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Created July 18, 2012 23:31
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(ns clojure.reader
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read read-line read-string])
(:import (clojure.lang BigInt Numbers PersistentHashMap PersistentHashSet PersistentArrayMap IMeta ISeq
RT IReference Symbol IPersistentList Reflector Var Symbol Keyword IObj)
(java.util ArrayList regex.Pattern)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defprotocol PushbackReader
(read-char [reader] "Returns the next char from the Reader, nil if the end of stream has been reached")
(peek-char [reader] "Same as (let [c (read-char rdr)] (unread rdr c) c) but without the overhead of unread")
(unread [reader ch] "Push back a single character on to the stream"))
(defmacro update! [what f]
(list 'set! what (list f what)))
;;peek => read next char
;;not thread-safe, but i guess i don't care?
(deftype StringPushbackReader
[^:unsynchronized-mutable ^String s ^"[C" buf ^:unsynchronized-mutable len ^:unsynchronized-mutable buf?]
(read-char [reader]
(if buf?
(do (set! buf? false)
(aget buf 0))
(when (pos? len)
(let [r (.charAt s 0)]
(update! len dec)
(set! s (.substring s 1))
(peek-char [reader]
(if buf?
(aget buf 0)
(when (pos? len)
(.charAt s 0))))
(unread [reader ch]
(when ch
(if buf? (throw (RuntimeException. "Pushback buffer is full")))
(aset buf 0 ^char ch)
(set! buf? true))))
(defn push-back-reader [^String s]
"Creates a StringPushbackReader from a given string"
(StringPushbackReader. s (char-array 1) (.length s) false))
(defprotocol LineNumberingReader
(get-line-number [reader]))
(defn read-line [rdr]
(let [c (read-char rdr)]
(case c
nil nil
\newline ""
(str c (read-line rdr)))))
(deftype LineNumberingPushbackReader
[spr ^:unsynchronized-mutable line ^:unsynchronized-mutable line-start? ^:unsynchronized-mutable prev]
(read-char [reader]
(when-let [ch (read-char spr)]
(let [ch (if (= \return ch)
(let [c (peek-char spr)]
(when (= \formfeed ch)
(read-char spr))
(set! prev line-start?)
(set! line-start? (= ch \newline))
(when line-start?
(update! line inc))
(peek-char [reader]
(peek-char spr))
(unread [reader ch]
(when line-start? (update! line dec))
(set! line-start? prev)
(unread spr ch))
(get-line-number [reader] (inc line)))
(defn line-numbering-push-back-reader [s]
(LineNumberingPushbackReader. (push-back-reader s) 0 true nil))
(def pbr push-back-reader)
(def lnpbr line-numbering-push-back-reader)
;; predicates
(defn- whitespace?
"Checks whether a given character is whitespace"
[^Character ch]
(if ch
(or (Character/isWhitespace ch) (= \, ch))))
(defn- numeric?
"Checks whether a given character is numeric"
[^Character ch]
(if ch
(Character/isDigit ch)))
(defn- comment-prefix?
"Checks whether the character begins a comment."
(= \; ch))
(defn- number-literal?
"Checks whether the reader is at the start of a number literal"
[reader initch]
(or (numeric? initch)
(and (or (= \+ initch) (= \- initch))
(numeric? (peek-char reader)))))
(declare read macros dispatch-macros)
;; read helpers
; later will do e.g. line numbers...
(defn reader-error
[rdr & msg]
(throw (RuntimeException. ^String (apply str msg)))
#_ (throw (ReaderException. (get-line rdr) (apply str msg))))
(defn macro-terminating? [ch]
(and (not= ch \#)
(not= ch \')
;(not= ch ":") ;; why?
(macros ch)))
(defn ^String read-token
[rdr initch]
(loop [sb (doto (StringBuilder.) (.append initch))
ch (peek-char rdr)]
(if (or (nil? ch)
(whitespace? ch)
(macro-terminating? ch))
(.toString sb)
(recur (doto sb (.append (read-char rdr))) (peek-char rdr)))))
(defn skip-line
"Advances the reader to the end of a line. Returns the reader"
[reader _]
(read-line reader)
(def ^Pattern int-pattern #"([-+]?)(?:(0)|([1-9][0-9]*)|0[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|0([0-7]+)|([1-9][0-9]?)[rR]([0-9A-Za-z]+)|0[0-9]+)(N)?")
(def ^Pattern ratio-pattern #"([-+]?[0-9]+)/([0-9]+)")
(def ^Pattern float-pattern #"([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(M)?")
(defn- match-int
[s ^java.util.regex.Matcher m]
(if (.group m 2)
(if (.group m 8) 0N 0)
(let [negate (= "-" (.group m 1))
a (cond
(.group m 3) [(.group m 3) 10]
(.group m 4) [(.group m 4) 16]
(.group m 5) [(.group m 5) 8]
(.group m 7) [(.group m 7) (Integer/parseInt (.group m 6))]
:default [nil nil])
^String n (first a)
^int radix (second a)]
(when n
(let [bn (BigInteger. n radix)
bn (if negate (.negate bn) bn)]
(if (.group m 8)
(BigInt/fromBigInteger bn)
(if (< (.bitLength bn) 64)
(.longValue bn)
(BigInt/fromBigInteger bn))))))))
(defn- match-ratio
[s ^java.util.regex.Matcher m]
(let [^String numinator (.group m 1)
^String denominator (.group m 2)]
(/ (-> numinator BigInteger. BigInt/fromBigInteger Numbers/reduceBigInt)
(-> denominator BigInteger. BigInt/fromBigInteger Numbers/reduceBigInt))))
(defn- match-float
[s ^java.util.regex.Matcher m]
(if (.group m 4)
(BigDecimal. ^String (.group m 1))
(Double/parseDouble s)))
(defn- match-number
(let [m (.matcher int-pattern s)]
(if (.matches m) (match-int s m)
(let [m (.matcher float-pattern s)]
(if (.matches m) (match-float s m)
(let [m (.matcher ratio-pattern s)]
(if (.matches m) (match-float s m))))))))
;; unicode
(defn read-unicode-char
([^String token offset length base]
(if (not= (.length token) (+ offset length))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Invalid unicode character: \\" token))))
(loop [uc 0 i offset]
(if (= i (+ offset length))
(char uc)
(let [d (Character/digit (.charAt token i) ^int base)]
(if (== d -1)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Invalid digit: " (.charAt token i))))
(recur (long (* uc (+ base d))) (inc i)))))))
([rdr initch base length exact?]
(let [uc (Character/digit ^char initch ^int base)]
(if (= uc -1)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Invalid digit: " (char initch)))))
(loop [i 1 uc uc]
(if (not= i length)
(let [ch (peek-char rdr)]
(if (or (nil? ch)
(whitespace? ch)
(macros ch))
(if exact?
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Invalid character lenght: " i ", should be: " length)))
(char uc))
(let [d (Character/digit ^char ch ^int base)
_ (read-char rdr)] ;; avoid unread
(if (= d -1)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Invalid digit: " (char ch))))
(recur (inc i) (long (* uc (+ base d))))))))
(char uc))))))
(defn read-char*
[rdr backslash]
(let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if ch
(let [token (read-token rdr ch)]
(= 1 (.length token)) (Character/valueOf (.charAt token 0))
(= token "newline") \newline
(= token "space") \space
(= token "tab") \tab
(= token "backspace") \backspace
(= token "formfeed") \formfeed
(= token "return") \return
(.startsWith token "u")
(let [c (read-unicode-char token 1 4 16)
ic (int c)]
(if (and (> ic (int \uD799))
(< ic (int \uE000)))
(reader-error rdr "Invalid character constant: \\u" (Integer/toString ic 16))
(.startsWith token "o")
(let [len (dec (.length token))]
(if (> len 3)
(reader-error rdr "Invalid octal escape sequence length: " len)
(let [uc (read-unicode-char token 1 len 8)]
(if (> (int uc) 0377)
(reader-error rdr "Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]")
:else (reader-error rdr "Unsupported character: \\" token)))
(reader-error rdr "EOF while reading character"))))
(defn read-past
"Read until first character that doesn't match pred, returning
[pred rdr]
(loop [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if (pred ch)
(recur (read-char rdr))
(defn ^ArrayList read-delimited-list
[delim rdr recursive?]
(let [first-line (if (satisfies? LineNumberingReader rdr)
(get-line-number rdr))
a (ArrayList.)]
(loop []
(let [ch (read-past whitespace? rdr)]
(when-not ch
(reader-error rdr "EOF while reading"
(if first-line
(str ", starting at line" first-line))))
(if (= delim ch)
(if-let [macrofn (macros ch)]
(let [mret (macrofn rdr ch)]
(if-not (= mret rdr)
(.add a mret))
(unread rdr ch)
(let [o (read rdr true nil recursive?)]
(if-not (= o rdr)
(.add a o))
;; data structure readers
(defn not-implemented
[rdr ch]
(reader-error rdr "Reader for " ch " not implemented yet"))
(declare read-tagged)
(defn read-dispatch
[rdr _]
(let [ch (read-char rdr)
dm (dispatch-macros ch)]
(if ch
(if dm
(dm rdr ch)
(if-let [obj (read-tagged rdr ch)] ;; ctor reader is implemented as a taggged literal
(reader-error rdr "No dispatch macro for " ch)))
(reader-error rdr "EOF while reading character"))))
(defn read-unmatched-delimiter
[rdr ch]
(reader-error rdr "Unmatched delimiter " ch))
(defn read-list
[rdr _]
(let [line (if (satisfies? LineNumberingReader rdr)
(get-line-number rdr))
the-list (read-delimited-list \) rdr true)]
(if (empty? the-list)
(if-not line
(clojure.lang.PersistentList/create the-list)
(with-meta (clojure.lang.PersistentList/create the-list) {:line line})))))
(def read-comment skip-line)
(defn read-vector
[rdr _]
(vec (read-delimited-list \] rdr true)))
(defn read-map
[rdr _]
(let [l (.toArray (read-delimited-list \} rdr true))]
(when (= 1 (bit-and (count l) 1))
(reader-error rdr "Map literal must contain an even number of forms"))
(RT/map l)))
(defn read-number
[reader initch]
(loop [sb (doto (StringBuilder.) (.append initch))
ch (peek-char reader)]
(if (or (nil? ch) (whitespace? ch) (macros ch))
(let [s (.toString sb)]
(or (match-number s)
(reader-error reader "Invalid number format [" s "]")))
(recur (doto sb (.append (read-char reader))) (peek-char reader)))))
(defn escape-char [sb rdr]
(let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(case ch
\t "\t"
\r "\r"
\n "\n"
\\ "\\"
\" "\""
\b "\b"
\f "\f"
\u (let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if (= -1 (Character/digit ^char ch 16))
(reader-error rdr "Invalid unicode escape: \\u" ch)
(read-unicode-char rdr ch 16 4 true)))
(if (Character/isDigit ^char ch)
(let [ch (read-unicode-char rdr ch 8 3 false)]
(if (> (int ch) 0337)
(reader-error rdr "Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377]")
(reader-error rdr "Unsupported escape character: \\" ch)))))
(defn read-string*
[reader _]
(loop [sb (StringBuilder.)
ch (read-char reader)]
(nil? ch) (reader-error reader "EOF while reading string")
(= \\ ch) (recur (doto sb (.append (escape-char sb reader)))
(read-char reader))
(= \" ch) (.toString sb)
:default (recur (doto sb (.append ch)) (read-char reader)))))
(def ^Pattern symbol-pattern #"(:)?(?:([^0-9][^/]*)/)?((?:[^0-9/][^/]*)|/)")
(defn read-symbol
[rdr initch]
(let [token (read-token rdr initch)
m (.matcher symbol-pattern token)]
(case token
;; special symbols
"nil" nil
"true" true
"false" false
(if (.matches m)
(symbol (.group m 2) (.group m 3))
(reader-error rdr "Invalid token: " token)))))
(defn read-keyword
[reader initch]
(let [token (read-token reader (read-char reader))
m (.matcher symbol-pattern token)]
(if (and (.matches m)
(= -1 (.indexOf token (int \.))))
(let [ns (.group m 2)
name (.group m 3)]
(if (= ":" (.group m 1))
(if ns
(let [ns (symbol ns)
ns (or (find-ns ns)
(.lookupAlias *ns* (symbol ns)))]
(if ns
(keyword (str ns) name)
(reader-error reader "Invalid token: :" token)))
(keyword (str *ns*) name))
(keyword ns name)))
(reader-error reader "Invalid token: :" token))))
(defn desugar-meta
(symbol? f) {:tag f}
(string? f) {:tag f}
(keyword? f) {f true}
:else f))
(defn wrapping-reader
(fn [rdr _]
(list sym (read rdr true nil true))))
(defn throwing-reader
(fn [rdr _]
(reader-error rdr msg)))
(defn read-meta
[rdr _]
(let [line (if (satisfies? LineNumberingReader rdr)
(get-line-number rdr))
m (desugar-meta (read rdr true nil true))]
(when-not (map? m)
(reader-error rdr "Metadata must be Symbol,Keyword,String or Map"))
(let [o (read rdr true nil true)]
(if (instance? IMeta o)
(let [m (if (and line (instance? ISeq o)) (assoc m :line line))]
(if (instance? IReference o)
(reset-meta! o m)
(with-meta o (merge (meta o) m))))
(reader-error rdr "Metadata can only be applied to IMetas")))))
(defn read-set
[rdr _]
(PersistentHashSet/createWithCheck (read-delimited-list \} rdr true)))
(defn read-regex
[rdr ch]
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(loop [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if (= ch \")
(Pattern/compile (.toString sb))
(if (nil? ch)
(reader-error rdr "EOF while reading regex")
(do (.append sb ch)
(if (= ch \\)
(let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if (nil? ch)
(reader-error rdr "EOF while reading regex"))
(.append sb ch)
(recur (read-char rdr)))
(recur (read-char rdr)))))))))
(defn read-discard
[rdr _]
(read rdr true nil true)
(defn read-var
[rdr _]
(list 'var (read rdr true nil true)))
(def ^:dynamic arg-env nil)
(defn read-fn
[rdr _]
(if arg-env
(throw (IllegalStateException. "Nested #()s are not allowed")))
(with-bindings {#'arg-env {}}
(unread rdr \()
(let [form (read rdr true nil true) ;; this sets bindings
argsyms arg-env
rargs (rseq (vec argsyms))
args (if rargs
(let [higharg (key (first rargs))]
(if (pos? higharg)
(let [args (loop [i 0 args []]
(if (> i higharg)
(recur (inc i) (conj args (get rargs i)))))
args (if (get argsyms -1)
(conj args '& (get argsyms -1)))]
(list 'fn* args form))))
(defn- garg [n]
(symbol (str (if (= -1 n) "rest" (str "p" n))
"__" (RT/nextID) "#")))
(defn register-arg [n]
(if-let [argsyms arg-env]
(if-let [ret (get argsyms n)]
(set! arg-env (assoc argsyms n (garg n)))) ;; set! returns the value
(throw (IllegalStateException. "Arg literal not in #()")))) ;; should never hit this
(declare read-symbol)
(defn read-arg
[rdr pct]
(if-not arg-env
(read-symbol rdr pct)
(let [ch (peek-char rdr)]
(if (or (not ch)
(whitespace? ch)
(macro-terminating? ch)) ;; we hit %
(register-arg 1)
(let [n (read rdr true nil true)]
(if (= n '&)
(register-arg -1)
(if (not (instance? Number n))
(throw (IllegalStateException. "Arg literal must be %, %& or %integer"))
(register-arg (.intValue ^Number n)))))))))
(defn read-eval
[rdr _]
(when-not *read-eval*
(reader-error rdr "#= not allowed when *read-eval* is false"))
(let [o (read rdr true nil true)]
(if (instance? o Symbol)
(RT/classForName (.toString ^Symbol o))
(if (instance? IPersistentList o)
(let [fs (first o)
fs-name (name fs)]
(= fs 'var) (let [vs (second o)]
(RT/var (namespace vs) (name vs)))
(.endsWith fs-name ".")
(let [args (to-array (rest o))]
(-> fs-name (subs 0 (dec (.length fs-name)))
RT/classForName (Reflector/invokeConstructor args)))
(Compiler/namesStaticMember fs)
(let [args (to-array (rest o))]
(Reflector/invokeStaticMethod (namespace fs) fs-name args))
(let [v (Compiler/maybeResolveIn *ns* fs)]
(if (instance? Var v)
(apply v (rest o))
(reader-error rdr "Can't resolve " fs)))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Unsupported #= form"))))))
(def ^:dynamic gensym-env nil)
(defn read-unquote
[rdr comma]
(if-let [ch (peek-char rdr)]
(if (= \@ ch)
((wrapping-reader 'unquote-splicing) (read-char rdr) \@)
((wrapping-reader 'unquote) rdr \~))))
(declare syntax-quote )
(defn unquote-splicing? [form]
(and (instance? ISeq form)
(= (first form) 'unquote-splicing)))
(defn unquote? [form]
(and (instance? ISeq form)
(= (first form) 'unquote)))
(defn- expand-list [seq]
(loop [s seq r (transient [])]
(if s
(let [item (first s)
ret (conj! r
(unquote? item) (list 'list (second item))
(unquote-splicing? item) (second item)
:else (list (syntax-quote item))))]
(recur (next s) ret))
(seq (persistent! r)))))
(defn- flatten-map [form]
(loop [s (seq form) key-vals (transient [])]
(if s
(let [e (first s)]
(recur (next s) (conj key-vals (key e) (val e))))
(persistent! key-vals))))
(defn syntax-quote [form]
(not-implemented nil nil))
(defn read-syntax-quote
[rdr backquote]
(with-bindings {#'gensym-env {}}
(let [form (read rdr true nil true)
ret (syntax-quote form)]
(if (and (instance? IObj form)
(dissoc (meta form) :line))
(list 'with-meta ret (syntax-quote (meta form)))
(defn macros [c]
(case c
\" read-string*
\: read-keyword
\; read-comment
\' (wrapping-reader 'quote)
\@ (wrapping-reader 'deref)
\^ read-meta
\` read-syntax-quote ;;(wrapping-reader 'syntax-quote)
\~ read-unquote
\( read-list
\) read-unmatched-delimiter
\[ read-vector
\] read-unmatched-delimiter
\{ read-map
\} read-unmatched-delimiter
\\ read-char*
\% read-arg
\# read-dispatch
(defn dispatch-macros [s]
(case s
\^ read-meta ;deprecated
\' read-var
\( read-fn
\= read-eval
\{ read-set
\< (throwing-reader "Unreadable form")
\" read-regex
\! read-comment
\_ read-discard
(defn read
"Reads the first object from a PushbackReader. Returns the object read.
If EOF, throws if eof-is-error is true. Otherwise returns sentinel."
[reader eof-is-error sentinel is-recursive]
(let [ch (read-char reader)]
(nil? ch) (if eof-is-error (reader-error reader "EOF") sentinel)
(whitespace? ch) (recur reader eof-is-error sentinel is-recursive)
(comment-prefix? ch) (recur (read-comment reader ch) eof-is-error sentinel is-recursive)
:else (let [f (macros ch)
f (f reader ch)
(number-literal? reader ch) (read-number reader ch)
:else (read-symbol reader ch))]
(if (= res reader)
(recur reader eof-is-error sentinel is-recursive)
(defn read-tagged* [rdr tag]
(let [o (read rdr true nil true)]
(if-let [f (or (get *data-readers* tag)
(get default-data-readers tag))]
(f o)
(reader-error rdr "No reader function for tag" (name tag)))))
(defn read-ctor [rdr class-name]
(let [class (RT/classForName (name class-name))
ch (read-past whitespace? rdr)] ;; differs from clojure
(if-let [[end-ch form] (case ch
\{ [\} :short]
\[ [\] :extended]
(let [entries (to-array (read-delimited-list rdr end-ch))
all-ctors (.getConstructors class)
ctors-num (count all-ctors)]
(case form
(loop [i 0]
(if (> i ctors-num)
(reader-error rdr "Unexpected number of constructor arguments to " (.toString class)
": got" (count entries))
(if (= (count (.getParameterTypes ^Constructor (aget all-ctors i)))
(Reflector/invokeConstructor class entries)
(recur (inc i)))))
(let [vals (RT/map entries)]
(loop [s (keys vals)]
(if s
(if-not (instance? Keyword (first s))
(reader-error rdr "Unreadable ctor form: key myst be of type clojure.lang.Keyword")
(recur (next s)))))
(Reflector/invokeStaticMethod class "create" (to-array vals)))))
(reader-error rdr "Invalid reader constructor form"))))
(defn read-tagged [rdr initch]
(let [tag (read rdr true nil false)]
(if-not (instance? Symbol tag)
(reader-error rdr "Reader tag must be a symbol"))
(if (.contains (name tag) ".")
(read-ctor rdr tag)
(read-tagged* rdr tag))))
(defn read-string
"Reads one object from the string s"
(read (push-back-reader s) true nil false))
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