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Advice from 1801

  • Do the prework
  • Put the time in from day 1 and you'll be successful
  • Get mentors ASAP
  • Do the homework. Don't just focus on the projects.
  • Finish the enums and creatures exercises as early in the mod as possible.
  • Work on exercises when not working on projects.
  • Read the lessons ahead of time. The actual lesson should just be review and follow up questions.
  • look ahead, don't let the first time you see something be in class

Iteration 1 - Make, Model, Color Attributes

Use TDD to drive the creation of a Car class that follows this interaction pattern:

car ="Toyota", "Camry")
#=> #<Car:0x007fc47816ba68 @make="Toyota", @model="Camry">
#=> "Toyota"

Iteration 1 - Calculator Class

Use TDD to drive out the creation of a Calculator Class the follows this interaction pattern:

 calc =
 #=> #<Calculator:0x007f9787335038>
 #=> 0
  • Complete Learn Ruby the Hard Way through Ex. 39 "Dictionaries, oh Lovely Dictionaries"
  • Use the Rails Bridge Curriculum to assist you with anything not covered in Learn Ruby the Hard Way
  • Create a Gist and answer the following questions
    • What is the command line? How does it relate to a Ruby Program?
    • What is the difference between an integer and a float?
    • What is a string? How do you manipulate a string?
    • What is the difference between an Array and a Hash?
    • Give two examples of when you would choose an Array over a Hash
    • Give two examples of when you would choose a Hash over an Array
  • What is nil?
BrianZanti /
Last active September 26, 2019 20:12
B2 Intermission Work Submission

B2 Intermission Work

Answer these Check for Understanding questions as you work through the assignments.


  1. What is HTML?
  2. What is an HTML element?
  3. What is an HTML attribute?
  4. What is the difference between a class and an id? When would you use one vs. the other?

Hashing in Practice

You can complete these exercises in JavaScript or Ruby.

... and you should probably work in irb.

Problem Set 1

As a merchant admin When I visit my dashboard, I see an area with statistics:

  1. top 5 items I have sold by quantity, and the quantity of each that I've sold. Only items on "shipped" orders should be considered sold.
  2. top 3 states where my items were shipped, and their quantities.
  3. top 3 city/state where my items were shipped, and their quantities (Springfield, MI should not be grouped with Springfield, CO)
  4. List of all of my items that have an average rating of 4 or greater that were never ordered by one of my employees.
  5. top 3 users who have spent the most money on my items, and the total amount they've spent.

Technical Interview Practice Assignment

You have three options for this assignment. Each one will cover a datastructure you will most likely encounter at some point in your technical interviews.

  1. A Perilous Journey
    • Linked Lists
    • You may have seen them from the B3 intermission work
  2. Date Night
    • Binary Search Trees
  3. Complete Me