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Last active April 24, 2024 18:01
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Get rid of EU Cookie Banners (Tampermonkey)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Get rid of EU Cookie Banners
// @namespace
// @description Get rid of EU Cookie Banners
// @license
// @downloadURL
// @homepage
// @version 0.3.4
// @author Dominik Deobald
// @match http*://*/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var config = {
selectors: {
rules: [
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".CookiesOK"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#closeCookieBanner"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".CookieBanner-button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#nts-set-cookie"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cc_btn_accept_all"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".noticeCookiesContent .CustomDismissCtrl"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-consent .cookie-btn"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#accept-cookies"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookie_button_agree"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookies-agreement #agree-button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookielayer .action-btn"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie.nag .close"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#__tealiumGDPRecModal #consent_prompt_submit"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'button[data-selenium="CookiesAcceptButton"]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".gdpr__button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".eu-cookie-compliance-agree-button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-notification .js-cookie-notification-hide"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".js-accept-cookie-policy"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookie-law-info-bar #cookie_action_close_header"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookie-bar .cb-enable"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-bar .cb-enable"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.butterBar--privacy button[title*="I agree"]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookieChoiceDismiss"},
// oath (Tumblr)
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'div[data-view="guce-gdpr"] button[data-submit="agree"]'},
// HumbleBundle
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#_evidon-accept-button"},
// WordPress
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".widget_eu_cookie_law_widget .accept"},
// Doodle
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#d-dismissCookieBanner"},
// Sivantos
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-confirmation-button"},
// StackOverflow
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#js-gdpr-consent-banner .js-notice-close"},
// DPD
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#btnCookieOK"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookiesOkButton"},
// Payback
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'div[data-userhiddencontent-name="dsgvo"] .stripe__collapse-trigger'},
// Paypal
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "a#acceptAllButton"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#dsgvoAccepted a[title="Cookie-Hinweis schließen"]'},
{hostname: /$/, action:"remove", "target":".announcements"},
{hostname: /$/, action: "click", target: "#need-to-close-quickly-true"},
{hostname: /$/, action: "click", target: ".gdpr-vx-consent-bar-button"},
{hostname: /$/, action: "click", target: 'input[name="/de/telekom/phoenix/checkout/controller/CookiesPolicyFormHandler.submit"]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'button[data-gdpr-single-choice-accept]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonAccept'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#cookieinfo-close'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#disclaimer-cookie-accept'},
{hostname: /derstandard/, action: "click", target: '.js-privacywall-agree'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.optanon-allow-all'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.js-hide-cookie-message'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.cookies-message__close'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.js_gdpr_close'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#acceptCookieHint'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#btn-agree-cookie'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#privacy-consent'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.eupopup-container'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cookie_hint'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cookiebanner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookiebanner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#cookieBarConfirm'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookieBar'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cc_banner-wrapper'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#js-eu-cookie'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#AcceptCookiesBanner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.js-CookieBanner'},
{hostname: /payback/, action: "remove", target: 'div[data-userhiddencontent-name="dsgvo"]'},
{hostname: /(, action: "click", target: '.guj-cb__button'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#ck-close-cookie-statement'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#ck-cookie-statement'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cc-window,.cc-banner,.cc-overlay'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookie-law-info-bar'},
{hostname: /, action: "remove", target: '#cookieChoiceInfo'},
{hostname: /sivantos/, action: "remove", target: '.cookie-confirmation'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#cookieMsgBlock'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#gdprCookieBanner'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#dsgvoAccepted'},
{hostname: /, action: "click", target: '.pl-cookies-cta .pl-accept'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookie-banner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: "#cookie-notice"},
{hostname: /adobe/, action: "click", target: "#_evidon-accept-button"},
{hostname: /, action: "click", target: "#sncmp-popup-ok-button"},
{hostname: /, action: "remove", target: "#wrapperdiv"},
{hostname: /, action: 'remove', target: "#_psaihm_main_div,_psaihm_overlay"}
rulesdelay: [
// {hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.cc-banner .cc-dismiss'},
// {hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.cc-window .cc-dismiss'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookie-banner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#cookie-consent-accept-button'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: ".cc_banner-wrapper"},
function doClick(node, selector) {
var didSomething = false;
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
if (!node[i].dataset.cookieAwayClicked) {
node[i].dataset.cookieAwayClicked = true;
didSomething = true;
if (didSomething) {
console.log('click', selector);
function doRemove(node, selector) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
if (node.length && selector) { console.log('remove', selector); }
function doRule(rule) {
if (typeof rule.hostname == 'string' && rule.hostname !== location.hostname) { return; }
if (typeof rule.hostname == 'object' && typeof rule.hostname.match == 'function' && !rule.hostname.match(location.hostname)) { return; }
if (rule.action == 'remove') { doRemove($$(,; }
if (rule.action == 'click') { doClick($$(,; }
var $$ = function(s) {
return document.querySelectorAll(s);
function getObject(key, defValue) {
var obj = window, keys;
try {
keys = key.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
obj = obj[keys[i]];
} catch(e) {
obj = defValue || null;
return typeof obj !== 'undefined'? obj : defValue;
function firstCall() {
typeof getObject('Cookiebot.dialog.submitConsent') == 'function' && window.Cookiebot.dialog.submitConsent();
typeof window.hideCookieHint == 'function' && window.hideCookieHint(true);
typeof window.golemAcceptCookies == 'function' && window.golemAcceptCookies();
typeof window.CookiesOK == 'function' && window.CookiesOK();
typeof getObject('CookieControl.notifyAccept') == 'function' && window.CookieControl.notifyAccept();
function delayCall1() {
config.selectors.rules = config.selectors.rules.concat(config.selectors.rulesdelay);
function delayCall2() {
function delayCall5() {
typeof window.__cmpui == 'function' && window.__cmpui("setAndSaveAllConsent",!0); // SourceForge
config.selectors.rules = config.selectors.rules.concat(config.selectors.rulesdelay);
function execute() {
setTimeout(firstCall, 100);
setTimeout(execute, 150);
setTimeout(execute, 500);
setTimeout(delayCall1, 1100);
setTimeout(execute, 2000);
setTimeout(delayCall2, 2100);
setTimeout(execute, 5000);
setTimeout(delayCall5, 5100);
setTimeout(execute, 10000);
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fadster commented Jan 29, 2024

We want to block the cookie consent popups, not accept all cookies.

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tanerjn commented Apr 23, 2024

Would it be possible to modify the script so it will deny, instead of accept.

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BlaM commented Apr 24, 2024

This script hasn't been maintained (or used by me) for almost 3 years, so I'm not sure if it does anything anymore. But yes, it can be updated to click on the "deny" buttons if they can be easily detected on the page. However, as mentioned in my previous comment: I do not currently maintain this script, I use the "I don't care about cookies" browser plugin instead.

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tanerjn commented Apr 24, 2024

I guess many people would prefer 'not to allow'. Though thanks for the reply.

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