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Last active September 10, 2023 06:11
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// code updates are now there:
// Processing code by Etienne JACOB
// motion blur template by beesandbombs
// opensimplexnoise code (by Kurt Spencer) in another tab is necessary
// --> code here :
// See the license information at the end of this file.
// View the rendered result at:
int[][] result;
float t, c;
float c01(float x)
return constrain(x,0,1);
float ease(float p, float g) {
if (p < 0.5)
return 0.5 * pow(2*p, g);
return 1 - 0.5 * pow(2*(1 - p), g);
float map(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d, boolean constr)
return constr ? constrain(map(x,a,b,c,d),c,d) : map(x,a,b,c,d);
// WARNING : little function used a lot here, maps the range [a,b] to [0,1] and constrains in [0,1]
float mp01(float x, float a, float b)
return map(x,a,b,0,1,true);
float pow_(float p,float g)
return 1-pow(1-p,g);
void draw() {
if (!recording) {
t = mouseX*1.0/width;
c = mouseY*1.0/height;
if (mousePressed)
} else {
for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++)
for (int a=0; a<3; a++)
result[i][a] = 0;
c = 0;
for (int sa=0; sa<samplesPerFrame; sa++) {
t = map(frameCount-1 + sa*shutterAngle/samplesPerFrame, 0, numFrames, 0, 1);
for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++) {
result[i][0] += pixels[i] >> 16 & 0xff;
result[i][1] += pixels[i] >> 8 & 0xff;
result[i][2] += pixels[i] & 0xff;
for (int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++)
pixels[i] = 0xff << 24 |
int(result[i][0]*1.0/samplesPerFrame) << 16 |
int(result[i][1]*1.0/samplesPerFrame) << 8 |
if (frameCount<=numFrames)
if (frameCount==numFrames)
// end of template
int samplesPerFrame = 7;
int numFrames = 450;
float shutterAngle = 1.3;
boolean recording = false;
OpenSimplexNoise noise;
int n = 5000; // number of particles
float blackSphereRadius = 140; // black sphere radius
float DR = 48; // additional radius (during mid-time)
// go from v1 to v2 with rotation arround their middle
PVector rotater(PVector v1,PVector v2,float p,PVector orientation)
PVector middle = v1.copy().add(v2).mult(0.5);
PVector middleToV1 = v1.copy().sub(middle);
float r = middleToV1.mag();
// orientation vector is orthogonal to a plane on which we move
PVector basisVector1 = middleToV1.copy().normalize();
PVector basisVector2 = (orientation.cross(middleToV1)).normalize();
// coordinates of vector in new basis
float X = r*cos(PI*p);
float Y = r*sin(PI*p);
PVector v = basisVector1.copy().mult(X).add(basisVector2.copy().mult(Y)); // v = X*basisVector1 + Y*basisVector2
PVector finalPosition = middle.copy().add(v);
return finalPosition;
// vector field defining orientation of previous rotation with "rotater" function
// (a bit abstract)
PVector orienterField(PVector pos) // actually I finally chose that it's a constant field that does not depend on position
float vx = 1;
float vy = 1;
float vz = 0.5;
PVector res = new PVector(vx,vy,vz);
return res;
// to avoid particles going inside the black sphere
PVector bounder(PVector v)
PVector u = v.copy().normalize();
return u;
// easing function taken from, slightly modified
float easeOutElastic(float x)
float c4 = (2*PI)/3;
if(x<=0) return 0;
if(x>=1) return 1;
return pow(2, -7 * x) * sin((x * 10 - 0.75) * c4) + 1;
class Particle
PVector pos1,pos2;
float delay1;
PVector orientation;
float seed = random(10,1000);
Particle(int i)
// setting (x,y,z) position on black sphere (position at start and end)
// using special formulas to get evenly distributed positions
float phi = PI * (3. - sqrt(5.));
float theta = phi*i;
float y = map(i,0,n-1,1,-1);
float radius = sqrt(1 - y * y);
y *= blackSphereRadius;
float x = cos(theta) * blackSphereRadius * radius;
float z = sin(theta) * blackSphereRadius * radius;
pos1 = new PVector(x,y,z);
// orientation of rotation effect
orientation = orienterField(pos1);
float radius2 = blackSphereRadius+DR*pow(random(0.75)+0.25,1.4);
pos2 = pos1.copy().normalize().mult(radius2); // position when particle left the black sphere
// but so far without random displacement
float pw = 2.0;
float rd = random(1);
float rd1 = mp01(rd,0,0.5);
float rd2 = mp01(rd,0.5,1);
float delay0 = 0.5*pow_(rd1,pw)+0.5*pow(rd2,pw);
// delay for particles returning on the sphere with this offset, the above code defines a desired random distribution
delay1 = delay0*0.45;
float sphereSize(float p)
float noiseRadius = 6.0;
float ns = map((float)noise.eval(seed+noiseRadius*cos(TWO_PI*p),noiseRadius*sin(TWO_PI*p)),-1,1,0,1);
return pow(ns,3.0)*2+0.5;
// noisy displacement
PVector displacement(float p)
float noiseRadius = 1.4;
float amplitude = 8;
float noiseSpaceX = noiseRadius*cos(TWO_PI*p);
float noiseSpaceY = noiseRadius*sin(TWO_PI*p);
float dx = amplitude*(float)noise.eval(2*seed+noiseSpaceX,noiseSpaceY);
float dy = amplitude*(float)noise.eval(3*seed+noiseSpaceX,noiseSpaceY);
float dz = amplitude*(float)noise.eval(4*seed+noiseSpaceX,noiseSpaceY);
// (looping noise but not a necessary property because the displacement is 0 at the begining)
return new PVector(dx,dy,dz);
void show(float p) // p will just be the time t in [0,1]
p = (12345+p)%1;
// IMPORTANT : time is reversed because I experimented and tried reversed time at some point (sorry about this)
// after this line of code the progress with p is actually to go from sphere surface to displaced position and then doing the elastic easing to come back to the sphere's surface
p = 1-p; // maybe try without this line of code to understand it better
// q is how much the particle left the black sphere
float q = mp01(p-delay1,0,0.25);
q = ease(q,3.0);
// go from position on sphere to displaced position (when time is not reversed)
PVector pos = pos1.copy().lerp(pos2.copy().add(displacement(p)),q);
// diagonal delay for main effect
float delay2 = 0.3 - map(0.5*pos.y-0.5*pos.x,-150,150,0,0.3);
float q2 = mp01(p-delay2,0.3,0.7);
q2 = 1-easeOutElastic(pow(1-q2,2.0));
// use rotater function and orientation to go back to position on sphere (when time is not reversed)
PVector v = rotater(pos,pos1,q2,orientation);
float sz = lerp(1.0,sphereSize(p),0.2+0.8*pow(c01(sin(PI*p)),1.5)); // controlling particle size through time
v = bounder(v); // keep position outside of black sphere
Particle [] particlesArray = new Particle[n];
void setup(){
result = new int[width*height][3];
noise = new OpenSimplexNoise(1234);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
particlesArray[i] = new Particle(i);
void draw_(){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
/* License:
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Etienne Jacob
* All rights reserved.
* This code after the template and the related animations are the property of the
* copyright holder. Any reproduction, distribution, or use of this material,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the copyright
* holder is strictly prohibited.
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