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Last active January 29, 2019 20:25
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Where to Find Me


What makes me tick...

Despite it's questionable veracity, I identify strongly with the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (INTJ)
& the associated Keirsey role and feel that archetype accurately conveys how I think and operate.

I deeply value learning and if all learning is remembering, it's probably not surprising that I absolutely adore documentation and think that it is criminally under utilized.

Working Hours

I usually engage with work from around 10am until 6pm.

I find that I'm more productive when I'm physically in the office. This, coupled with fact that I live within walking distance means that I try to make it a point to come in and very rarely take advantage of our generous work-from-home policy. That being said, since I generally start my day later relative to my peers, I tend to take earlier morning meetings from home.

Outside of usual work hours, I'm usually reachable on Slack via DM most of the time but don't make it a point to check email or channels without a compelling reason.


A General Note

I have a tendency to excessively question things. I'm aware has the potential to give off the impression that I'm an incredibly pessimistic and cynical, which I feel isn't the case.

I view disagreement and conflict as almost universally healthy and positive things. Any time that I engaging in those sorts of dialogs, please understand that it isn't coming from a place of malice, negativity, or contrarianism. I'm just trying to arrive at the most positive outcome.

I also admittedly lack a degree of emotional intelligence, which means I can inadvertently say or act in a way that is far more abrasive or bitting than I had intended.

Both these are things I'm continually working on.

That being said, if I ever do or say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or is negatively impacting you, tell me. Preferably like this.


While I'm not particularly uncomfortable giving oral presentations, I feel I'm far more effective at disseminating information via written forms of communication like documentation or a CCed email.

One-to-One & Many-to-Many

Order of preference:

  1. in-person
  2. slack
  3. email

A note about slack and email:
I tend to become somewhat myopic when I'm working on something. This means that I can occasionally go quite some time between consciously checking email or slack. With that in mind, if there is a discussion in a channel pertaining to something you want my input on/feel I should be aware of please, please DM or @me


I understand and appreciate the desire of those delivering critical feedback to want to mitigate any distress that sometimes can occur with those conversations, but I almost universally find myself wishing they would be more frank and direct in those moments.

Throughout my professional life, I've never received a piece of negative feedback that I found upsetting or even extremely surprising. The sooner and the clearer you convey to me the issue, The faster and easier it will be for me to correct it.

Also, I'm not greatest at receiving positive feedback. I'm naturally self-deprecating It's just another one of those things I'm continually trying to get better at.

Unless there is major issue occurring, I generally won't provide feedback about/to others unless explicitly prompted to.

Career Goals

My oldest professional motivation and one of my greatest professional fears is becoming a code monkey that simply acts as the unthinking tool that takes in specs and spits out code.

That being said, it's probably unsurprising that I find that being asked to provide my opinion on a subjective question to be one of the more rewarding things that can occur during my day.

Ideally, I would like my career to progress in a way that affords me the opportunity for that situation to occur in a progressively more frequent way.

...I'm a Miranda

Ravenclaw Donatello Miranda
Western - Gemini Hindu - Vṛṣabha Chinese - Earth Dragon
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