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Last active March 29, 2022 18:27
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force debug_traceTransaction
import logging
from brownie import accounts, chain, network, web3
from brownie._config import CONFIG
from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout
from time import sleep
from flashprofits.transaction_helpers import get_transaction
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def quick_change_network(name, block=None):
"""Change networks without preserving anything (like accounts)."""
if network.is_connected():
# web3 responded
if block and block < 0:
block = chain[-1].number + block
if network.show_active() == name:
# we are already connected to the desired network
if block:
# check that we are also connected to the correct block
# TODO: something is wrong here. we are getting hardhat's --fork-block-number flag even though we are trying to use ganache
fork_block = CONFIG.active_network["cmd_settings"]["fork_block"]
except KeyError:
if fork_block == block:
# we are forked at the right block. no need to do anything
# TODO: actually, maybe we should check that chain[-1] is our block too? otherwise there might be state changes from other tests
# TODO: if we are on hardhat, we can send an rpc request instead of disconnecting
# we are connected to a different network/wrong fork block, disconnect
if block and block < 0:
block = chain[-1].number + block
if block:
CONFIG.networks[name]["cmd_settings"]["fork_block"] = block
# TODO: do something so that we get a unique port. i think brownie's parallel runner code should be able to do this for us
def make_transaction_traceable(tx):
# first, try to do something that gets the trace. if that works, we don't need to do anything special
logger.debug("Attempting to get internal_transfers for %s", tx.txid)
except Exception as e:
# reset _internal_transfers to None so that
# tx._internal_transfers = None
# TODO: warning?
# TODO: if error is f"Network id {chain_id} does not correspond to a network that Hardhat can trace", then we can't do this method either
logger.debug("Unable to fetch internal transfers for %s: %s", tx.txid, e)
# we were able to trace it. no need to do anything fancy
# if you run your own node, this will be the common case. nodes almost always limit debug_traceTransaction
return tx
# figure out what network to use
# TODO: think more about this. we might need overrides
active_network = network.show_active()
if active_network.endswith("-fork"):
# primary_network, _ = active_network.rsplit('-', 1)
fork_network = active_network
# primary_network = active_network
fork_network = active_network + "-fork"
# load data about the block
block = tx.block_number
target_timestamp = chain[block].timestamp
# turn off autofetch sources. we don't need the sources for every transaction in the block. that slows us down and we don't use them
old_autofetch = CONFIG.settings.get("autofetch_sources")
CONFIG.settings["autofetch_sources"] = False
# get the transactions that we need to rebuild the block
# fetching from a forked node would hit their caches, but we have our own caches on get_transaction
block_txs = []
found = False
logger.debug("fetching txs in block %s", block)
for i, other_txid in enumerate(chain[block].transactions):
logger.debug(f"fetching #{i} {other_txid.hex()}...")
# i would prefer to web3.eth.get_raw_transaction, but if we don't have debug_traceTransaction, we probably don't have it either
# TODO: try anyways? query the explorer for the raw transaction?
block_txs.append(get_transaction(other_txid, fix_unknown_events=False))
if other_txid == tx.txid:
# no need to fetch anything past our target transaction
found = True
if not found:
# this shouldn't happen
raise ValueError
# return autofetch_sources to the previous value
CONFIG.settings["autofetch_sources"] = old_autofetch"{len(block_txs)} transaction(s) to replay")
# fork at the block before the target transaction's block
quick_change_network(fork_network, block=block - 1)
# turn off automine so that all the replayed transactions are in the same block
# TODO: different providers might do this differently. does brownie have a helper for this?
web3.provider.make_request("evm_setAutomine", [False])
# replay the transactions
unlocked = set()
for tx in block_txs:
if tx.receiver == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001000":
# this is a special deposit transaction and our test nodes do not handle them
# TODO: only skip on bsc?
# TODO: is skipping going to cause issues?
logger.debug("skipped validator deposit %s", tx.txid)
# unlock the account
if tx.sender not in unlocked:
logger.debug(f"unlocking {tx.sender}"), force=True)
# send the transaction from the account
# these params probably don't perfectly match what the original sender gave, but hopefully they are close enough to get the same result
# TODO: this is probably different with EIP1559
tx_params = {
"from": tx.sender,
"gas": tx.gas_limit,
"gasPrice": tx.gas_price,
"to": tx.receiver,
"data": tx.input,
"nonce": tx.nonce,
"value": tx.value,
# this is an intentional typo so the logs line up
logger.debug(f"replayin {tx.txid}...")
# txids are very likely not going to match
# allow reverts. don't wait for confirmations
new_txid = web3.eth.send_transaction(tx_params).hex()
logger.debug(f"replayed {tx.txid} as {new_txid}")
# new_txid is the last tx's new txid. and the last tx is the one we care about
# mine all the replayed transactions
# TODO: this almost always times out, but it seems to work fine. investigate
except ReadTimeout as e:
logger.warning("%s", e)
# TODO: sleep until our block is mined?
# fetch the original transaction with its new id. this transaction will work with debug_traceTransaction
tx = chain.get_transaction(new_txid)
# TODO: compare all the transactions (at least while testing)
# TODO: make sure chain[-1].block_number == block
logger.warning("do something so that the caller knows they need to web3.disconnect() at the end of their querying")
return tx
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