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Created July 9, 2018 16:56
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var amazon_assoc_ir_f_call_associates_ads = function(d) {
var b = "", c, a;
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b = new Date().getTime() - a;
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j.queue(d, [{
name: c,
value: b
delete k[d + c];
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j.queue(c, [{
name: b,
value: a
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return "";
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window.assocUtilsMaker = function(e, A, C) {
var D = window, v = {}, x, w = {}, u = {}, y = {}, q = {
CA: "330"
}, r = 1800, s = function(d, a, f, b, i, c) {
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h = {};
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h[k] = c[k];
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var g, c;
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d[f] = d[f] || [];
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type: "AmazonBrowse"
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return "(.*)" + b.trim() + "(.*)";
z(a, "fallback_products", "acap_pubPickList", function(b) {
return b.trim();
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w[b] = a;
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if (typeof w[a.ad_type] === "undefined") {
return 0;
} else {
return w[a.ad_type](a, b);
v.generateGuid = function() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(a) {
var b = Math.random() * 16 | 0
, c = a === "x" ? b : (b & 3 | 8);
return c.toString(16);
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a -= b.resolvedItems.length;
return a <= r;
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i.elemName = v.createDiv(i.prefix, i.slotNum, i.inline);
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var j = document.getElementById(i.elemName);
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j.innerHTML = '<iframe id="amzn_assoc_ad_' + i.slotNum + '" style="' + g + '" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="' + i.url + '"></iframe>';
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d = "amzn_assoc_jsonp_callback_" + i.placement + "_" + i.slotNum;
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a = a + "&jscb=" + d;
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a = a + "&jsonp=" + d;
(function(j) {
D[d] = function(o) {
var m, l;
if (i.aaxMediated) {
amzn_assoc_cm.endScope("cm_", h);
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if (o && o.html) {
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if (v.validatePJLength(i.adOptions)) {
m = JSON.parse(o.html);
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m.originUrl = i.adOptions.URL || document.location.href;
i.url = "";
i.url = i.url + "?q=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(m));
if (m.customPixels) {
for (l = 0; l < m.customPixels.length; l++) {
new Image().src = m.customPixels[l];
} else {
console.error("Error : Adcode values too long");
} catch (n) {
o = o.html;
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if (i.adOptions.preview === "true" && b < x) {
setTimeout(function() {
v.fetchHtml(i, b + 1);
}, C);
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i.url = i.aaxPuntFallback + "&aaxPunt=true";
i.aaxMediated = false;
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amzn_assoc_cm.addCounter("cm_", "aax_punt_" + i.adOptions.ad_type, 1);
D["amzn_assoc_client_cb_" + i.slotNum]({
type: "onfail",
data: {
reason: "No response from server"
} else {
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k.widget.getSynchronousAdCodeJson = window.amzn_assoc_utils.getSynchronousAdCodeJsonGenerator();
k.widget.getSynchronousAdCodeForAdInstance = window.amzn_assoc_utils.getSynchronousAdCodeGeneratorForAdInstance();
k.widget.getSynchronousAdCodeWithAdInstance = window.amzn_assoc_utils.getSynchronousAdCodeGeneratorWithAdInstance();
k.widget.getAsynchronousAdCodeWithAdInstance = window.amzn_assoc_utils.getAsynchronousAdCodeGeneratorWithAdInstance();
k.widget.getAsynchronousAdCode = window.amzn_assoc_utils.getAsynchronousAdCodeGenerator();
k.widget.reload = function(m, n) {
var l;
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i.adOptions[l] = m[l];
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delete i.adOptions[l];
i.adOptions.div_name = j;
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i.clientCbs[k.type](, k.widget);
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c += "'";
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h = d[g][0];
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h = d[g];
c += (i) ? encodeURIComponent(h) : h;
if (a) {
c += "'";
return b.join(f);
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return a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toUpperCase() === b.toUpperCase();
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var c = function(k, p) {
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o.src = (p.src || "");
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} catch (l) {
o.text = n;
m.insertBefore(o, m.firstChild);
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a = i[d];
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} else {
for (d = 0; h[d]; d++) {
g = h[d];
if (g.parentNode) {
c(d, h[d]);
v.fetchAmazonLinks = function() {
var d = document.getElementsByTagName("a")
, h = function(m) {
var n = document.createElement("a");
n.href = m;
return n;
, l = new RegExp("".replace(/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/ig, ""))
, j = new RegExp("(?:[/=])([A-Z0-9]{10})(?:[/?&]|$)","i")
, f = new RegExp("(linkcode|lc|link_code)=","igm")
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, a = "";
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var c = h(d[k].href);
if (c.hostname.match(l)) {
var b = (c.pathname.match(j) ||;
var g = ( !== -1 || === -1);
if (b && g) {
a += b[1].toUpperCase() + ",";
if (b) {
d[k].setAttribute("data-amzn-asin", b[1]);
return a.substring(0, a.length - 1);
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var a = document.getElementById(c);
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v.getAAXUrl = function(c, h, n, f, g, j, o, i, l, k) {
var m = {}
, b = (c.width && c.width !== "auto") ? c.width : "1"
, d = (c.height && c.height !== "auto") ? c.height : "1"
, a = document.getElementById(f);
c.debug = j.toString();
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m.src = c.aax_src_id;
} else {
if (q[c.viewerCountry]) {
m.src = q[c.viewerCountry];
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m.src = (typeof c.ad_type !== "undefined" && typeof c.ad_mode !== "undefined" && typeof i[c.ad_type + "-" + c.ad_mode] !== "undefined" && l.isDedicatedSourceForRecoAdsEnabled()) ? i[c.ad_type + "-" + c.ad_mode] : i["default"];
m.c = h[n].aaxChannel;
if (c.preview === "true") {
m.c = h[n].aaxPreviewChannel;
} = b + "x" + d;
m.apiVersion = h[n].aaxApiVersion;
c.slotNum = n;
if (typeof w[c.ad_type] !== "undefined") {
c.ead = w[c.ad_type](c, a.getBoundingClientRect().width);
if (typeof k !== "undefined") {
c.viewerCountry = k;
m.pj = JSON.stringify(c);
if ((typeof j !== "undefined" && j) || (typeof o !== "undefined" && o)) {
m.testToken = h[n].aaxTestToken;
m.n1apiVersion = h[n].aaxApiVersion;
m.n1url = h[n].aaxBidRequestURL;
m.n1id = h[n].n1id;
m.u = c.URL || document.location.href;
u[n] = h[n].isSSPSelected;
if (u[n]) {
amzn_assoc_cm.addCounter("cm_", "ssp_selected", 1);
amzn_assoc_cm.addCounter("cm_", "ssp_selected_" + g[c.ad_type], 1);
return (u[n] ? (h[n].sspServerURL + "/widgets/getad?") : (h[n].aaxURL + "/x/getad?")) + v.serialize(m, "&", false, true);
v.shouldSSPBeEnabledByAdCodeOptions = function(a) {
return typeof a.exclude_brands === "string" && a.exlude_brands !== "";
v.shouldSSPBeUsed = function(b, a, f, d, c) {
return (b || c || (a.isSSPEnabled() && f[d.ad_type]) || v.shouldSSPBeEnabledByAdCodeOptions(d));
v.createAdUnitDeliveryNetworkPerSlot = function(b, a, d, c) {
return {
aaxChannel: "100",
aaxPreviewChannel: "88",
aaxApiVersion: "2.0",
aaxTestToken: "7snvCunWohswq2jh",
aaxBidRequestURL: "",
n1id: "500",
aaxURL: "//",
sspServerURL: "//",
isSSPSelected: v.shouldSSPBeUsed(b, a, d, c, false)
return v;
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window.amzn_assoc_utils = {};
window.amzn_assoc_utils.loadRemoteScript = function(d, c) {
(function(a, k) {
var i = a.createElement("script"), b, j = false;
i.type = "text/javascript";
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i.src = d;
i.setAttribute("charset", "UTF-8");
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if (!j && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete")) {
j = true;
if (typeof k === "function") {
i.onload = i.onreadystatechange = null;
if (b && i.parentNode) {
b.insertBefore(i, b.firstChild);
}(document, c));
window.nativeAdLayoutComputer = (function() {
var f = {}
, d = 3
, e = {
rows: 5,
columns: 5
f.computeLayout = function(y, C, v, B, b, s) {
var c, A, z, a, t, u, w, x, D = {
grid: {
marginWidth: 10,
defaultMinItemWidth: 128,
maxItemWidth: 250,
maxColumnCount: 4,
partialCardSpacePercent: {
min: 25,
max: 75,
defaultPercent: 50,
fallbackPercent: 50
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marginWidth: 10,
defaultMinItemWidth: 240,
maxColumnCount: 3,
partialCardSpacePercent: {
min: 15,
max: 40,
defaultPercent: 25,
fallbackPercent: 10
concept: {
marginWidth: 10,
defaultMinItemWidth: 170,
maxColumnCount: 4,
partialCardSpacePercent: {
min: 15,
max: 40,
defaultPercent: 25,
fallbackPercent: 10
B = (typeof B === "undefined") ? "grid" : B;
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D[B].maxColumnCount = parseInt(b);
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if (B === "inContent") {
D[B].maxColumnCount = (typeof b === "undefined") ? D[B].maxColumnCount : Math.max(b, D[B].maxColumnCount);
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t = parseInt(y / C);
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return {
columnCount: 0,
columnWidth: 0,
columnWidthPercentage: 0,
marginLeftPercentage: 0
if (t > D[B].maxColumnCount) {
t = D[B].maxColumnCount;
c = (t - 1) * D[B].marginWidth;
A = (y - c) / t;
if (A < C) {
t = t - 1;
c = (t - 1) * D[B].marginWidth;
A = (y - c) / t;
if (v) {
u = y - c - (t * A);
w = (u / A) * 100;
if (w < D[B].partialCardSpacePercent.min || w > D[B].partialCardSpacePercent.max) {
c = (t * D[B].marginWidth);
x = s ? (D[B].partialCardSpacePercent.fallbackPercent / 100) : (D[B].partialCardSpacePercent.defaultPercent / 100);
A = (y - c) / (t + x);
while (A < C) {
t = t - 1;
c = (t * D[B].marginWidth);
A = (y - c) / (t + x);
z = (A * 100) / y;
a = (100 - (z * t)) / (t - 1);
if (B === "grid" && A > D[B].maxItemWidth) {
A = D[B].maxItemWidth;
z = (A * 100) / y;
a = (D[B].marginWidth * 100) / y;
return {
columnCount: t,
columnWidth: A,
columnWidthPercentage: z,
marginLeftPercentage: a
f.getExpectedAdCount = function(m, b, k) {
var a = (typeof m.rows !== "undefined") ? parseInt(m.rows) : 2, n = (typeof m.rows !== "undefined") ? parseInt(m.rows) : 4, c, l;
a = ((a > e.rows) ? e.rows : a);
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l = ((m.max_ads_in_a_row > e.columns) ? e.columns : m.max_ads_in_a_row);
if (typeof !== "undefined" && !== "") {
if ( === "text_links") {
return n;
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return 1;
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if ( === "in_content") {
return 5;
} else {
if ( !== "standard_grid") {
return 0;
} else {
if (m.carousel === true) {
c = f.computeLayout(b, k);
return c.columnCount * d;
c = f.computeLayout(b, k, false, "grid", l);
return a * c.columnCount;
if (typeof amzn_assoc_utils !== "undefined" && typeof amzn_assoc_utils.registerAdCountComputer !== "undefined") {
amzn_assoc_utils.registerAdCountComputer("smart", f.getExpectedAdCount);
return f;
var amzn_assoc_ad_spec_type = function(c) {
var b = {}
, e = "amzn_assoc"
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, f = function() {
var h, g;
for (h in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
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if ((g in c) && typeof c[g] !== "undefined") {
b[h] = c[g];
, a = function() {};
b.getAllParamDefs = function() {
return d;
b.getPrefix = function() {
return e;
b.reset = function() {
var i, g;
for (i in d) {
if (d.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
g = "amzn_assoc_" + i;
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c[g] = undefined;
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delete c[g];
} catch (h) {}
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var amzn_assoc_ad_spec = amzn_assoc_ad_spec_type(window);
var amzn_assoc_ad_async_spec = (function() {
var d = {}
, c = window
, e = "amzn_assoc"
, b = function() {
return a().concat((typeof window.assoc_async_parser !== "undefined") ? window.assoc_async_parser(amzn_assoc_ad_spec_type).getAdCodes() : []);
, a = function() {
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for (g = 0; g < c.amzn_assoc_widgets.length; g++) {
if ("amzn_assoc_div_name"in c.amzn_assoc_widgets[g]) {
f[g] = amzn_assoc_ad_spec_type(c.amzn_assoc_widgets[g]);
return f;
d.widgets = b();
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return d;
if (typeof amzn_assoc_ad === "undefined") {
var adUnitDeliveryNetwork = {};
var slotCounter = (function() {
var a = 0;
return {
getNextSlot: function() {
var b = a;
a = a + 1;
return b;
amzn_assoc_ad = (function() {
var c = window
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pharos_v1: {},
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myfavourites: {},
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product_cloud: {},
shopnshare: {},
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contextual: {},
astore: {},
recommended_product_links: {},
pharos_v2: {},
banners: {},
carousel: {},
slideshow: {},
pharos_v1: {},
wish_list: {},
auto_part_finder: {},
omakase: {},
search_acap: {},
dynamo: {}
, g = c.console || {
log: function() {}
, j = {
, b = {}
, k = {
"smart-auto": 308,
"default": 330
, f = (function() {
var l = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
return {
isSSPEnabled: function() {
return l <= -1;
isDedicatedSourceForRecoAdsEnabled: function() {
return l <= 90;
, a = false
, i = false
, d = false;
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render: function(p) {
if (typeof p.ad_type === "undefined" || !p.ad_type) {
g.error("Error : adType is not defined");
var r, u, w, n = window, t = {}, v = {
marketPlace: p.region
}, o = false, x = "iframeStyle"in h[p.ad_type], q = slotCounter.getNextSlot(), m = {}, s = true, l = true;
adUnitDeliveryNetwork[q] = amzn_assoc_utils.createAdUnitDeliveryNetworkPerSlot(a, f, b, p);
p.region = p.region || "US";
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p.marketplace = p.marketplace || "amazon";
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p.ad_type = "banners";
p.viewerCountry = "US";
amzn_assoc_cm.startScope("cm_", "wdgt_load_time_invoke_" + p.ad_type + "_US");
amzn_assoc_cm.startScope("cm_", "wdgt_load_time_invoke_" + p.ad_type);
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m = p.callbacks;
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h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl = (h[p.ad_type].cacheable) ? "//" : "";
h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl = h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl + "/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=" + p.region + "&Operation=GetAdHtml&OneJS=1";
h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl = h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl + "&slotNum=" + q + "&" + amzn_assoc_utils.serialize(p, "&", false, true);
w = p.div_name;
if (!w && !x && !o) {
w = amzn_assoc_utils.createDiv("amzn_assoc_ad_div_" + p.placement, q, h[p.ad_type].inline);
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p.textlinks = amzn_assoc_utils.fetchAmazonLinks();
h[p.ad_type].fallbackUrl = h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl;
l = amzn_assoc_utils.validatePJLength(p);
if (l) {
h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl = amzn_assoc_utils.getAAXUrl(p, adUnitDeliveryNetwork, q, w, b, i, d, k, f, p.viewerCountry);
} else {
g.error("Error : Adcode values too long");
if (typeof w !== "undefined" && p.ac_website !== "true" && !h[p.ad_type].inline) {
s = amzn_assoc_utils.checkAvailableSpace(p.ad_type, w);
if (s && h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl != "") {
url: h[p.ad_type].adContentUrl,
aaxPuntFallback: h[p.ad_type].fallbackUrl,
prefix: "amzn_assoc_ad_div_" + p.placement,
elemName: w,
explicitAsync: o,
slotNum: q,
clientCbs: m,
renderInIframe: x,
adOptions: p,
aaxMediated: ((typeof h[p.ad_type].aaxMediatedMarketPlaces !== "undefined") && (h[p.ad_type].aaxMediatedMarketPlaces.indexOf(p.region) > -1)) ? true : false,
placement: p.placement,
iframeStyle: h[p.ad_type].iframeStyle,
inline: h[p.ad_type].inline
if (!s) {
amzn_assoc_cm.addCounter("cm_", "onejs_abort_evt", 1);
amzn_assoc_cm.addCounter("cm_", "onejs_abort_evt_" + p.ad_type, 1);
amzn_assoc_cm.endScope("cm_", "onejs_exec_time");
if (amzn_assoc_ad_async_spec.numberOfWidgets > 0) {
(function() {
var a = 0;
for (a = 0; a < amzn_assoc_ad_async_spec.numberOfWidgets; a++) {
} else {
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