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Last active June 8, 2020 16:24
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  • Save BrigetteDoelp/8b350cc19c2a31b0f02d8cb6761e9995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My Personal DTR

What are your learning goals for this project? What drives you in this project?

My learnings goals are to become more comfortable in Javascript, and area of some anxiety for me. I am driven by my desire to be able to move on to mod2.

I have no earthly clue as to what else to put here.

TAKE POMS. Pay attention to yourself and when it seems like you are losing focus! But also don't be temped to just Full Stop when you're losing steam. Take a nice long break, give your brain a rest. Also probably eat.

My Timeline

  • Day 1 - Complete wireframing, pseudocode the project in it's entirety.
  • Day 2 - Complete HTML
  • Day 3 - Have classes completed, be ready and prepped to move to logic coding.
  • Day 4 - Get game mostly to full functionality.
  • Day 5 - Complete functionality.
  • Day 6 - Round out the README, complete CSS, refactor.
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