If you do, or want to, use AWS to deploy your apps, you will end up using AWS SES via SMTP when you're launching an app that sends out emails of any kind (user registrations, email notifications, etc). For example, I have used this configuration on various Ruby on Rails apps, however, it is just basic SMTP configurations and crosses over to any framework that supports SMTP sendmail.
There are two ways to go about this:
- EASY WAY: Create an SMTP user via AWS SES [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/smtp-credentials.html#smtp-credentials-console]
- NOT SO EASY WAY: Create an SMTP password for an existing IAM user [^^ Same link scroll down]
Luckily, you found this MD file and the NOT SO EASY WAY is suddenly copy-pasta... sudo yum....