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Nicola Mometto Bronsa

View GitHub Profile
;; nothing to see here, just an innocuous comment
;; (defn hi ([] (println "evil hello")) {:eval (println "launching missles")})
(defn hi [] (println "hello"))
(defun gensymify (body &optional (mappings (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(lambda (el)
((listp el)
(gensymify el mappings))
((and (symbolp el)
(not (symbol-package el)))
(let* ((n (symbol-name el))
(s (gethash n mappings)))

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bronsa on github.
  • I am bronsa ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCzWD00qg9lymRGO1Mo23V988s1dTgSHTTuoot8BTGI8go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

(require '[ :as a]
'[ :as a.j]
'[ :as ast]
'[ :as u]
'[ :as j.e]
'[ :as e])
(defn ^:private mexpansions
([ast _] (mexpansions ast))
Bronsa / gist:5014762
Last active December 14, 2015 02:38
simple lisp interpreter, with continuations
(ns lisp.core)
(defprotocol Continuation
(resume [this v]))
(defmacro defcontinuation [name [& fields] & body]
`(defrecord ~(symbol (str name "-cont")) [~'k ~@fields]
(def tree '[:and a [:or b [:or c d]]])
(def db '{:a #{a d} :b #{b c} :d #{a c}})
;; (defn compile* [o el]
;; (if (coll? o)
;; (compile o el)
;; (get el o)))
;; (defmulti compile (fn [[op r l] el] op))
package clojure.lang;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
public class interfaces {
public static interface ISeq extends IPersistentCollection {
Object first();
(defn throw-arity [this n]
(let [name (-> this .getClass .getSmpleName)
suffix (.lastIndexOf name "__")
elided-name (if (= suffix -1) name (.substring name 0 suffix))]
(throw (clojure.lang.ArityException. n (.replace elided-name \_ \-)))))
(def AFn
(def AFn
'(call [this] (-invoke this))
'(run [this] (-invoke this))
(map (fn [args] (list '-invoke (vec (cons 'this args))
(ns clojure.lang.traits
(:require [brochure.def :refer [deftrait]]
[clojure.lang.protocols :refer :all]))
(deftrait AReference [^:unsynchronized-mutable meta]
(-meta [this]
(locking this meta))