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Last active February 25, 2019 18:29
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PreWork Day 1

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Chapter 1 Structure and Chapter 2 Text

  1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?
    HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language that creates links to move easily from one page to another. It is the structure that communicates how content is is displayed on each webpage according to categories and subcategories of formatting it references.

  2. What is the difference between an element and a tag?
    Elements are used to define the structure of the webpage. They are characters that are between < > and </ > brackets. The first is the opening tag and the second the closing tag. The tags are markup that bookmark content stipulating (communicating) how the content is formatted on the page. The tags and the content between make up the element (Some elements only have an opening tag).

  3. Why do we use attributes in HTML elements?
    An attribute gives more information about the element. It is comprised of a name and a value following the character(s) and a space in the opening tag of an element. It looks like name="value". Attributes are pre-defined or follow a specific format. Only certain attributes can be used with certain elements.

  4. Describe the purpose of the head, title, and body HTML elements.
    The <head> element is outside and above the <body> element. It contains the <title> element and its content is not shown on the webpage. This is where a link to a CSS document resides. The <title> element provides a name to the page or to each of the separate pages in a multipage website. It shows up in the URL for the page and in the tabs or title bar. The <body> element bookmarks the content that is shown on the webpage.

  5. In your browser (Chrome), how do you view the source of a website?
    When in a Chrome browser go to View, Developer, then View Source to view the source code for the webpage.

  6. List five different HTML elements and what they are used for. For example,

    is a paragraph element, and it is used to represent a paragraph of text.

  • <br /> adds a break in the middle of a <p>paragraph
  • <sub> </sub> makes the characters subscript
  • <abbr> </abbr> indicates an abbreviation usually with the title="" attribute
  • <s> </s> strikes through content
  • <em> </em> creates emphasis for screen readers and search engines
  1. What are empty elements?
    An empty element has no characters between the opening and closing tags. ex. <br />

  2. What is semantic markup?
    Semantic Markup provides extra information without affecting structure for screen readers and search engines, not for appearance of the content.

  3. What are three new semantic elements introduced in HTML 5? Use page 431 in the book to find more about these new elements.
    <header> <nav> and <article> are being used in place of <div> for a more accurate breakdown of the structure of the page to provide more information for screen readers.

Codepen Assignment

PreWork Day 2

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Chapter 3 Lists and Chapter 4 Links

  1. There are three main types of lists in HTML: ordered, unordered, and definition. What are their differences?
    In an ordered list <ol>, each item is numbered, while in an unordered list <ul> each item begins with a bullet point rather than a number. Both <ol> and <ul> contain list items <li>. A definition list <dl> contains a definition term <dt> and a definition <dd>. A definition list terms and definitions are not numbered or indicated by bullet point but use indentation to indicate difference.

  2. What is the basic structure of an element used to link to another website?
    For any link the <a> element is used with the href attribute. Here is an example <a href="">Another Website</a>

  3. What attribute should you include in a link to open a new tab when the link is clicked?
    target="_blank" is the attribute that follows the href attribute in the opening tag of the <a> link element

  4. How do you link to a specific part of the same page?
    To link to another area on the same page an id attribute is added to the element of the content to which you want to link. The id value should start with an underscore or a letter, not a number. An id value cannot be repeated or reused on the same page. Here is an example: <a href="idvalue">Text</a> or <a href="top">Top of page</a>.

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Chapter 10 What is CSS, Chapter 11 Text and Chapter 12 Color

  1. What is the purpose of CSS?
    CSS allows you to create rules that specify how the content of an element should look. There is a selector which calls out the element that to which the declaration is applied. The declaration is made up of a property and a value. The property names to what the value should be applied.

  2. What does CSS stand for? What does cascading mean in this case?
    CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. The style sheets contain a cascading feature because it recognizes a hierarchy of the rules and how they are applied. Rules can be applied through inheritance, by cascading selectors such as child selector, descendant selector, adjacent sibling selector, or general sibling selector. It makes for cleaner code.


  • last rule
  • more specific rule over general rule
  • !important (after any property value)
  1. What is the basic structure of a CSS rule?
    CSS Structure -

selector { property: value;}

  1. How do you link a CSS stylesheet to your HTML document?
    In the <head> of the html document add <link href="cssFileName.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>. It is an empty element.

  2. When is it useful to use external stylesheets as opposed to using internal CSS?
    External stylesheets are general good practice. Most websites contain multiple pages within the website. An external CSS file can be linked once and maintained across all the pages within the website. On rare occasions you might use internal CSS for a single page website.

  3. Describe what a color hex code is.
    The hex code for color is six characters following a hash symbol. The first two are values for red, the second two represent which green and the third two represent blue in hexadecimal code. It looks like #66cdaa or #ffcc00. The characters are not case sensitive. It is the most specific way to use a color.

  4. What are the three parts of an HSL color property?
    HSL is a new color property that allows for declaration of Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. It looks like this

         background-color: #C8C8C8;
         background-color: hsl(0.0%.78%);}

Hue is expressed as an angle between 0 and 360 on the color wheel. Saturation as a percentage 0% being mostly gray, 100% being no gray. Lightness is different than brightness. It is also expressed as a percentage of white. 100% being white, 50% being normal. The hex code is also specified first for browsers that do not yet identify the hsl yet.

  1. In the world of typeface, what are the three main categories of fonts? What are the differences between them?
  • Weight (Light, Medium, Bold, Black)
    • emphasis: weight or thickness of the lines making up the lettering
    • contrast: affect the white space on page
  • Style (Normal, Italic, Oblique)
    • Italic fonts have a cursive aspect
    • Oblique is normal at a slant
  • Stretch (Condensed, Regular, Extended)
    • Condensed font the letters are thinner and closer together
    • Expanded font the letters are further apart and thicker
  1. When specifying font-size, what are the main three units used?
  • Pixels are the most precise setting indicated by a number followed by px. They are relative to the resolution of the screen.
  • Percentages The default text is 16px so the assigned percentage will be applied to the 16px, unless another px font sign is designated.
  • Ems This calculates to the width of the letter "m" at the default 16 px unless otherwise designated.

PreWork Day 3

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Chapter 7 Forms

  1. If you're using an input element in a form, what attribute controls the behavior of that input?
    The input element always has the type attribute to indicate the behavior and appearance of the input.

  2. What element is used to create a dropdown list?
    The <select> element in coordination with the <option> element is used to create a dropdown list. Like an <li>inside an <ol> or <ul> the <option> element is contained within the <select> element. Each <option> element has a value attribute naming the option within the dropdown list.

  3. If you're using an input element to send form data to a server, what should the type attribute be set to?
    When using the input element the type attribute should be set to the value submit and the method attribute to the value post in order for it to be sent to the server.

  4. What element is used to group similar form items together?
    <fieldset> will group form controls into a long form with a box around the entire set of form controls. The box can be altered in CSS. The <fieldset> element is usually followed by a <legend> element to name the long form.

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Chapter 13 Boxes and Chapter 15 Layout

  1. Describe the differences between border, margin, and padding.
    Margin, Border, and Padding: Between the box containing the content and the Border is the Padding. The Border can be as small as 0px or can be a thicker boxy border. The area outside the Border is the Margin which can be set against other boxes on the page. Control over the Margin, Border and Padding allow designers to arrange the white space in the most visually appealing way on the page.
    Illustration - Wordpress Study Designs

  2. For a CSS rule padding: 1px 2px 5px 10px, what sides of the content box does each pixel value correspond to?
    1px corresponds to the top, 2px corresponds to the right, 5 px corresponds to the bottom, and 10 px corresponds to the left. It is read in a clockwise direction.

  3. Describe the different between block-level and inline elements.
    Inline elements flow in a line without a line break to indicate a change. Block-level elements act as a block and beak at the end of the block or line. The display property can be used to switch the two, while a display: inline-block allows a block element to flow like an inline element while maintaining the other block features of the element.

  4. What is the role of fixed positioning, and why is z-index important in the scenario of using fixed positioning?
    Fixed positioning positions the element in relation to the browser window. It does not affect the other elements on the page and does not move as the user scrolls. When you move an element out of the normal flow, boxes can overlap. The z-index is used to indicate which element is on top of other elements. The higher the z-index the closer it is to the top. It acts like "bring to the top" or "bring forward" when working with images in other programs.

  5. What is the difference between a fixed and liquid layout?
    A fixed layout does not change with the size of the screen it is displayed on, generally sized in pixels. A Liquid layout changes according to the size of screen it is displayed on and is generally sized in percentages.

See the Pen Software Development Drive by Brandy Mello (@bmello) on CodePen.

<script async src=""></script>

PreWork Day 4

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites (and Chapt. 1 of Javascript & jQuery)

Chapter 5 Images HTML

  1. In an image element, why is the alt attribute important?
    Screen readers use the alt text within the alt attribute to identify the description of an image on a webpage.

  2. What determines if an image element is inline or block?
    An <img> element is an inline element. If it sits inside a block element the test will flow around it. Although if it sits before a block element like a <h1> or a <p> the block element will start on a new line. In HTML you can use the align attribute to position the image to the left or right of a block of text or to position the text to start at the top, middle, or end of the block of text. However, this is outdated and usually formatting of this type is done in CSS.

  3. What are the benefits of jpg or png image file formats?
    Saving an image as a jpg allows for the variations of color in a photograph to show up and allow for the detail of an image to come through. An image with less variation in color, flat images or logos are better saved as a png file.

Chapter 16 Images CSS

  1. What is the benefit of specifying the height and width of images in CSS compared to specifying in the HTML?
    Images can be classified as small, medium, or large. Then when you use height and width in CSS you can consistently size all the small, medium and large images.

  2. What is an image sprite, and why is it useful?
    A sprite is a single image with several different slight variations on style that changes its appearance slightly when the user interacts with the image (hovers or clicks).

PreWork Day 5

Javascript & jQuery: interactive front-end web development

Chapter 2 Statements, Variables, Data Types, & Arrays

  1. How do you declare a variable. What does the equals sign really mean in JavaScript? What is it called in JavaScript?
    Variables store or represent data for a script. A variable is declared by naming or creating it and then assigning it a value. var tells JS that a variable is about to be named. It is then followed by the name you give to the variable (ex. quantity) and a semicolon. The name is in camelCase if it is more than one word. On the next line, the variable name is assigned a value by typing the name, followed by the assignment operator = and then the value and a semicolon. The assignment operator tells JS that a value is about to be assigned to (or declared) the variable name.

  2. There are three big data types in JavaScript: numbers, strings, and booleans. Describe what each of them are.
    Numeric data types are negative or positive numbers or decimals. 0-9 are used without commas in calculations and tasks such as sizing and positioning. String data types consist of letters and other characters in single or double quotes and should always be written on one line. They can add content or contain HTML markup. Boolean data types can have one of two values true or false. It is like a switch to determine which part of a script to turn on or off.

  3. What are the six rules for naming variables? What are a few JavaScript reserved words that you should avoid using for variable names?

  • Name must begin with a letter, dollar sign$, or underscore _. Never a number.
  • Can contain letters, numbers, dollar sign$, or underscore _, but never a dash - or a period ..
  • Cannot contain keywords or reserved words.
  • Variable names are case sensitive.
  • Use descriptive words or phrases.
  • For multi word names use camelCase.
  1. How can an array be useful when dealing with multiple related values? How do you access/change a value in an array?
    An array can be useful when working with a list or set of related values. To change or add a value to an array contained by a variable, type the name of the variable followed by the index number of the value you want to change or add in square brackets. Use the assignment operator = to tell JS you are about to assign a value, followed by the new or altered name of the array value in single quotes and an ending semicolon. On the next line, make a statement to call the element by the id. Then another statement to replace or add using the index number.

  2. What is the difference between an expression and a statement?
    Expressions produce a value. Each instruction in a set of instructions is a statement that performs a task.

  3. What are three types of operators and how are they used?
    Assignment operators = are used to assign a value to a variable or change a value. An assignment operator is also used with Arithmetic and String Operators to declare a value. Arithmetic Operators are used to preform or calculate basic math. String Operators use the + symbol to join two or more strings together. This is called concatenation.

Console Work

"this is my string"
"this is my string"
var myNewString = "Hello Turing!";
"Hello Turing!"
var myNum = 9;
var anotherString = "How are you?"
"Connect" + " " + "these" + " " + "strings."
"Connect these strings."
myNewString + anotherString
"Hello Turing!How are you?"
5 > 3
2 > 3
"2" === 2
"2" == 2
if (8 < 9) {console.log("Hey!)}
VM375:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
if (8 < 9) {console.log("Hey!")}
VM426:1 Hey!
if (2 > 3) {console.log("Goodnight!")}
else {console.log("Trudge on!")}
VM596:2 Trudge on!

Exercises: Variables

The Fortune Teller

numberChildren = 2;
partnerName = Zed;
VM123:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Zed is not defined
    at <anonymous>:1:1
(anonymous) @ VM123:1
partnerName = "Zed";
geoLocal = "Portugal";
jobTitle = "Developer";
var fortune = "You will be a " + jobTitle + " in " + geoLocal + "," + " and married to " + partnerName + " with " + numberChildren + " kids.";
if (numberChildren < 3) {console.log(fortune)};
VM603:1 You will be a Developer in Portugal, and married to Zed with 2 kids.

The Age Calculator

birthYr = 1975;
ageB = 2018 - birthYr;
ageA = currentYr - birthYr;
var age = "You are either " + ageB + " or " + ageA ".";
VM916:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string
var age = "You are either " + ageB + " or " + ageA;
"You are either 43 or 44"

The Lifetime Supply Calculator

var maxAge = 98;  
var dailyCost = 3;  
var total = ((maxAge - age) * 365) *dailyCost;  
"You will need $" + total + "to eat a chocolate bar everyday until you're " + maxAge + ".";  
"You will need $60225to eat a chocolate bar everyday until you're 98."  
"You will need $" + total + " to eat a chocolate bar everyday until you're " + maxAge + ".";  
"You will need $60225 to eat a chocolate bar everyday until you're 98."  

PreWork Day 6

Javascript & jQuery: interactive front-end web development

Chapter 3 (pg 85-99) Functions and Scope

  1. If we have a function defined as function sayHello(){console.log("Hello!")}, what is the difference between entering sayHello and sayHello() in the console?
    sayHello refers to the code. sayHello() executes the function.

  2. What is the difference between function parameters and arguments?
    Parameters are used in declaring a function that need information as values that need to be referred to. Arguments are real values or variables with an assigned value used when a function is called.

  3. What is the keyword return used for?
    The keyword return is used to produce a result, calling on the code to produce a value or multiple values in the form of an array. The result is saved to use elsewhere, while console.log merely prints a result without retaining it for future use. Once a return is called in a function, the interpreter goes back to the statement that called it so following statements will not be processed.

  4. How are local variables better than global variables? Are there instances you can think of where you might want to use a variable that is globally scoped over local?
    Local variables are used only within the function so two functions can use different variables with the same name without conflict. They are only stored when the interpreter reads them not the entire time the page is loaded so they use less memory. When you need to use the variable more than once, it would be a good idea to use a global variable, when using conditionals (loops, if, else if, or else).

Console Work

Exercises: Functions

The Fortune Teller

function tellFortune(jobTitle, location, partner, numKids) {
var future = 'You will be a ' + jobTitle + ' in ' + location + ' and married to ' + partner + ' ' + ' with ' + numKids + ' kids.';
tellFortune('actress', 'Spain', 'Zed', 3);
VM889:3 You will be a actress in Spain and married to Zed  with 3 kids.
tellFortune('film director', 'Portugal', 'Zed', 0);
VM889:3 You will be a film director in Portugal and married to Zed  with 0 kids.
tellFortune('CEO', 'New Zealand', 'Zed', 2);
VM889:3 You will be a CEO in New Zealand and married to Zed  with 2 kids.

The Age Calculator

var age = curYear - birthYear;
console.log('You are either ' + age + ' or ' + (age - 1));

calculateAge(1975, 2019);
calculateAge(1951, 2019);
calculateAge(2004, 2019);
VM1845:3 You are either 44 or 43
VM1845:3 You are either 68 or 67
VM1845:3 You are either 15 or 14

The Lifetime Supply Calculator

var maxAge = 98;
var total = (dailyAmount * 365) * (maxAge - age);
var message = 'You will need ' + total + ' squares of chocolate to last you to the ripe old age of ' + maxAge;

calculateSupply(43, 6);
calculateSupply(11, 4);
calculateSupply(13, 8);

VM2295:5 You will need 120450 squares of chocolate to last you to the ripe old age of 98
VM2295:5 You will need 127020 squares of chocolate to last you to the ripe old age of 98
VM2295:5 You will need 248200 squares of chocolate to last you to the ripe old age of 98

Command Line Crash Course

Last login: Tue Feb 19 08:10:39 on ttys000
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ cd~
-bash: cd~: command not found
brandyamello~ cd ~
brandyamello~ mkdir temp
brandyamello~ mkdir temp/stuff/things
mkdir: temp/stuff: No such file or directory
brandyamello~ mkdir -p temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp mkdir "I Have Fun"
brandyamello~/temp mkdir overkill
brandyamello~/temp mkdir Interests
brandyamello~/temp cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir Gardening
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir Writing/Novels
mkdir: Writing: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd Writing
-bash: cd: Writing: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir -p writing/novels/naomi/"jack and lily"
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
Gardening	writing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd writing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing ls
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing cd novels
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing/novels ls
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing/novels cd naomi
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing/novels/naomi mv "jack and lily" novels
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing/novels/naomi cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing/novels ls
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing/novels cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp pwd
brandyamello~/temp cd stuff
brandyamello~/temp/stuff pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff cd things
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things cd orange
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange cd apple
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd pear
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd grape
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things cd ../../..
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ cd temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape pwd
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape cd ../../../../../../../
brandyamello~ pwd
brandyamello~ cd apple
-bash: cd: apple: No such file or directory
brandyamello~ cd temp/stuff/things/orange/apple
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd ../../../../
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd Documents
brandyamello~/Documents cd Downloads
-bash: cd: Downloads: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/Documents cd ..
brandyamello~ cd Downloads
brandyamello~/Downloads cd ..
brandyamello~ cd to_do
brandyamello~/to_do[master] cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	Interests	overkill	stuff
brandyamello~/temp cd stuff
brandyamello~/temp/stuff ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff cd things
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things cd orange
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange cd apple
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd pear
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd grape
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape cd ../../../
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff cd ..
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	Interests	overkill	stuff
brandyamello~/temp ls -lR
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 brandyamello  staff   64 Feb 22 12:57 I Have Fun
drwxr-xr-x  4 brandyamello  staff  128 Feb 22 13:01 Interests
drwxr-xr-x  2 brandyamello  staff   64 Feb 22 12:58 overkill
drwxr-xr-x  4 brandyamello  staff  128 Feb 22 12:56 stuff

./I Have Fun:

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 brandyamello  staff  64 Feb 22 12:59 Gardening
drwxr-xr-x  3 brandyamello  staff  96 Feb 22 13:01 writing


total 0
drwxr-xr-x  3 brandyamello  staff  96 Feb 22 13:01 novels

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  3 brandyamello  staff  96 Feb 22 13:02 naomi

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 brandyamello  staff  64 Feb 22 13:01 novels



total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 brandyamello  staff  128 Feb 22 12:56 things

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 brandyamello  staff  128 Feb 22 12:56 orange

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 brandyamello  staff  128 Feb 22 12:56 apple

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 brandyamello  staff  128 Feb 22 12:56 pear

total 0
drwxr-xr-x  2 brandyamello  staff  64 Feb 22 12:54 grape

brandyamello~/temp cd writing
-bash: cd: writing: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd writing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/writing cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	Interests	overkill	stuff
brandyamello~/temp cd stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape cd..
-bash: cd..: command not found
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear/grape cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear rmdir grape
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple rmdir pear
rmdir: pear: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd pear
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple rmdir pear
rmdir: pear: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd pear
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd grape
-bash: cd: grape: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear rmdir pear
rmdir: pear: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd apple
-bash: cd: apple: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple rmdir pear
rmdir: pear: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd pear
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear ls
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple/pear cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp rmdir stuff/things/orange/apple/pear
rmdir: stuff/things/orange/apple/pear: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp cd pear
-bash: cd: pear: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp cd apple
-bash: cd: apple: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp cd stuff/things/orange/apple
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple rm -rf <pear>
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple rm -rf pear
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange/apple cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange rm -rf apple
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things/orange cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things rm -rf orange
brandyamello~/temp/stuff/things cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/stuff rm -rf things
brandyamello~/temp/stuff cd ..
brandyamello~/temp rm -rf stuff
brandyamello~/temp mkdir interests
mkdir: interests: File exists
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	Interests	overkill
brandyamello~/temp cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
Gardening	writing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir snowboarding
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir reading
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir pottery
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir "film making"
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir videography
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir cooking
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir biking
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir dancing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir talking
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir organizing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir traveling
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir sleeping
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir movies
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir building
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir painting
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir drawing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir halloween
brandyamello~/temp/Interests mkdir family
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
Gardening	dancing		halloween	pottery		talking
biking		drawing		movies		reading		traveling
building	family		organizing	sleeping	videography
cooking		film making	painting	snowboarding	writing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd traveling
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/traveling mkdir Australia/"New Zealand"/Thailand/Greece/Brazil/Ecuador/Peru/Morroco/Rwanda/"Costa Rica"
mkdir: Australia/New Zealand/Thailand/Greece/Brazil/Ecuador/Peru/Morroco/Rwanda: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/traveling mkdir -p Australia/"New Zealand"/Thailand/Greece/Brazil/Ecuador/Peru/Morroco/Rwanda/"Costa Rica"
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/traveling cd Interests
-bash: cd: Interests: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests/traveling cd ..
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir traveling
rmdir: traveling: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rm -rf traveling
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir gardening
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir biking
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir dancing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir halloween
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir pottery
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir talking
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir drawing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir movies
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
building	film making	reading		videography
cooking		organizing	sleeping	writing
family		painting	snowboarding
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir building
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir film making
rmdir: film: No such file or directory
rmdir: making: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir reading
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir videography
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir cooking
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir organizing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir sleeping
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir writing
rmdir: writing: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rm -rf writing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir family
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir painting
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir snowboarding
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
film making
brandyamello~/temp/Interests rmdir "film making"
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd ..
brandyamello~/temp mkdir -p i/like/icecream
brandyamello~/temp pushdr i/like/icecream
-bash: pushdr: command not found
brandyamello~/temp pushd i/like/icecream
~/temp/i/like/icecream ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/like/icecream popd
brandyamello~/temp pwd
brandyamello~/temp pushd i/like
~/temp/i/like ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/like pwd
brandyamello~/temp/i/like pushd icecream
~/temp/i/like/icecream ~/temp/i/like ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/like/icecream popd
~/temp/i/like ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/like pwd
brandyamello~/temp/i/like popd
brandyamello~/temp pushd i/like/icecream
~/temp/i/like/icecream ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/like/icecream pushd
~/temp ~/temp/i/like/icecream
brandyamello~/temp pwd
brandyamello~/temp pushd
~/temp/i/like/icecream ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/like/icecream pwd
brandyamello~/temp/i/like/icecream pwd
brandyamello~/temp/i/like/icecream popd
brandyamello~/temp rmdir i/like/icecream
brandyamello~/temp mkdir i/dont/getthis
mkdir: i/dont: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp mkdir -p i/dont/getthing
brandyamello~/temp pushd i/dont
~/temp/i/dont ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/dont popd
brandyamello~/temp pushd i
~/temp/i ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i popd
brandyamello~/temp pushd i/dont/getthing
~/temp/i/dont/getthing ~/temp
brandyamello~/temp/i/dont/getthing pushd i/dont
-bash: pushd: i/dont: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/i/dont/getthing popd
brandyamello~/temp rmdir i/dont/getthing
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	Interests	i		overkill
brandyamello~/temp rmdir i
rmdir: i: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp pwd
brandyamello~/temp touch iamcool.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	Interests	i		iamcool.txt	overkill
brandyamello~/temp mkdir help
brandyamello~/temp cd help
brandyamello~/temp/help touch please
brandyamello~/temp/help cd ..
brandyamello~/temp rmdir help
rmdir: help: Directory not empty
brandyamello~/temp cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp pwd
brandyamello~/temp cp iamcool.txt neat.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	help		iamcool.txt	overkill
Interests	i		neat.txt
brandyamello~/temp cp neat.txt awesome.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	awesome.txt	i		neat.txt
Interests	help		iamcool.txt	overkill
brandyamello~/temp cp awesome.txt thefourthfile.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		help			neat.txt
Interests		i			overkill
awesome.txt		iamcool.txt		thefourthfile.txt
brandyamello~/temp mkdir something
brandyamello~/temp cp awesome.txt something/
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		i			something
Interests		iamcool.txt		thefourthfile.txt
awesome.txt		neat.txt
help			overkill
brandyamello~/temp ls somthing/
ls: somthing/: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp ls something/
brandyamello~/temp cp -r something newplace
brandyamello~/temp ls newplace/
brandyamello~/temp cd i
brandyamello~/temp/i cd ..
brandyamello~/temp cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
brandyamello~/temp/Interests touch snowboarding
brandyamello~/temp/Interests touch dancing
brandyamello~/temp/Interests touch reading
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cat
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd ..
brandyamello~/temp cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cat Interests
cat: Interests: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd ..
brandyamello~/temp cp -r Interests "I Have Fun"
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		i			overkill
Interests		iamcool.txt		something
awesome.txt		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			newplace
brandyamello~/temp cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/Interests ls
dancing		reading		snowboarding
brandyamello~/temp/Interests cd ..
brandyamello~/temp cd "I Have Fun"
brandyamello~/temp/I Have Fun ls
brandyamello~/temp/I Have Fun cd Interests
brandyamello~/temp/I Have Fun/Interests ls
dancing		reading		snowboarding
brandyamello~/temp/I Have Fun/Interests cp -r Interests Desktop
cp: Interests: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp/I Have Fun/Interests cd
brandyamello~ cp -r Interests Desktop
cp: Interests: No such file or directory
brandyamello~ cp -r Interests/ Desktop
cp: Interests/: No such file or directory
brandyamello~ cp -r temp/Interests users/brandyamello/desktop
cp: users/brandyamello/desktop: No such file or directory
cp: temp/Interests: unable to copy extended attributes to users/brandyamello/desktop: No such file or directory
cp: users/brandyamello/desktop/reading: No such file or directory
cp: users/brandyamello/desktop/dancing: No such file or directory
cp: users/brandyamello/desktop/snowboarding: No such file or directory
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp mv awesome.txt uncool.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			newplace		uncool.txt
i			overkill
brandyamello~/temp mv newplace uncool.txt
mv: rename newplace to uncool.txt: Not a directory
brandyamello~/temp mv newplace oldplace
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			oldplace		uncool.txt
i			overkill
brandyamello~/temp mv oldplace newplace
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			newplace		uncool.txt
i			overkill
brandyamello~/temp mv newplace shittyplace
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			overkill		uncool.txt
i			shittyplace
brandyamello~/temp mv shittyplace newplace
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			newplace		uncool.txt
i			overkill
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd desktop
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.tx temp/
cp: directory temp does not exist
brandyamello~/desktop cd ..
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd desktop
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.txt temp/
cp: directory temp does not exist
brandyamello~/desktop cd
brandyamello~ cd desktop
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.txt temp
brandyamello~/desktop cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		thefourthfile.txt
help			newplace		uncool.txt
i			overkill
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd desktop
brandyamello~/desktop ls
Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 11.59.30 AM.png
brandyamello~/desktop cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: Not a directory
brandyamello~/desktop cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp cp -r text.txt temp
cp: text.txt: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd desktop
brandyamello~/desktop ls
Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 11.59.30 AM.png
brandyamello~/desktop rmdir temp
rmdir: temp: Not a directory
brandyamello~/desktop cd temp
-bash: cd: temp: Not a directory
brandyamello~/desktop cat temp
These exercises blow
He doesn't explain well
brandyamello~/desktop rm temp
brandyamello~/desktop ls
Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 11.59.30 AM.png
brandyamello~/desktop cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp cp -r test.txt temp
cp: test.txt: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd desktop
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r text.txt temp
cp: text.txt: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/desktop ls
Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 11.59.30 AM.png
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.txt brandyamello/temp
cp: brandyamello/temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r text.txt brandyamello~/temp
cp: text.txt: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.txt brandyamello~/temp
cp: brandyamello~/temp: No such file or directory
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.txt brandyamello~/temp/
cp: directory brandyamello~/temp does not exist
brandyamello~/desktop cp -r test.txt brandyamello/
cp: directory brandyamello does not exist
brandyamello~/desktop cd
brandyamello~ ls
Applications		Pictures		mod0resources
Desktop			Public			mod_0_skills
Documents		best_animals		notes
Downloads		bin			prework
Library			git_and_gh_practice	public-apis
Mod_0_ Capstone		git_homework		temp
Movies			js_prework		test.txt
Music			mod-0			to_do
brandyamello~ less test.txt
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		iamcool.txt		something
Interests		neat.txt		test.txt
help			newplace		thefourthfile.txt
i			overkill		uncool.txt
brandyamello~/temp less test.txt
brandyamello~/temp less iamcool.txt
brandyamello~/temp less test2.txt
brandyamello~/temp cat test2.txt
brandyamello~/temp cat test.txt
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
These exercises blows
He doesn't explain well
brandyamello~/temp LS
I Have Fun		i			something
Interests		iamcool.txt		test.txt
almostdone.txt		neat.txt		test2.txt
almostdone2.txt		newplace		thefourthfile.txt
help			overkill		uncool.txt
brandyamello~/temp less almostdone.txt almostdone2.txt
brandyamello~/temp less almostdone2.txt
brandyamello~/temp cat almostdone.txt
yay!brandyamello~/temp cat almostdone2.txt
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ cd temp
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		i			something
Interests		iamcool.txt		test.txt
almostdone.txt		neat.txt		test2.txt
almostdone2.txt		newplace		thefourthfile.txt
help			overkill		uncool.txt
brandyamello~/temp rm uncool.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun		i			something
Interests		iamcool.txt		test.txt
almostdone.txt		neat.txt		test2.txt
almostdone2.txt		newplace		thefourthfile.txt
help			overkill
brandyamello~/temp rm iamcool.txt neat.txt thefourthfile.txt
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	almostdone2.txt	newplace	test.txt
Interests	help		overkill	test2.txt
almostdone.txt	i		something
brandyamello~/temp cp -r something newplace
brandyamello~/temp rm something/awesome.txt
brandyamello~/temp rmdir something
brandyamello~/temp rm -rf newplace
brandyamello~/temp ls
I Have Fun	almostdone.txt	help		overkill	test2.txt
Interests	almostdone2.txt	i		test.txt
brandyamello~/temp cd
brandyamello~ rm -r temp
brandyamello~ ls
Applications		Pictures		mod0resources
Desktop			Public			mod_0_skills
Documents		best_animals		notes
Downloads		bin			prework
Library			git_and_gh_practice	public-apis
Mod_0_ Capstone		git_homework		test.txt
Movies			js_prework		to_do
Music			mod-0
brandyamello~ exit
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
Deleting expired sessions...35 completed.

[Process completed]

PreWork Day 7

Mod 0 Capstone Website

Passion Website For show and tell on first day.(?) Below is a Google link to a zipped directory for my webpage:

User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) User Experience

  1. Psychology
  1. Usability
  1. Design
  1. Copywriting
  1. Analysis
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