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Last active June 10, 2020 23:31
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Template for DTR Memo
Project: RomCom
Group Member Names: Brigette & Erin
Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project?:
Brigette; I want the technical knowledge that this project addresses to be second nature by the end of it.
Erin; I want to be able to apply concepts learned in this project in future projects.
What do we want to achieve as a team?:
Erin; I've never worked on any sort of team project like this before, so I want to be able to work together as a team. Get and give feedback.
Brigette; Yes! I agree. I also have never worked on a team project like this before, so I hope to accomplish a good working relationship, and hope that we are a solid team in all meanings of the word by the end of it.
How will we know that we're successful?:
Erin; To me, getting a three means we did our jobs. We each put in equal effort, we each understand where we are with learning the concepts in the project.
Brigette; I think it's really great that we're pretty much on the same page with learning goals, and what we need to do to feel successful.
Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here):
Erin; I'm good at asking questions and seeking help when needed.
Brigette; I guess a strength of mine is pseudocoding!
How we can use our strengths to overcome obstacles:
Brigette; Just with pseudocoding, I think we will be able to get a pretty good map of what we need to do for the project, and that will be useful to reference when we get stuck.
Erin; I think asking questions will help each of us learn and get a different perspective on something we don't quite get. Also, it will be helpful for time management.
Schedule Expectations
When are we available to work together and individually?
Brigette & Erin; More or less all driver/navigator.
30min breather post class. Work on project after post class breather for minimum 1hr, but no
more than 2.5hrs. Regular poms (every 30min, 7min length)!
What constraints do we have? (Make sure to discuss the remote questions above in regards to this section):
Brigette & Erin Stop Time; 8:30PM PST (9:30PM MST)
Weekends! Start time Saturday 1pm! Same work time guide as above, but with room for another chunk of project time later in the evening. For Sunday mostly off, but take an hour to an hour and a half to review what we have done already
to make sure there are no gaps in our understanding.
Communication Expectations (How and often will we communicate?
Daily at least, def before and after project sessions at a minimum.
How do we keep lines of communication open? How will we make decisions as a team?
We will ... keep them ... open? As in we will make an effort to respond promptly, and if we are unable to, we will tell each other so. We made that decision based on common messaging practices.
How will we communicate about our emotional and mental well-being with each other?):
We seem to be both very straight forward with that.
Abilities & Growth Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement):
Brigette; I feel pretty solid on the beginnings of HTML and a few concepts in JS. I want to improve on loops, functions, and the git workflow.
Erin; I feel good about what we've learned so far in JS. I know nothing about HTML and CSS and would like to understand how to make them all play nice with each other.
Workload Expectations (What features do we each want to work on?):
We will work on all features together and evenly through driver/navigator practices.
Workflow Expectations (Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests/Debugging and Problem-solving Techniques):
We will work on all features together and evenly through driver/navigator practices.
Pomodoro Break Schedule: Every 30min for 7min intervals.
Expectations for giving and receiving feedback: We view it as a positive and helpful tool for growth! Shall be specific, helpful, and kind.
Additional Remote Considerations: No need for video, so long as we can hear each other we're good.
Project management tools we will use (GitHub projects or Trello are popular tools): Google Sheets for time management, Take A Break for poms, GitHub, tbd.
Day 1 Agenda:
Erin will fork the project.
Erin will be the driver first day and we will go through the explore stuff.
Additional Notes: TBD
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