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BrandyMello BrandyMello

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Exploring Apex and Salesforce

     On a coffee meeting a few weeks ago, the person I was meeting with mentioned another developer who he thought I should meet because of our similar backgrounds. With a bit of awe, he stated she was a "Salesforce developer". A brief search after the meeting informed me that Salesforce, a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Cloud Computing platform was accessed, utilized, and manipulated with the Apex programming language specifically created for that purpose. Salesforce is both a SaaS(software as a service) and a PaaS(platform as a service) company. Since that meeting I have wanted to research further to understand what all that meant and what level of training was involved in becoming an Apex developer.
     Salesforce is an API, offering cloud services on their many servers. They have developed software applications for clients(other companies) to store customer data(cloud services) and manage customers. This is the SaaS(softw

Section 1: Calendar

Screen Shot 2019-10-05 at 9 56 48 PM

  • M-F 7am leave home
  • 7:45/8pm arrive Turing; Study until 9am
  • 9-noon Class
  • Lunch 12 - 12:30
  • 12:30 - 1pm Mentor call(one day)
    Cold outreach(write to one or two people strategically for a coffee meeting one day)
    Search Job Listings(two days)
    Coffee Meeting(one morning or afternoon)
  • 1-6pm Project Work Time
  • 6-8 Travel home and dinner
# Outreach & Networking Plan
1. Why you want to connect with this person and what you want to talk about.
2. When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet
3. What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them
4. What other steps will you take to start building a stronger network in the tech community?
I plan to contact each by Friday, July 26 by email or on Slack.
Susi Irwin: I plan to contact Susi Irwin by Friday, July 26 by email or on Slack. I would like to speak with Susi about navigating a career in Software Development as a mother. How to identify if a company is a good cultural fit for people with families who value and prioritize family. Follow up really depend on how the conversation goes and how the job hunt goes. If we develop a decent repore I see the possibility of being able to come to Susi with questions I have regarding the job hunt.

Professional Story

Those "ah-ha" moments in life bring me great joy, whether it is watching a student come to a realization in a class I used to teach, one of my children learning something new, or me personally having a new revelation. I am always in search of the next "ah-ha". This constant seeking has lead me to pursue many creative adventures. I've written a book, made a short film, and love making pottery. Using my ingenuity to craft something from the least resources brings me pride. After working in education and videography for years, I was looking for a more fulfilling career, exploring different routes and possibilities. I remembered when my children were younger, I had tried to teach them to code in python with a book geared toward teaching them to build Mods in MineCraft. I found myself working through the lessons while my kids were at school and having more fun than they did when I tried to teach them. Working through small tough challenges is what I do best. I love dissecting a bigger
### Codewars Exercises
## 8
[x]* [Find numbers which are divisible by given number](
[?]* [What's up next?](
[x]* [Even or Odd](
[x]* [String Repeat](
[x]* [Remove First and Last Character](
BrandyMello /
Last active April 16, 2019 04:16

Agile & Feedback Reflection Guidelines

In interviews, you'll be asked about how you approach working in projects, and being able to describe how you utilize agile processes is a great way to help you stand out as a junior developer candidate. This reflection is meant to help you develop this skill.

With that in mind, please answer the following questions in your own gist about your group project:

  1. What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects? Agile utilizes short sprints of work that focus on revision based on user and client feedback to constantly improve the work. While Waterfall projects focus mostly on client feedback without any deployment until the project is finished or dies.

At Turing we work on paired and group projects. Over the course of two weeks we create a viable application. During the build we meet with our instructors and with other student groups to test the application at different stages of development. Evaluators and students act as users testin


Functional Expectations

  • Novice: Application meets all of the expectations of phase one.
  • Advanced Beginner: Application meets all of the expectations of phase two.
  • Proficient: Application meets all of the expectations of phase three.
  • Exceptional: Application adds all of the extensions from phase four.

Template for DTR Memo

Project: Group Member Names: Brandy Mello, Alek Aker, Jon O'Drobinak

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Alek and Brandy: good grasp on JS and a good understanding of JSON and Grid

Jon: The same as above and a better appreciation for responsiveness and fluid ux/ui

Goals and expectations:

Number Guesser Doubles

Learning Goals

Develop your skills in writing:

  • semantic HTML
  • clean & organized CSS styles
  • DRY and organized JavaScript
  • Manipulate the page after it has loaded adding, removing, and updating elements on the DOM
  • Understand event bubbling and use event delegation on dynamic elements


BrandyMello /
Last active March 2, 2019 21:21

PD PreWork Day 3

Activity 1

  • Acknowledge that Micro-decisions Matter It is true that this is a difficult part of learning to code, learning to name things appropriately and in advance so you don't have to go back into the HTML when you are styling in CSS.
  • There were a couple I'd like to clump together. Learn Vim and Never Accept Freelance Work in Unfamiliar Technologies I liked the advice on upgrading tools as you progress, but keeping that outside freelance work. They resonated with me because of my experience in videography, but were not something I had intentionally thought about previously.
  • Skip A Lot of Meetings resonated with me because it felt like a solid rule I could apply to maintain some balance in my work.

Activity 2

Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande