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Benjamin Rosseaux BeRo1985

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BeRo1985 / tangentspace_in_four_bytes.glsl
Last active June 25, 2024 06:36
Tangent Space just in four bytes (RGBA10_SNORM)
// Copyright 2024, Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux - zlib licensed
// QTangent based variant //
// The qtangent based variant has a better precision than the octahedron/diamond based variant below.
// 10bit 10bit 9bit for the 3 smaller components of the quaternion and 1bit for the sign of the bitangent and 2bit for the
// largest component index for the reconstruction of the largest component of the quaternion.
BeRo1985 / icosphere.glsl
Last active December 11, 2023 10:23
Recursion-free procedural GPU icosphere
// Code (C) by Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux - zlib licensed
// ...
#extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable
// ...
uint resolution = pushConstants.resolution;
uint squaredResolution = pushConstants.resolution * pushConstants.resolution;
BeRo1985 / better_spherified_cube_sphere.glsl
Last active December 7, 2023 08:47
Better GPU procedural generated Spherified Cube Sphere
// Code (C) by Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux - zlib licensed
// Based on the ideas from Stephen Cameron's blog post.
// ...
void getCubeSphereNormals(const in int face, in vec4 uv0011, out vec3 vectors[4]){
  const float deltaAngle = 1.5707963267948966; // radians(90.0);
  const float startAngle = 0.7853981633974483; // radians(45.0);
  const vec3 normals[6] = vec3[6](
BeRo1985 / octahedralmap_catmullrom.glsl
Created December 3, 2023 12:27
GLSL Octahedral Texture Mapping with Edge Mirroring and Catmull-Rom Interpolation
// GLSL Octahedral Texture Mapping with Edge Mirroring and Catmull-Rom Interpolation (by Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux)
ivec2 wrapOctahedralTexelCoordinates(const in ivec2 texel, const in ivec2 texSize) {
ivec2 wrapped = ((texel % texSize) + texSize) % texSize;
return ((((abs(texel.x / texSize.x) + int(texel.x < 0)) ^ (abs(texel.y / texSize.y) + int(texel.y < 0))) & 1) != 0) ? (texSize - (wrapped + ivec2(1))) : wrapped;
vec4 textureCatmullRomCoefficents(const in float v){
float t = v, tt = t * t, ttt = tt * t;
return vec4((tt - (ttt * 0.5)) - (0.5 * t), ((ttt * 1.5) - (tt * 2.5)) + 1.0, ((tt * 2.0) - (ttt * 1.5)) + (t * 0.5), (ttt * 0.5) - (tt * 0.5));
BeRo1985 / octahedralmap.glsl
Last active December 3, 2023 05:01
GLSL Octahedral Texture Mapping with Edge Mirroring and Bilinear Interpolation
// GLSL Octahedral Texture Mapping with Edge Mirroring and Bilinear Interpolation (by Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux)
ivec2 wrapOctahedralTexelCoordinates(const in ivec2 texel, const in ivec2 texSize) {
ivec2 wrapped = ((texel % texSize) + texSize) % texSize;
return ((((abs(texel.x / texSize.x) + int(texel.x < 0)) ^ (abs(texel.y / texSize.y) + int(texel.y < 0))) & 1) != 0) ? (texSize - (wrapped + ivec2(1))) : wrapped;
vec4 textureOctahedralMap(const in sampler2D tex, vec3 direction) {
direction = normalize(direction); // just for to make sure that it is normalized
vec2 uv = direction.xy / (abs(direction.x) + abs(direction.y) + abs(direction.z));
BeRo1985 / PasFastDateUtils.pas
Created October 11, 2023 07:40
PasFastDateUtils - fast date functions for FreePascal and Delphi
// Fast date functions for FreePascal and Delphi - Pascal implementation by Benjamin Rosseaux - - Public Domain
// Based on: - Implementing Fast Calendar Algorithms: Speeding Date - Cassio Neri - C++ on Sea 2023
unit PasFastDateUtils;
{$ifdef fpc}
{$mode delphi}
uses SysUtils,Math;
BeRo1985 / multisampled_font_sdf.glsl
Last active December 19, 2022 14:08
Multisampled SDF for text rendering (4x AA with single texture lookup, 16x with four lookups)
// Multisampled SDF for text rendering (4x AA with single texture lookup, 16x with four lookups)
// It is for SDF text rendering with 16x antialiasing with only four texture lookups, where an
// SDF texture texel in turn also has four individual SDF values in the RGBA color channels in
// a 4-Rook/RGSS sampling pattern.
// Copyright (C) 2022, Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux - License: Unlicense ( )
const float SQRT_0_DOT_5 = sqrt(0.5);
BeRo1985 /
Created November 11, 2022 23:47 — forked from ianfabs/
How to Automount VHD on windows 10

So here's a pretty neat thing, I use VHD's to organize the space on my computer. You can too!

  • Click Start

  • Type in the search bar "Disk par" =>

  • Click first result =>

  • In the program, click "Action" =>

BeRo1985 / MIDIEventIntervalSearch.pas
Created September 3, 2020 10:30
Interval-tree-less interval search on sorted array of linked MIDI events
procedure TEngineMIDIEventList.FindInterval(const aResultList:TEngineMIDIEventDynamicArrayList;const aFromTime,aToTime:TEngineTime);
var Lower,Upper,Mid,Index,StartIndex,MinIndex,MaxIndex,
if fCount>0 then begin
BeRo1985 / BGCMM.pas
Created April 8, 2020 08:19
A very old experimental garbage collector memory manager project for Delphi and FreePascal
// BeRo Garbage Collector Memory Manager - Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux
// Version: 2011.03.14.0013
// Description: