:boolean; | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
function BGCMMGetMem(Size:ptruint):pointer; | |
function BGCMMFreeMem(p:pointer):ptruint; | |
function BGCMMFreeMemSize(p:pointer;Size:ptruint):ptruint; | |
function BGCMMAllocMem(size:ptruint):pointer; | |
function BGCMMReallocMem(var p:pointer;size:ptruint):pointer; | |
function BGCMMMemSize(p:pointer):ptruint; | |
procedure BGCMMInitThread; | |
procedure BGCMMDoneThread; | |
procedure BGCMMRelocateHeap; | |
function BGCMMGetHeapStatus:THeapStatus; | |
function BGCMMGetFPCHeapStatus:TFPCHeapStatus; | |
{$else} | |
function BGCMMGetMem(Size:integer):pointer; | |
function BGCMMFreeMem(p:pointer):integer; | |
function BGCMMReallocMem(p:pointer;Size:integer):pointer; | |
{$ifdef BDS2006AndUp} | |
function BGCMMAllocMem(ASize:cardinal):pointer; | |
function BGCMMRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(APointer:pointer):boolean; | |
function BGCMMRUnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(APointer:pointer):boolean; | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
procedure BGCMMSetFinalizer(p:pointer;const Finalizer:TBGCMMFinalizer;FinalizerData:pointer); | |
procedure BGCMMAdd(p:pointer); | |
procedure BGCMMRemove(p:pointer); | |
procedure BGCMMAddRoot(p:pointer); | |
procedure BGCMMAddRootRange(Bottom,Top:pointer); | |
procedure BGCMMUse(p:pointer); | |
function BGCMMCollect:boolean; | |
procedure BGCMMFullCollect; | |
procedure BGCMMLock; | |
procedure BGCMMUnlock; | |
implementation | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
const NewMemoryManager:TMemoryManager=(NeedLock:false; | |
GetMem:BGCMMGetMem; | |
FreeMem:BGCMMFreeMem; | |
FreeMemSize:BGCMMFreeMemSize; | |
AllocMem:BGCMMAllocMem; | |
ReallocMem:BGCMMReallocMem; | |
MemSize:BGCMMMemSize; | |
InitThread:BGCMMInitThread; | |
DoneThread:BGCMMDoneThread; | |
RelocateHeap:BGCMMRelocateHeap; | |
GetHeapStatus:BGCMMGetHeapStatus; | |
GetFPCHeapStatus:BGCMMGetFPCHeapStatus; | |
); | |
{$else} | |
const NewMemoryManager:{$ifndef BDS2006AndUp}TMemoryManager{$else}TMemoryManagerEx{$endif}=(GetMem:BGCMMGetMem; | |
FreeMem:BGCMMFreeMem; | |
ReallocMem:BGCMMReallocMem; | |
{$ifdef BDS2006AndUp} | |
AllocMem:BGCMMAllocMem; | |
RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak:BGCMMRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak; | |
UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak:BGCMMUnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak; | |
{$endif} ); | |
{$endif} | |
PointerXorValue:ptruint={$ifdef cpu64}ptruint($ffffffffffffffff){$else}ptruint($ffffffff){$endif}; | |
POINTER_BITS=sizeof(pointer) shl 3; | |
const FreeSpin=pointer(ptruint(3)); | |
BusySpin=pointer(ptruint(4)); | |
type PPtrUIntArray=^TPtrUIntArray; | |
TPtrUIntArray=array[0..($7fffffff div sizeof(ptruint))-1] of ptruint; | |
PPointerList=^TPointerList; | |
PPointerItem=^TPointerItem; | |
TPointerItem=record | |
Previous,Next:PPointerItem; | |
HashPrevious,HashNext:PPointerItem; | |
ListPrevious,ListNext:PPointerItem; | |
List:PPointerList; | |
Hash:longword; | |
Ptr:pointer; | |
Size:ptruint; | |
Finalizer:TBGCMMFinalizer; | |
FinalizerData:pointer; | |
end; | |
TPointerList=record | |
First,Last:PPointerItem; | |
end; | |
TPointerHashBucket=record | |
First,Last:PPointerItem; | |
end; | |
PAATreeNode=^TAATreeNode; | |
TAATreeNode=record | |
Parent,Left,Right:PAATreeNode; | |
Level:ptrint; | |
Key:ptruint; | |
PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
end; | |
PRange=^TRange; | |
TRange=record | |
Next:PRange; | |
Bottom,Top:pointer; | |
end; | |
TPointerHashBuckets=array[word] of TPointerHashBucket; | |
THashShift=array[0..$fff] of integer; | |
{$ifdef registers} | |
TRegisters=array[byte] of ptruint; | |
{$endif} | |
var OldMemoryManager:{$ifndef BDS2006AndUp}TMemoryManager{$else}TMemoryManagerEx{$endif}; | |
WhiteList,GrayList,BlackList,RootList,ScanList,AlreadyScannedList:PPointerList; | |
CurrentPointerItem,NextPointerItem,FirstPointerItem,LastPointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
HashBuckets:TPointerHashBuckets; | |
{$ifdef stack} | |
{$ifndef fpc} | |
StackBottom:pointer; | |
StackTop:pointer; | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
LocalCriticalSection:TRTLCriticalSection; | |
HashShift:THashShift; | |
{$ifdef registers} | |
Registers:TRegisters; | |
{$endif} | |
State:TState; | |
AllocCounter:integer; | |
CountPointers,CountHashBuckets:ptrint; | |
UseHashTableForSearching:boolean; | |
Ranges:PRange; | |
CurrentRange:PRange; | |
PointerAATree:TAATreeNode; | |
PointerBottom,PointerTop:pointer; | |
LockCounter:ptruint; | |
Notice:string='BGCMM - BeRo Garbage Collector Memory Manager - Copyright (C) 2010, Benjamin ''BeRo'' Rosseaux - - '; | |
function PointerXor(p:pointer):pointer; | |
begin | |
ptruint(result):=ptruint(p) xor PointerXorValue; | |
end; | |
function PointerValueXor(p:ptruint):ptruint; | |
begin | |
result:=p xor PointerXorValue; | |
end; | |
function HashPointer(p:pointer):ptruint; | |
begin | |
result:=((ptruint(p) shr HashShift[ptruint(p) and $fff]) or (ptruint(p) shl (POINTER_BITS-HashShift[ptruint(p) and $fff]))) and $ffff; | |
end; | |
function LocalGetMem(Size:ptruint):pointer; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.GetMem(Size); | |
end; | |
function LocalFreeMem(p:pointer):ptruint; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.FreeMem(p); | |
end; | |
function LocalReallocMem(p:pointer;Size:ptruint):pointer; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.ReallocMem(p,Size); | |
end; | |
procedure InitLocalCriticalSection(var LocalCriticalSection:TRTLCriticalSection); | |
begin | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
InitCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
{$else} | |
InitializeCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
{$endif} | |
end; | |
procedure DoneLocalCriticalSection(var LocalCriticalSection:TRTLCriticalSection); | |
begin | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
DoneCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
{$else} | |
DeleteCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
{$endif} | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeClearNode(Root:PAATreeNode;var Node:PAATreeNode); | |
begin | |
if assigned(Node) then begin | |
AATreeClearNode(Root,Node^.Left); | |
AATreeClearNode(Root,Node^.Right); | |
if Node<>Root then begin | |
LocalFreeMem(Node); | |
Node:=nil; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeInit(Root:PAATreeNode); | |
begin | |
fillchar(Root^,sizeof(TAATreeNode),#0); | |
Root^.Level:={$ifdef cpu64}$7fffffffffffffff{$else}$7fffffff{$endif}; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeDone(Root:PAATreeNode); | |
begin | |
AATreeClearNode(Root,Root); | |
Root^.Level:={$ifdef cpu64}$7fffffffffffffff{$else}$7fffffff{$endif}; | |
end; | |
function AATreeFirst(Root:PAATreeNode):PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
if assigned(Root^.Left) then begin | |
result:=Root; | |
while assigned(result^.Left) do begin | |
result:=result^.Left; | |
end; | |
end else begin | |
result:=nil; | |
end; | |
end; | |
function AATreeNext(Root,n:PAATreeNode):PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
if assigned(n^.Right) then begin | |
result:=n^.Right; | |
while assigned(result^.Left) do begin | |
result:=result^.Left; | |
end; | |
end else begin | |
while assigned(n^.Parent) and (n^.Parent^.Right=n) do begin | |
n:=n^.Parent; | |
end; | |
n:=n^.Parent; | |
if assigned(n^.Parent) then begin | |
result:=n; | |
end else begin | |
result:=nil; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeSkew(Root,OldParent:PAATreeNode); | |
var NewParent:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
Assert(assigned(OldParent)); | |
NewParent:=OldParent^.Left; | |
Assert(assigned(NewParent)); | |
if OldParent^.Parent^.Left=OldParent then begin | |
OldParent^.Parent^.Left:=NewParent; | |
end else begin | |
OldParent^.Parent^.Right:=NewParent; | |
end; | |
NewParent^.Parent:=OldParent^.Parent; | |
OldParent^.Parent:=NewParent; | |
OldParent^.Left:=NewParent^.Right; | |
if assigned(OldParent^.Left) then begin | |
OldParent^.Left^.Parent:=OldParent; | |
end; | |
NewParent^.Right:=OldParent; | |
if assigned(OldParent^.Left) then begin | |
OldParent^.Level:=OldParent^.Left^.Level+1; | |
end else begin | |
OldParent^.Level:=1; | |
end; | |
end; | |
function AATreeSplit(Root,OldParent:PAATreeNode):boolean; | |
var NewParent:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
Assert(assigned(OldParent)); | |
NewParent:=OldParent^.Right; | |
if assigned(NewParent) and assigned(NewParent^.Right) and (NewParent^.Right^.Level=OldParent^.Level) then begin | |
if OldParent^.Parent^.Left=OldParent then begin | |
OldParent^.Parent^.Left:=NewParent; | |
end else begin | |
OldParent^.Parent^.Right:=NewParent; | |
end; | |
NewParent^.Parent:=OldParent^.Parent; | |
OldParent^.Parent:=NewParent; | |
OldParent^.Right:=NewParent^.Left; | |
if assigned(OldParent^.Right) then begin | |
OldParent^.Right^.Parent:=OldParent; | |
end; | |
NewParent^.Left:=OldParent; | |
NewParent^.Level:=OldParent^.Level+1; | |
result:=true; | |
end else begin | |
result:=false; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeRebalanceAfterLeafAdd(Root,n:PAATreeNode); | |
begin | |
// n is a node that has just been inserted and is now a Leaf node. | |
n^.Level:=1; | |
n^.Left:=nil; | |
n^.Right:=nil; | |
n:=n^.Parent; | |
while n<>Root do begin | |
if (assigned(n^.Left) and (n^.Level<>(n^.Left^.Level+1))) or ((not assigned(n^.Left)) and (n^.Level<>1)) then begin | |
// this point the tree is correct, except (AA2) for n^.Parent | |
AATreeSkew(Root,n); | |
// We handle it (a Left add) by changing it into a Right add using Skew | |
// If the original add was to the Left side of a node that is on the | |
// Right side of a horisontal link, n now points to the rights side | |
// of the second horisontal link, which is correct. | |
// However if the original add was to the Left of node with a horisontal | |
// link, we must get to the Right side of the second link. | |
if (not assigned(n^.Right)) or (n^.Level<>n^.Right^.Level) then begin | |
n:=n^.Parent; | |
end; | |
end; | |
if not AATreeSplit(Root,n^.Parent) then begin | |
break; | |
end; | |
n:=n^.Parent; | |
end; | |
end; | |
function AATreeFindNode(Root:PAATreeNode;Key:ptruint):PAATreeNode; | |
var n:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
result:=nil; | |
n:=Root^.Left; | |
while assigned(n) do begin | |
if Key=PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
result:=n; | |
break; | |
end else if Key<PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
n:=n^.Left; | |
end else begin | |
n:=n^.Right; | |
end; | |
end; | |
Key:=0; | |
if Key<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
end; | |
function AATreeFindSmallerOrEqualNode(Root:PAATreeNode;Key:ptruint):PAATreeNode; | |
var n:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
result:=nil; | |
n:=Root^.Left; | |
while assigned(n) do begin | |
if Key=PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
result:=n; | |
break; | |
end else if Key<PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
n:=n^.Left; | |
end else begin | |
result:=n; | |
n:=n^.Right; | |
end; | |
end; | |
Key:=0; | |
if Key<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
end; | |
function AATreeFindBiggerOrEqualNode(Root:PAATreeNode;Key:ptruint):PAATreeNode; | |
var n:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
result:=nil; | |
n:=Root^.Left; | |
while assigned(n) do begin | |
if Key=PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
result:=n; | |
break; | |
end else if Key<PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
result:=n; | |
n:=n^.Left; | |
end else begin | |
n:=n^.Right; | |
end; | |
end; | |
Key:=0; | |
if Key<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeInsertNode(Root:PAATreeNode;Key:ptruint;PointerItem:PPointerItem); | |
var n,s:PAATreeNode; | |
LessThan:boolean; | |
begin | |
if assigned(AATreeFindNode(Root,Key)) then begin | |
Key:=0; | |
if Key<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
exit; | |
end; | |
n:=LocalGetMem(sizeof(TAATreeNode)); | |
fillchar(n^,sizeof(TAATreeNode),#0); | |
n^.Key:=PointerValueXor(Key); | |
n^.PointerItem:=PointerItem; | |
s:=Root; | |
LessThan:=true; | |
while (LessThan and assigned(s^.Left)) or ((not LessThan) and assigned(s^.Right)) do begin | |
if LessThan then begin | |
s:=s^.Left; | |
end else begin | |
s:=s^.Right; | |
end; | |
LessThan:=Key<PointerValueXor(s^.Key); | |
end; | |
if LessThan then begin | |
s^.Left:=n; | |
end else begin | |
s^.Right:=n; | |
end; | |
n^.Parent:=s; | |
AATreeRebalanceAfterLeafAdd(Root,n); | |
Key:=0; | |
if Key<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeDeleteNodeEx(Root,n:PAATreeNode); | |
var Leaf,Temp:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
// If n is not a Leaf, we first swap it out with the Leaf node that just | |
// precedes it. | |
Leaf:=n; | |
if assigned(n^.Left) then begin | |
Leaf:=n^.Left; | |
while assigned(Leaf^.Right) do begin | |
Leaf:=Leaf^.Right; | |
end; | |
end else if assigned(n^.Right) then begin | |
Leaf:=n^.Right; | |
end; | |
if Leaf^.Parent=n then begin | |
Temp:=Leaf; | |
end else begin | |
Temp:=Leaf^.Parent; | |
end; | |
if Leaf^.Parent^.Left=Leaf then begin | |
Leaf^.Parent^.Left:=nil; | |
end else begin | |
Leaf^.Parent^.Right:=nil; | |
end; | |
if n<>Leaf then begin | |
if n^.Parent^.Left=n then begin | |
n^.Parent^.Left:=Leaf; | |
end else begin | |
n^.Parent^.Right:=Leaf; | |
end; | |
Leaf^.Parent:=n^.Parent; | |
if assigned(n^.Left) then begin | |
n^.Left^.Parent:=Leaf; | |
end; | |
Leaf^.Left:=n^.Left; | |
if assigned(n^.Right) then begin | |
n^.Right^.Parent:=Leaf; | |
end; | |
Leaf^.Right:=n^.Right; | |
Leaf^.Level:=n^.Level; | |
end; | |
if n<>Root then begin | |
LocalFreeMem(n); | |
end; | |
while Temp<>Root do begin | |
if (assigned(Temp^.Left) and (Temp^.Level>(Temp^.Left^.Level+1))) or ((not assigned(Temp^.Left)) and (Temp^.Level>1)) then begin | |
dec(Temp^.Level); | |
if AATreeSplit(Root,Temp) then begin | |
if AATreeSplit(Root,Temp) then begin | |
AATreeSkew(Root,Temp^.Parent^.Parent); | |
end; | |
break; | |
end; | |
Temp:=Temp^.Parent; | |
end else if (assigned(Temp^.Right) and (Temp^.Level<=(Temp^.Right^.Level+1))) or ((not assigned(Temp^.Right)) and (Temp^.Level<=1)) then begin | |
break; | |
end else begin | |
AATreeSkew(Root,Temp); | |
{ if assigned(Temp^.Right) then begin | |
if assigned(Temp^.Right^.Left) then begin | |
Temp^.Right^.Level:=Temp^.Right^.Level+1; | |
end else begin | |
Temp^.Right^.Level:=1; | |
end; | |
end;} | |
if Temp^.Level>Temp^.Parent^.Level then begin | |
AATreeSkew(Root,Temp); | |
AATreeSplit(Root,Temp^.Parent^.Parent); | |
break; | |
end; | |
Temp:=Temp^.Parent^.Parent; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure AATreeDeleteNode(Root:PAATreeNode;Key:ptruint); | |
var n:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
n:=Root^.Left; | |
while assigned(n) do begin | |
if Key=PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
AATreeDeleteNodeEx(Root,n); | |
break; | |
end else if Key<PointerValueXor(n^.Key) then begin | |
n:=n^.Left; | |
end else begin | |
n:=n^.Right; | |
end; | |
end; | |
Key:=0; | |
if Key<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
end; | |
function PointerListCreate:PPointerList; | |
begin | |
result:=LocalGetMem(sizeof(TPointerList)); | |
result^.First:=nil; | |
result^.Last:=nil; | |
end; | |
procedure PointerListDestroy(List:PPointerList); | |
var p,np:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
p:=List^.First; | |
while assigned(p) do begin | |
np:=p^.Next; | |
LocalFreeMem(p); | |
p:=np; | |
end; | |
List^.First:=nil; | |
List^.Last:=nil; | |
LocalFreeMem(List); | |
end; | |
procedure PointerListRemove(List:PPointerList;PointerItem:PPointerItem); | |
begin | |
if PointerItem^.List=List then begin | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.ListPrevious) then begin | |
PointerItem^.ListPrevious^.ListNext:=PointerItem^.ListNext; | |
end else if List^.First=PointerItem then begin | |
List^.First:=PointerItem^.ListNext; | |
end; | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.ListNext) then begin | |
PointerItem^.ListNext^.ListPrevious:=PointerItem^.ListPrevious; | |
end else if List^.Last=PointerItem then begin | |
List^.Last:=PointerItem^.ListPrevious; | |
end; | |
PointerItem^.ListPrevious:=nil; | |
PointerItem^.ListNext:=nil; | |
PointerItem^.List:=nil; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure PointerListAdd(List:PPointerList;PointerItem:PPointerItem); | |
begin | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.List) then begin | |
PointerListRemove(PointerItem^.List,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
PointerItem^.List:=List; | |
if assigned(List^.Last) then begin | |
List^.Last^.ListNext:=PointerItem; | |
PointerItem^.ListPrevious:=List^.Last; | |
List^.Last:=PointerItem; | |
end else begin | |
List^.First:=PointerItem; | |
List^.Last:=PointerItem; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure PointerAdd(p:pointer;Size:ptruint); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
Hash:longword; | |
begin | |
if ptruint(p)<ptruint(PointerXor(PointerBottom)) then begin | |
PointerBottom:=PointerXor(p); | |
end; | |
if ptruint(p)>ptruint(PointerXor(PointerTop)) then begin | |
PointerTop:=PointerXor(p); | |
end; | |
Hash:=HashPointer(p); | |
PointerItem:=LocalGetMem(sizeof(TPointerItem)); | |
fillchar(PointerItem^,sizeof(TPointerItem),#0); | |
PointerItem^.Hash:=Hash; | |
PointerItem^.Ptr:=PointerXor(p); | |
PointerItem^.Size:=Size; | |
PointerItem^.Finalizer:=nil; | |
PointerItem^.FinalizerData:=nil; | |
if assigned(LastPointerItem) then begin | |
LastPointerItem^.Next:=PointerItem; | |
PointerItem^.Previous:=LastPointerItem; | |
LastPointerItem:=PointerItem; | |
end else begin | |
FirstPointerItem:=PointerItem; | |
LastPointerItem:=PointerItem; | |
end; | |
inc(CountPointers); | |
if assigned(HashBuckets[Hash].Last) then begin | |
HashBuckets[Hash].Last^.HashNext:=PointerItem; | |
PointerItem^.HashPrevious:=HashBuckets[Hash].Last; | |
HashBuckets[Hash].Last:=PointerItem; | |
end else begin | |
HashBuckets[Hash].First:=PointerItem; | |
HashBuckets[Hash].Last:=PointerItem; | |
inc(CountHashBuckets); | |
end; | |
UseHashTableForSearching:=CountPointers<(CountHashBuckets*BGCMMMaxItemsPerHashBucket); | |
AATreeInsertNode(@PointerAATree,ptruint(PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr)),PointerItem); | |
if BGCMMGrayAll then begin | |
PointerListAdd(GrayList,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
end; | |
function PointerFind(p:pointer):PPointerItem; | |
var Hash:longword; | |
n:PAATreeNode; | |
begin | |
result:=nil; | |
if (ptruint(p)>=ptruint(PointerXor(PointerBottom))) and (ptruint(p)<=ptruint(PointerXor(PointerTop))) then begin | |
if UseHashTableForSearching then begin | |
Hash:=HashPointer(p); | |
result:=HashBuckets[Hash].First; | |
while assigned(result) and (PointerXor(result^.Ptr)<>p) do begin | |
result:=result^.HashNext; | |
end; | |
end; | |
if not assigned(result) then begin | |
n:=AATreeFindSmallerOrEqualNode(@PointerAATree,ptruint(p)); | |
if assigned(n) and assigned(n^.PointerItem) then begin | |
if (ptruint(PointerXor(n^.PointerItem^.Ptr))<=ptruint(p)) and ((ptruint(PointerXor(n^.PointerItem^.Ptr))+n^.PointerItem^.Size)>ptruint(p)) then begin | |
result:=n^.PointerItem; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure PointerRemove(p:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
dec(CountPointers); | |
if State<>sINIT then begin | |
case State of | |
sMARKROOTS:begin | |
if CurrentPointerItem=PointerItem then begin | |
CurrentPointerItem:=PointerItem^.ListNext; | |
end; | |
end; | |
if NextPointerItem=PointerItem then begin | |
NextPointerItem:=PointerItem^.ListNext; | |
end; | |
if CurrentPointerItem=PointerItem then begin | |
CurrentPointerItem:=PointerItem^.ListNext; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
AATreeDeleteNode(@PointerAATree,ptruint(PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr))); | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.List) then begin | |
PointerListRemove(PointerItem^.List,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.HashPrevious) then begin | |
PointerItem^.HashPrevious^.HashNext:=PointerItem^.HashNext; | |
end else if HashBuckets[PointerItem^.Hash and $ffff].First=PointerItem then begin | |
HashBuckets[PointerItem^.Hash and $ffff].First:=PointerItem^.HashNext; | |
end; | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.HashNext) then begin | |
PointerItem^.HashNext^.HashPrevious:=PointerItem^.HashPrevious; | |
end else if HashBuckets[PointerItem^.Hash and $ffff].Last=PointerItem then begin | |
HashBuckets[PointerItem^.Hash and $ffff].Last:=PointerItem^.HashPrevious; | |
if not assigned(HashBuckets[PointerItem^.Hash and $ffff].Last) then begin | |
dec(CountHashBuckets); | |
end; | |
end; | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.Previous) then begin | |
PointerItem^.Previous^.Next:=PointerItem^.Next; | |
end else if FirstPointerItem=PointerItem then begin | |
FirstPointerItem:=PointerItem.Next; | |
end; | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.Next) then begin | |
PointerItem^.Next^.Previous:=PointerItem^.Previous; | |
end else if LastPointerItem=PointerItem then begin | |
LastPointerItem:=PointerItem^.Previous; | |
end; | |
fillchar(PointerItem^,sizeof(TPointerItem),#0); | |
LocalFreeMem(PointerItem); | |
UseHashTableForSearching:=CountPointers<(CountHashBuckets*BGCMMMaxItemsPerHashBucket); | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure MarkPointer(p:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
if assigned(p) then begin | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.List) then begin | |
if PointerItem^.List=WhiteList then begin | |
PointerListAdd(GrayList,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
end else begin | |
PointerListAdd(ScanList,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure Mark(Bottom,Top:pointer); | |
var p1,p2:pointer; | |
begin | |
p1:=Bottom; | |
p2:=Top; | |
while ptruint(p1)<=(ptruint(p2)-sizeof(ptruint)) do begin | |
MarkPointer(pointer(p1^)); | |
inc(ptruint(p1)); | |
end; | |
end; | |
function Collect:boolean; | |
const RegCount={$ifdef cpuamd64}16{$else}{$ifdef cpu386}8{$else}0{$endif}{$endif}; | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
TempList:PPointerList; | |
i:integer; | |
p:pointer; | |
begin | |
result:=false; | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
if LockCounter=0 then begin | |
while true do begin | |
case State of | |
sINIT:begin | |
{$ifdef cpuamd64} | |
asm | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+0],rax | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+1],rbx | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+2],rcx | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+3],rdx | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+4],rsi | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+5],rdi | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+6],rsp | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+7],rbp | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+8],r8 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+9],r9 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+10],r10 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+11],r11 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+12],r12 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+13],r13 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+14],r14 | |
mov qword ptr [Registers+15],r15 | |
{$ifndef fpc} | |
mov qword ptr StackTop,rsp | |
{$endif} | |
end; | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef cpu386} | |
asm | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+0],eax | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+1],ebx | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+2],ecx | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+3],edx | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+4],esi | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+5],edi | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+6],esp | |
mov dword ptr [Registers+7],ebp | |
{$ifndef fpc} | |
mov dword ptr StackTop,esp | |
{$endif} | |
end; | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef registers} | |
for i:=0 to RegCount-1 do begin | |
if Registers[i]<>0 then begin | |
MarkPointer(pointer(Registers[i])); | |
end; | |
end; | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef stack} | |
Mark(StackBottom,StackTop); | |
{$endif} | |
CurrentPointerItem:=RootList.First; | |
CurrentRange:=Ranges; | |
end; | |
for i:=1 to BGCMMMarkCount do begin | |
if not assigned(CurrentRange) then begin | |
State:=sMARKROOTS; | |
break; | |
end; | |
Mark(PointerXor(CurrentRange^.Bottom),PointerXor(CurrentRange^.Top)); | |
CurrentRange:=CurrentRange^.Next; | |
end; | |
if assigned(CurrentRange) then begin | |
result:=true; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
sMARKROOTS:begin | |
for i:=1 to BGCMMMarkCount do begin | |
if not assigned(CurrentPointerItem) then begin | |
State:=sMARKGRAYS; | |
break; | |
end; | |
Mark(PointerXor(CurrentPointerItem^.Ptr),@pansichar(PointerXor(CurrentPointerItem^.Ptr))[CurrentPointerItem^.Size]); | |
CurrentPointerItem:=CurrentPointerItem^.ListNext; | |
end; | |
if assigned(CurrentPointerItem) then begin | |
result:=true; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
sMARKGRAYS:begin | |
for i:=1 to BGCMMMarkCount do begin | |
PointerItem:=ScanList.Last; | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
PointerListAdd(AlreadyScannedList,PointerItem); | |
Mark(PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr),@pansichar(PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr))[PointerItem^.Size]); | |
continue; | |
end; | |
PointerItem:=GrayList.Last; | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
PointerListAdd(BlackList,PointerItem); | |
Mark(PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr),@pansichar(PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr))[PointerItem^.Size]); | |
continue; | |
end; | |
CurrentPointerItem:=WhiteList.First; | |
break; | |
end; | |
if assigned(ScanList.Last) or assigned(GrayList.Last) then begin | |
result:=true; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
for i:=1 to BGCMMFinalizeCount do begin | |
if not assigned(CurrentPointerItem) then begin | |
State:=sSWEEPWHITES; | |
break; | |
end; | |
NextPointerItem:=CurrentPointerItem^.ListNext; | |
if assigned(CurrentPointerItem^.Finalizer) then begin | |
CurrentPointerItem^.Finalizer(PointerXor(CurrentPointerItem^.Ptr),CurrentPointerItem^.Size,CurrentPointerItem^.FinalizerData); | |
end; | |
CurrentPointerItem:=NextPointerItem; | |
end; | |
if assigned(CurrentPointerItem) then begin | |
result:=true; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
sSWEEPWHITES:begin | |
for i:=1 to BGCMMSweepCount do begin | |
PointerItem:=WhiteList.First; | |
if not assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
State:=sCLEANUP; | |
break; | |
end; | |
p:=PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr); | |
fillchar(p^,PointerItem^.Size,#0); | |
PointerRemove(p); | |
LocalFreemem(p); | |
end; | |
if assigned(WhiteList.Last) then begin | |
result:=true; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
sCLEANUP:begin | |
for i:=1 to BGCMMCleanUpCount do begin | |
if assigned(AlreadyScannedList.First) and (AlreadyScannedList.First.List=AlreadyScannedList) then begin | |
PointerListRemove(AlreadyScannedList,AlreadyScannedList.First); | |
end else begin | |
State:=sDONE; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
if assigned(AlreadyScannedList.First) and (AlreadyScannedList.First.List=AlreadyScannedList) then begin | |
result:=true; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
sDONE:begin | |
TempList:=WhiteList; | |
WhiteList:=BlackList; | |
BlackList:=TempList; | |
State:=sINIT; | |
result:=false; | |
break; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure FullCollect; | |
begin | |
while Collect do begin | |
end; | |
end; | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
function BGCMMGetMem(Size:ptruint):pointer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
inc(AllocCounter); | |
if AllocCounter>=BGCMMMaxAllocsPerCollect then begin | |
AllocCounter:=0; | |
if BGCMMUseFullCollects then begin | |
FullCollect; | |
end else begin | |
Collect; | |
end; | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.GetMem(Size); | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerAdd(result,Size); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMFreeMem(p:pointer):ptruint; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerRemove(p); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.FreeMem(p); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMFreeMemSize(p:pointer;Size:ptruint):ptruint; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerRemove(p); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.FreeMemSize(p,Size); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMAllocMem(size:ptruint):pointer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
inc(AllocCounter); | |
if AllocCounter>=BGCMMMaxAllocsPerCollect then begin | |
AllocCounter:=0; | |
if BGCMMUseFullCollects then begin | |
FullCollect; | |
end else begin | |
Collect; | |
end; | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.AllocMem(Size); | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerAdd(result,Size); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMReallocMem(var p:pointer;size:ptruint):pointer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerRemove(p); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.ReallocMem(p,Size); | |
PointerAdd(result,Size); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMMemSize(p:pointer):ptruint; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.MemSize(p); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMInitThread; | |
begin | |
if assigned(OldMemoryManager.InitThread) then begin | |
OldMemoryManager.InitThread; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMDoneThread; | |
begin | |
if assigned(OldMemoryManager.DoneThread) then begin | |
OldMemoryManager.DoneThread; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMRelocateHeap; | |
begin | |
if assigned(OldMemoryManager.RelocateHeap) then begin | |
OldMemoryManager.RelocateHeap; | |
end; | |
end; | |
function BGCMMGetHeapStatus:THeapStatus; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.GetHeapStatus; | |
end; | |
function BGCMMGetFPCHeapStatus:TFPCHeapStatus; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.GetFPCHeapStatus; | |
end; | |
{$else} | |
function BGCMMGetMem(Size:integer):pointer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
inc(AllocCounter); | |
if AllocCounter>=BGCMMMaxAllocsPerCollect then begin | |
AllocCounter:=0; | |
if BGCMMUseFullCollects then begin | |
FullCollect; | |
end else begin | |
Collect; | |
end; | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.GetMem(Size); | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerAdd(result,Size); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMFreeMem(p:pointer):integer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerRemove(p); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.FreeMem(p); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMReallocMem(p:pointer;Size:integer):pointer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerRemove(p); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.ReallocMem(p,Size); | |
PointerAdd(result,Size); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
{$ifdef BDS2006AndUp} | |
function BGCMMAllocMem(ASize:cardinal):pointer; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
inc(AllocCounter); | |
if AllocCounter>=BGCMMaxAllocsPerCollect then begin | |
AllocCounter:=0; | |
if BGCMMUseFullCollects then begin | |
FullCollect; | |
end else begin | |
Collect; | |
end; | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.AllocMem(Size); | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerAdd(result,Size); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(APointer:pointer):boolean; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(Size); | |
end; | |
function BGCMMRUnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(APointer:pointer):boolean; | |
begin | |
result:=OldMemoryManager.UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(Size); | |
end; | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
function BGCMMCollect:boolean; | |
begin | |
result:=Collect; | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMFullCollect; | |
begin | |
FullCollect; | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMLock; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
inc(LockCounter); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMUnlock; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
if LockCounter>0 then begin | |
dec(LockCounter); | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMSetFinalizer(p:pointer;const Finalizer:TBGCMMFinalizer;FinalizerData:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
PointerItem^.Finalizer:=Finalizer; | |
PointerItem^.FinalizerData:=FinalizerData; | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMAdd(p:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
PointerListAdd(GrayList,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMRemove(p:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) and assigned(PointerItem^.List) then begin | |
PointerListRemove(PointerItem^.List,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMAddRoot(p:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
PointerListAdd(RootList,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMAddRootRange(Bottom,Top:pointer); | |
var Range:PRange; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
Range:=LocalGetMem(sizeof(TRange)); | |
Range^.Next:=Ranges; | |
Ranges:=Range; | |
Range^.Bottom:=PointerXor(Bottom); | |
Range^.Top:=PointerXor(Top); | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure BGCMMUse(p:pointer); | |
var PointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
begin | |
EnterCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
PointerItem:=PointerFind(p); | |
if assigned(PointerItem) then begin | |
if (PointerItem^.List=WhiteList) and (State>=sFINALIZEWHITES) then begin | |
State:=sINIT; | |
end; | |
PointerListAdd(GrayList,PointerItem); | |
end; | |
LeaveCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
end; | |
procedure InitMemoryManager; | |
var i:integer; | |
begin | |
if length(Notice)<>0 then begin | |
end; | |
BGCMMGrayAll:=false; | |
BGCMMMarkCount:=128; | |
BGCMMFinalizeCount:=128; | |
BGCMMSweepCount:=128; | |
BGCMMCleanUpCount:=128; | |
BGCMMMaxAllocsPerCollect:=16; | |
BGCMMMaxItemsPerHashBucket:=5; | |
BGCMMUseFullCollects:=false; | |
AllocCounter:=0; | |
CountPointers:=0; | |
CountHashBuckets:=0; | |
UseHashTableForSearching:=true; | |
LockCounter:=0; | |
GetMemoryManager(OldMemoryManager); | |
SetMemoryManager(NewMemoryManager); | |
InitLocalCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
Ranges:=nil; | |
State:=sINIT; | |
WhiteList:=PointerListCreate; | |
GrayList:=PointerListCreate; | |
BlackList:=PointerListCreate; | |
RootList:=PointerListCreate; | |
ScanList:=PointerListCreate; | |
AlreadyScannedList:=PointerListCreate; | |
FirstPointerItem:=nil; | |
LastPointerItem:=nil; | |
PointerTop:=PointerXor(nil); | |
PointerBottom:=PointerXor(pointer(ptruint(not ptruint(PointerXor(PointerTop))))); | |
AATreeInit(@PointerAATree); | |
{$ifdef registers} | |
fillchar(Registers,sizeof(TRegisters),#0); | |
{$endif} | |
fillchar(HashBuckets,sizeof(TPointerHashBuckets),#0); | |
for i:=0 to $fff do begin | |
if (i and $fff)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=12; | |
end else if (i and $7ff)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=11; | |
end else if (i and $3ff)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=10; | |
end else if (i and $1ff)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=9; | |
end else if (i and $ff)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=8; | |
end else if (i and $7f)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=7; | |
end else if (i and $3f)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=6; | |
end else if (i and $1f)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=5; | |
end else if (i and $f)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=4; | |
end else if (i and $7)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=3; | |
end else if (i and $3)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=2; | |
end else if (i and $1)=0 then begin | |
HashShift[i]:=1; | |
end else begin | |
HashShift[i]:=0; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
procedure DoneMemoryManager; | |
var PointerItem,NextPointerItem:PPointerItem; | |
Range:PRange; | |
begin | |
while assigned(Ranges) do begin | |
Range:=Ranges; | |
Ranges:=Ranges^.Next; | |
LocalFreeMem(Range); | |
end; | |
PointerItem:=FirstPointerItem; | |
while assigned(PointerItem) do begin | |
NextPointerItem:=PointerItem^.Next; | |
PointerItem^.Ptr:=PointerXor(PointerItem^.Ptr); | |
if assigned(PointerItem^.Ptr) then begin | |
LocalFreeMem(PointerItem^.Ptr); | |
PointerItem^.Ptr:=nil; | |
end; | |
LocalFreeMem(PointerItem); | |
PointerItem:=NextPointerItem; | |
end; | |
AATreeDone(@PointerAATree); | |
FirstPointerItem:=nil; | |
LastPointerItem:=nil; | |
PointerListDestroy(WhiteList); | |
PointerListDestroy(GrayList); | |
PointerListDestroy(BlackList); | |
PointerListDestroy(RootList); | |
PointerListDestroy(ScanList); | |
PointerListDestroy(AlreadyScannedList); | |
DoneLocalCriticalSection(LocalCriticalSection); | |
SetMemoryManager(OldMemoryManager); | |
End; | |
initialization | |
InitMemoryManager; | |
{$ifndef fpc} | |
{$ifdef cpuamd64} | |
asm | |
mov qword ptr StackBottom,rsp | |
end; | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef cpu386} | |
asm | |
mov dword ptr StackBottom,esp | |
end; | |
{$endif} | |
{$endif} | |
finalization | |
{$ifndef NeverUninstall} | |
DoneMemoryManager; | |
{$endif} | |
end. |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
program BGCMMTest; | |
{$ifdef fpc} | |
{$mode delphi} | |
{$endif} | |
{$ifdef win32} | |
{$apptype console} | |
{$endif} | |
uses | |
BGCMM{$ifdef win32},Windows{$endif}; | |
type PMyRoot=^TMyRoot; | |
TMyRoot=record | |
bla:pointer; | |
end; | |
var Count:int64; | |
procedure MyFinalizer(Ptr:pointer;Size:ptruint;Data:pointer); | |
begin | |
inc(Count); | |
write(#13,'Pointer killed! Count: ',Count); | |
end; | |
var p:pointer; | |
MyRoot:PMyRoot; | |
begin | |
Count:=0; | |
new(MyRoot); | |
BGCMMAddRoot(MyRoot); | |
while true do begin | |
getmem(p,4096); | |
MyRoot.bla:=p; | |
BGCMMAdd(p); | |
BGCMMSetFinalizer(p,MyFinalizer,p); | |
end; | |
{$ifdef win32} | |
readln; | |
{$endif} | |
end. |
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