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Save BigRoy/90417e5e7fe96d039ae42f315ed59773 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Houdini Solaris shader/render debug "isolate selected" type of behavior similar to Arnold Render View (use as shelf script - CTRL+ click disables it)
from typing import Tuple
import hou
import toolutils
from pxr import UsdShade, Sdf
POST_LAYER_NAME = "isolate_shaders"
# Prioritize outputs if there are multiple
"outputs:surface", # usual surface outputs
"outputs:out", # usual materialx output
"outputs:shader", # usual arnold outputs
"outputs:out_variable", # arnold 'state' outputs
# Worst case scenario fall back to r, g or b channel
SHADER_OUTPUT_ORDER = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(SHADER_OUTPUT_ORDER)}
BLACK_SHADER = """#sdf 1.0
def Material "__debug_black_mat"
token outputs:surface.connect = </__debug_black_mat/usdpreviewsurface.outputs:surface>
def Shader "usdpreviewsurface"
uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
color3f inputs:diffuseColor = (0, 0, 0)
float inputs:ior = 1
float inputs:roughness = 0
token outputs:surface
def get_main_output(shader):
"""Define what will be the output to display from a Shader
This should basically mimic what the visualize node would do.
# TODO: Improve this logic so that if e.g. a R channel would
# be connected in the graph that it'd still show RGB if the
# shader id does support that output.
outputs = shader.GetOutputs()
if len(outputs) == 1:
return outputs[0]
if len(outputs) == 0:
def sorter(output):
name = output.GetFullName()
index = SHADER_OUTPUT_ORDER.get(name)
if index is None:
index = len(SHADER_OUTPUT_ORDER) + 1
return index, name
return outputs[0]
def get_parent_material(shader):
"""From a UsdShade.Shader find the first parent that has a type name.
This should usually return the "UsdShade.Material"
parent = shader.GetParent()
while parent and not parent.GetTypeName():
if parent.IsPseudoRoot():
parent = parent.GetParent()
return parent
def update(lop_network: hou.LopNetwork):
"""Update debug isolate selected to current state in lop network."""""
lop_node = lop_network.displayNode()
selection: Tuple[str] = lop_network.selection()
if selection:
with lop_network.editablePostLayer(POST_LAYER_NAME, lop_node) as pl:
layer = pl.layer()
stage = pl.stage()
black_material = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/__debug_black_mat")
black_material = UsdShade.Material(black_material)
selection_lookup = {Sdf.Path(path) for path in selection}
prims = [stage.GetPrimAtPath(path) for path in selection]
shader_prim = next(
(prim for prim in prims if prim.IsA(UsdShade.Shader)),
if shader_prim:
# If Shader, find parent material and connect the shader
# output to the material's `outputs:surface` slot.
# If the material also has e.g. `outputs:arnold:surface`
# attribute, then also connect it there.
# TODO: THis does not work for MaterialX shaders since those
# appear to be required to go through a 'material'
shader_output = get_main_output(UsdShade.Shader(shader_prim))
material = get_parent_material(shader_prim)
for attr in [
surface_attr = material.GetAttribute(attr)
if not surface_attr.IsValid():
surface_output = UsdShade.Output(surface_attr)
# Detect if any boundable in or under selection
sel_paths = " ".join(selection)
rule = hou.LopSelectionRule(
f"({sel_paths} >>) & %type:Boundable"
if rule.firstPath(stage=stage):
# Find all other boundables and disable their materials
# completely so that only this geometry remains as 'shaded'
rule = hou.LopSelectionRule(
f"%type:Boundable - ({sel_paths} >>)"
for override_prim_path in rule.expandedPaths(stage=stage):
boundable_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(override_prim_path)
def _solaris_debug_mode_on_ui_selection_changed(selection):
for node in selection:
if node.type().category() != hou.vopNodeTypeCategory():
creator = node.creator()
if creator.type().name() != "materiallibrary":
modified = creator.lastModifiedPrims()
if not modified:
# No materials generated
# The VOP node is part of a materiallibrary
# We should now try and get its USD Prim path
# for the selected shader or material to see
# if it is inside the USD data. If so, we will
# select it in the scene graph to trigger the
# 'isolate select' callback
node_path = node.path()
shader_path = None
for i in range(creator.evalParm("materials")):
index = i + 1
mat_node = creator.parm(f"matnode{index}").evalAsNode()
if not mat_node:
if not node.path().startswith(mat_node.path()):
# It's not the material node or a child of it
relative_path = mat_node.relativePathTo(node)
material_path = creator.evalParm(f"matpath{index}")
material_path_prefix = creator.evalParm(f"matpathprefix")
if material_path.startswith("/"):
# Absolute path set for the material
material_path_prefix = ""
usd_path = f"{material_path_prefix}{material_path}"
if relative_path != ".":
usd_path = f"{usd_path}/{relative_path}"
# TODO: Custom HDA or some subnet will not convert with
# their own output in the USD data, but instead just
# become a parent prim and the subnet's output
# just get passed through - so we might need to find
# the child networks' output instead
shader_prim = creator.stage().GetPrimAtPath(usd_path)
if not shader_prim or not shader_prim.IsValid():
shader_path = usd_path
if not shader_path:
# TODO: remove existing Shaders from Selection
# to only replace the Shader selection
network =
# selection = list(network.selection())
def _solaris_debug_mode_on_selection_changed(node, event_type):
"""Callback on """
def setup_callbacks(lop_network: hou.LopNetwork):
"""Setup the selection changed callbacks"""
def remove_callbacks(lop_network: hou.LopNetwork):
"""Remove the selection changed callbacks
Because we're using this as a shelf script without external python file
we don't really have a global reference to the original callbacks. So we
just find them by name and remove that way instead.
event_types = (hou.nodeEventType.SelectionChanged,)
callback_name = _solaris_debug_mode_on_selection_changed.__name__
ui_callback_name = _solaris_debug_mode_on_ui_selection_changed.__name__
for callback_event_types, callback in lop_network.eventCallbacks():
if event_types != callback_event_types:
if callback.__name__ == callback_name:
lop_network.removeEventCallback(event_types, callback)
for callback in hou.ui.selectionCallbacks():
if callback.__name__ == ui_callback_name:
def main():
lop_network: hou.LopNetwork = hou.node("/stage")
scene_viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer()
# Disable with Control+Click
if kwargs.get("ctrlclick"): # noqa: `kwargs` is defined for shelf scripts
scene_viewer.setPromptMessage("Disabled Isolate Selected debug shading")
"Entered Isolate Selected debug shading mode (Ctrl+Click Shelf button to disable)",
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BigRoy commented Jan 24, 2024

How to use

  1. Use the Python script as Houdini shelf tool script
  2. Click the shelf button to enable the 'isolate selected debug shader' mode.
  3. CTRL + Click the shelf button to exit the isolation mode.

Further work

It could be interesting potentially to turn this into a Viewport Python State so that you can have visual cues of the active state, and maybe even specialized selection features to isolate shaders in different ways or even pick what of the material's inputs to isolate. Lots of ideas.

It's also good to mention that the implementation here is tested mostly with Arnold Material Builder and likely won't work for some others due to how it connects the output of a given shader directly to the material which e.g. doesn't work for Materialx Builder. That's likely fixable, but not implemented.

Note: It currently uses Post Lop Layers which do get written out to an output file from USD render rops, it might be an improvement to instead apply it in the ViewportOverride session layer.

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