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Last active May 10, 2019 21:32
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Save BeRo1985/80fbcdf16a9809c84c7b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hybrid atomic loop weighted blended order independent transparency implementation
// Hybrid atomic loop weighted blended order independent transparency implementation (work in progress)
// Copyright (C) 2014 by Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux
// Licensed under the CC0 license, since in the German legislation exists no public
// domain.
// This implementation needs at least OpenGL 4.3 as minimum OpenGL version, due to my usage of shader storage buffer objects here
// Supports also additive blending for emission color portions
uniform sampler2D uTexTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor;
uniform sampler2D uTexTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha;
uniform int uOrderIndependentTransparencyWidth;
uniform int uOrderIndependentTransparencyLayers;
layout(std430) coherent buffer orderIndependentTransparencyDepthBufferData {
uint orderIndependentTransparencyDepthBuffer[];
layout(std430) buffer orderIndependentTransparencyColorBufferData {
uvec4 orderIndependentTransparencyColorBuffer[]; // Two packed RGBA16F values: xy = alpha blended color and zw = emission color
int oitGetCoordBaseBufferIndex(){
return ((int(gl_FragCoord.y) * uOrderIndependentTransparencyWidth) + int(gl_FragCoord.x)) * uOrderIndependentTransparencyLayers;
// For one-way clearing at after depth buffer creation, when it shouldn't happen for whatever reason on the CPU itself
void oitClear(){
int lBufferIndex = oitGetCoordBaseBufferIndex();
for(int lLayerIndex = 0; lLayerIndex < uOrderIndependentTransparencyLayers; lLayerIndex++){
orderIndependentTransparencyDepthBuffer[lBufferIndex++] = 0xffffffffu;
// Optional: Pass "zero" with alpha test against alpha value 1.0 for better weighted blended order independent transparency portion results
// First pass for finding K closest depth values
void oitPassOne(){
uint lFragDepth = floatBitsToUint(gl_FragCoord.z);
int lBufferIndex = oitGetCoordBaseBufferIndex();
for(int lLayerIndex = 0; lLayerIndex < uOrderIndependentTransparencyLayers; lLayerIndex++){
uint lOldDepth = atomicMin(orderIndependentTransparencyDepthBuffer[lBufferIndex++], lFragDepth);
if((lOldDepth == 0xffffffffu) || (lOldDepth == lFragDepth)){
lFragDepth = max(lOldDepth, lFragDepth);
// Second pass with fragment color recording and tail weighted blended order independent transparency blending
void oitPassTwo(const in vec4 pAlphaBlendingColor, const in vec4 pEmissionColor, const in float pViewSpaceZ, out vec4 pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor, out float pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha){
uint lFragDepth = floatBitsToUint(gl_FragCoord.z);
int lBufferIndex = oitGetCoordBaseBufferIndex();
// Binary search (the followed code could be more better optimized, when it is needed)
int lLow = 0;
int lHigh = uOrderIndependentTransparencyLayers - 1;
while(lLow < lHigh){
int lMiddle = lLow + ((lHigh - lLow) >> 1);
uint lTestDepth = orderIndependentTransparencyDepthBuffer[lBufferIndex + lMiddle];
if(lFragDepth > lTestDepth){
lLow = lMiddle + 1;
}else if(lFragDepth < lTestDepth){
lHigh = lMiddle - 1;
lLow = -1;
orderIndependentTransparencyColorBuffer[lBufferIndex + lMiddle] = uvec4(uvec2(packHalf2x16(pAlphaBlendingColor.rg), packHalf2x16(, uvec2(packHalf2x16(pEmissionColor.rg), packHalf2x16(;
// Tail weighted blended order independent transparency blending
if(lLow < 0){
// Fragment was recorded, so we must do no tail weighted blended order independent transparency blending here then
pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor = vec4(0.0);
pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha = 0.0;
// Fragment was not recorded, because it is behind the recorded last layer depth, so we must do tail weighted blended order independent transparency blending here then
if(dot(pAlphaBlendingColor, pAlphaBlendingColor) > 0.0){
// Alpha blending if alpha value is greater or equal zero (positive)
float pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyWeight = max(min(1.0, max(max(pAlphaBlendingColor.r, pAlphaBlendingColor.g), pAlphaBlendingColor.b) * pAlphaBlendingColor.a), pAlphaBlendingColor.a) * clamp(0.03 / (1e-5 + pow(pViewSpaceZ / 4096.0, 4.0)), 1e-2, 3e3);
pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor = vec4(pAlphaBlendingColor.rgb * pAlphaBlendingColor.a, pAlphaBlendingColor.a) * pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyWeight;
pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha = pAlphaBlendingColor.a;
if(dot(pEmissionColor, pEmissionColor) > 0.0){
// Fake incorrect but in the most cases still acceptable additive-like blending with weighted blended order independent transparency, if alpha value is less than zero (negative)
const float pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAdditiveBlendingRescaleWeight = 1e-3; // This value must not be zero, because the additive blending like effect is disappearing then,
// but also not too high, since it is used also as the alpha value for the blending itself.
// The base resolve step will do the following then:
// (firstTexel.rgb / firstTexel.a) * secondTexel.r
// where firstTexel.a and secondTexel.r are this one rescale weight value
pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor = vec4(pEmissionColor.rgb, pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAdditiveBlendingRescaleWeight);
pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha = pTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAdditiveBlendingRescaleWeight;
// Resolve the recorded and collected stuff
// Needs active blending with GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA => dstcolor = srccolor + (dstcolor * (1.0 - srcalpha))
// since the front-to-back layer has rendered over black, so it is pre-multiplied by its alpha value
vec4 oitResolve(){
ivec2 lFragCoord = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
// 1. Clear to translucent black (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
// The black color meaning nothing to add color-wise, and the transparent alpha value of 0.0 meaning that the background won't be occluded
vec4 lOutputColor = vec4(0.0);
// 2. Resolve recorded fragments per front-to-back blending with the UNDER blending operator
int lBufferIndex = oitGetCoordBaseBufferIndex();
for(int lLayerIndex = 0; lLayerIndex < uOrderIndependentTransparencyLayers; lLayerIndex++){
// Get array cell value and clear array cell at the same time
uint lDepth = atomicExchange(orderIndependentTransparencyDepthBuffer[lBufferIndex], 0xffffffffu);
if(lDepth == 0xffffffffu){
uvec4 lBufferPackedColor = orderIndependentTransparencyColorBuffer[lBufferIndex++];
vec4 lBufferAlphaBlendingColor = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(lBufferPackedColor.x), unpackHalf2x16(lBufferPackedColor.y));
vec4 lBufferEmissionColor = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(lBufferPackedColor.z), unpackHalf2x16(lBufferPackedColor.w));
// Emulating GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE => dstcolor += srccolor * (1.0 - dstalpha)
lOutputColor += (vec4(lBufferAlphaBlendingColor.rgb * lBufferAlphaBlendingColor.a, lBufferAlphaBlendingColor.a) + lBufferEmissionColor) * (1.0 - lOutputColor.a);
// 3. Blend the weighted blended order independent transparency portion top on the opaque color layer
vec4 lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor = texelFetch(uTexTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor, lFragCoord, 0);
float lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha = texelFetch(uTexTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha, lFragCoord, 0).x;
lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor = vec4((lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor.rgb / max(lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor.a, 1e-5)), lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyAlpha);
// Compositing by emulating GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA => dstcolor = (srccolor * (1.0 - srcalpha)) + (dstcolor * srcalpha)
// inverted for front-to-back compositing GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA * GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE => dstcolor += (srccolor * (1.0 - srcalpha)) * (1.0 - dstalpha)
// TO-DO: Check if it is correct in this way
lOutputColor += (lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor * (1.0 - lTailWeightedBlendedOrderIndependentTransparencyColor.a)) * (1.0 - lOutputColor.a);
// Return the final color
return lOutputColor;
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