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Last active February 27, 2024 03:51
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Query the attribute value in Maya Render Setup layer without switching layer
from maya import cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import pymel.core as pm
import as utils
from import (
from import (
ExactMatch = 0
ParentMatch = 1
ChildMatch = 2
DefaultRenderLayer = "defaultRenderLayer"
def get_rendersetup_layer(layer):
"""Return render setup layer name.
This also converts names from legacy renderLayer node name to render setup
Note: `defaultRenderLayer` is not a renderSetupLayer node but it is however
the valid layer name for Render Setup - so we return that as is.
>>> for legacy_layer in"renderLayer"):
>>> print get_rendersetup_layer(layer)
str or None: Returns renderSetupLayer node name if `layer` is a valid
layer name in legacy renderlayers or render setup layers.
Returns None if the layer can't be found or Render Setup is
currently disabled.
if layer == DefaultRenderLayer:
# defaultRenderLayer doesn't have a `renderSetupLayer`
return layer
if not cmds.mayaHasRenderSetup():
return None
if cmds.objExists(layer) and cmds.nodeType(layer) == "renderSetupLayer":
return layer
# By default Render Setup renames the legacy renderlayer
# to `rs_<layername>` but lets not rely on that as the
# layer node can be renamed manually
connections = cmds.listConnections(layer + ".message",
plugs=True) or []
return next((conn.split(".", 1)[0] for conn in connections
if conn.endswith(".legacyRenderLayer")), None)
def get_attr_in_layer(node_attr, layer):
"""Return attribute value in Render Setup layer.
This will only work for attributes which can be
retrieved with `maya.cmds.getAttr` and for which
Relative and Absolute overrides are applicable.
>>> get_attr_in_layer("defaultResolution.width", layer="layer1")
>>> get_attr_in_layer("defaultRenderGlobals.startFrame", layer="layer")
>>> get_attr_in_layer("transform.translate", layer="layer3")
attr (str): attribute name as 'node.attribute'
layer (str): layer name
object: attribute value in layer
def _layer_needs_update(layer):
"""Return whether layer needs updating."""
# Use `getattr` as e.g. DefaultRenderLayer does not have the attribute
return getattr(layer, "needsMembershipUpdate", False) or \
getattr(layer, "needsApplyUpdate", False)
def get_default_layer_value(node_attr_):
"""Return attribute value in defaultRenderLayer"""
inputs = cmds.listConnections(node_attr_,
type="applyOverride") or []
if inputs:
override = inputs[0]
history_overrides =,
node = history_overrides[-1] if history_overrides else override
node_attr_ = node + ".original"
return pm.getAttr(node_attr_, asString=True)
layer = get_rendersetup_layer(layer)
rs = renderSetup.instance()
current_layer = rs.getVisibleRenderLayer()
if == layer:
# Ensure layer is up-to-date
if _layer_needs_update(current_layer):
except RuntimeError as exc:
# Some cases can cause errors on switching
# the first time with Render Setup layers
# e.g. different overrides to compounds
# and its children plugs. So we just force
# it another time. If it then still fails
# we will let it error out.
return pm.getAttr(node_attr, asString=True)
overrides = get_attr_overrides(node_attr, layer)
default_layer_value = get_default_layer_value(node_attr)
if not overrides:
return default_layer_value
value = default_layer_value
for match, layer_override, index in overrides:
if isinstance(layer_override, AbsOverride):
# Absolute override
value = pm.getAttr( + ".attrValue")
if match == ExactMatch:
value = value
if match == ParentMatch:
value = value[index]
if match == ChildMatch:
value[index] = value
elif isinstance(layer_override, RelOverride):
# Relative override
# Value = Original * Multiply + Offset
multiply = pm.getAttr( + ".multiply")
offset = pm.getAttr( + ".offset")
if match == ExactMatch:
value = value * multiply + offset
if match == ParentMatch:
value = value * multiply[index] + offset[index]
if match == ChildMatch:
value[index] = value[index] * multiply + offset
raise TypeError("Unsupported override: %s" % layer_override)
return value
def get_attr_overrides(node_attr, layer,
"""Return all Overrides applicable to the attribute.
Overrides are returned as a 3-tuple:
(Match, Override, Index)
This is any of ExactMatch, ParentMatch, ChildMatch
and defines whether the override is exactly on the
plug, on the parent or on a child plug.
This is the RenderSetup Override instance.
This is the Plug index under the parent or for
the child that matches. The ExactMatch index will
always be None. For ParentMatch the index is which
index the plug is under the parent plug. For ChildMatch
the index is which child index matches the plug.
node_attr (str): attribute name as 'node.attribute'
layer (str): layer name
skip_disabled (bool): exclude disabled overrides
skip_local_render (bool): exclude overrides marked
as local render.
stop_at_absolute_override: exclude overrides prior
to the last absolute override as they have
no influence on the resulting value.
list: Ordered Overrides in order of strength
def get_mplug_children(plug):
"""Return children MPlugs of compound MPlug"""
children = []
if plug.isCompound:
for i in range(plug.numChildren()):
return children
def get_mplug_names(mplug):
"""Return long and short name of MPlug"""
l = mplug.partialName(useLongNames=True)
s = mplug.partialName(useLongNames=False)
return {l, s}
def iter_override_targets(override):
for target in override._targets():
yield target
except AssertionError:
# Workaround: There is a bug where the private `_targets()` method
# fails on some attribute plugs. For example overrides
# to the defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame
# (Tested in Maya 2020.2)
print("Workaround for %s" % override)
from import findPlug
attr = override.attributeName()
if isinstance(override, UniqueOverride):
node = override.targetNodeName()
yield findPlug(node, attr)
nodes = override.parent().selector().nodes()
for node in nodes:
if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, exists=True):
yield findPlug(node, attr)
# Get the MPlug for the node.attr
sel = om.MSelectionList()
plug = sel.getPlug(0)
layer = get_rendersetup_layer(layer)
if layer == DefaultRenderLayer:
# DefaultRenderLayer will never have overrides
# since it's the default layer
return []
rs_layer = renderSetup.instance().getRenderLayer(layer)
if rs_layer is None:
# Renderlayer does not exist
# Get any parent or children plugs as we also
# want to include them in the attribute match
# for overrides
parent = plug.parent() if plug.isChild else None
parent_index = None
if parent:
parent_index = get_mplug_children(parent).index(plug)
children = get_mplug_children(plug)
# Create lookup for the attribute by both long
# and short names
attr_names = get_mplug_names(plug)
for child in children:
if parent:
# Get all overrides of the layer
# And find those that are relevant to the attribute
plug_overrides = []
# Iterate over the overrides in reverse so we get the last
# overrides first and can "break" whenever an absolute
# override is reached
layer_overrides = list(utils.getOverridesRecursive(rs_layer))
for layer_override in reversed(layer_overrides):
if skip_disabled and not layer_override.isEnabled():
# Ignore disabled overrides
if skip_local_render and layer_override.isLocalRender():
# The targets list can be very large so we'll do
# a quick filter by attribute name to detect whether
# it matches the attribute name, or its parent or child
if layer_override.attributeName() not in attr_names:
override_match = None
for override_plug in iter_override_targets(layer_override):
override_match = None
if plug == override_plug:
override_match = (ExactMatch, layer_override, None)
elif parent and override_plug == parent:
override_match = (ParentMatch, layer_override, parent_index)
elif children and override_plug in children:
child_index = children.index(override_plug)
override_match = (ChildMatch, layer_override, child_index)
if override_match:
if (
override_match and
stop_at_absolute_override and
isinstance(layer_override, AbsOverride) and
# When the override is only on a child plug then it doesn't
# override the entire value so we not stop at this override
not override_match[0] == ChildMatch
# If override is absolute override, then BREAK out
# of parent loop we don't need to look any further as
# this is the absolute override
return reversed(plug_overrides)
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BigRoy commented Jan 22, 2021

Completely functional version without the TODO statements that uses Pymel for the getAttr functions which eases some of the value computational code as e.g. a vector is just returned as a Vector type and adding / multiplication, etc. work as intended.

Also swapped the top example with the code in this comment to avoid confusion!
Moved code example to snippet above

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Nice work !
But it looks like ExactMatch, ParentMatch, ChildMatch is not imported ?
And the getattr is actually pm.getAttr ?

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BTW, super readable indeed :)

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BigRoy commented Jan 22, 2021

Nice work !
But it looks like ExactMatch, ParentMatch, ChildMatch is not imported ?
And the getattr is actually pm.getAttr ?

@davidlatwe - Sorry mixed some things up. Should be fixed above.

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Now it works :)

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BigRoy commented Jan 22, 2021


Linking purely as reference other code implementations trying to do something similar to this snippet:

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BigRoy commented Jan 25, 2021

This code implementation (with some fixes!) is being maintained here.

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Took me a while.. , I just adopted this into our config. 🍻

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