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  • Save BigRoy/bcc294fb80e92756aa32b355ed204f98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BigRoy/bcc294fb80e92756aa32b355ed204f98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Maya: Connect Objects translation to param u on NurbsCurve via pointOnCurveInfo node.
"""Connect objects (transforms) to a nurbsCurve by pointOnCurve node.
Select the objects, then select the nurbsCurve last.
Run the script.
Updated version of:
from maya import cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om2
def get_dag_path(node_name):
"""Return maya.api.OpenMaya.MDagPath from node name.
node_name (str): Maya dag node name.
om2.MDagPath: Dag path for the node.
sel = om2.MSelectionList()
return sel.getDagPath(0)
def get_curve_u_param(pos, crv, tolerance=0.001):
"""Return closest U param on the nurbs curve.
pos (list): Vector of position.
curve (str): Name of the curve shape node.
float: U Param.
point = om2.MPoint(pos)
dag = get_dag_path(crv)
dag.extendToShape() # make sure to use the shape of the curve
fn_curve = om2.MFnNurbsCurve(dag)
if fn_curve.isPointOnCurve(point):
return fn_curve.getParamAtPoint(point, tolerance, om2.MSpace.kObject)
point, param = fn_curve.closestPoint(point,
return fn_curve.getParamAtPoint(point, tolerance, om2.MSpace.kObject)
sel =, long=True)
if len(sel) < 2:
raise RuntimeError("Select objects first and the nurbsCurve last. You must select at least two objects.")
# Last object in selection will be used as curve
crv = sel.pop()
for node in sel:
pos = cmds.xform(node, query=True, worldSpace=True, translation=True)
u = get_curve_u_param(pos, crv)
name = node.rsplit("|", 1)[-1].replace("_LOC", "_PCI")
pci = cmds.createNode("pointOnCurveInfo", name=name)
cmds.connectAttr(crv + ".worldSpace", pci + ".inputCurve")
cmds.setAttr(pci + ".parameter", u)
cmds.connectAttr(pci + ".position", node + ".translate")
print("Connected objects to curve '{}':\n -{}".format(crv, "\n -".join(sel)))
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