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Last active December 14, 2015 02:38
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simple lisp interpreter, with continuations
(ns lisp.core)
(defprotocol Continuation
(resume [this v]))
(defmacro defcontinuation [name [& fields] & body]
`(defrecord ~(symbol (str name "-cont")) [~'k ~@fields]
(defmacro cont [t & args]
(list* (symbol (str "->" (name t) "-cont"))
(defmulti evaluate (fn [k? & rest] (if (keyword? k?) k? :default)))
(defmethod evaluate :default
[form env k]
(if (not (coll? form))
(if (symbol? form)
(evaluate :variable form env k)
(evaluate :quote form env k))
(case (first form)
quote (evaluate :quote (second form) env k)
if (evaluate :if (nth form 1) (nth form 2) (nth form 3) env k)
begin (evaluate :begin (next form) env k)
set! (evaluate :set! (nth form 1) (nth form 2) env k)
lambda (evaluate :lambda (second form) (nnext form) env k)
(evaluate :apply (first form) (rest form) env k))))
(defmethod evaluate :quote
[_ form env k]
(resume k form))
(defmethod evaluate :variable
[_ n env k]
(resume k (get @env n)))
(defcontinuation if [t f env]
(resume [this test]
(evaluate (if test t f) env k)))
(defmethod evaluate :if
[_ test t f env k]
(evaluate test env (cont :if k t f env)))
(defcontinuation begin [exprs env]
(resume [this v]
(evaluate :begin exprs env k)))
(defmethod evaluate :begin
[_ exprs env k]
(if (seq exprs)
(if (next exprs)
(evaluate (first exprs) env (cont :begin k (next exprs) env))
(evaluate (first exprs) env k))
(resume k nil)))
;; doesn't throw on non-defined
(defcontinuation set! [n env] ;; env is (atom {..})
(resume [this v]
(swap! env assoc n v)
(resume k v)))
(defmethod evaluate :set!
[_ n v env k]
(evaluate v env (cont :set! k n env)))
(defrecord function [vars body env])
(defmethod evaluate :lambda
[_ vars exprs env k]
(resume k (->function vars exprs env)))
;; assumes everything is correct
(defcontinuation apply [f env]
(resume [this vars]
(let [env (atom (merge @(:env f)
(zipmap (:vars f) vars)))]
(evaluate :begin (:body f) env k))))
(defcontinuation function [exprs env]
(resume [this f]
(evaluate :args exprs env (cont :apply k f env))))
(defcontinuation gather [val]
(resume [this vals]
(resume k (cons val vals))))
(defcontinuation args [args env]
(resume [this v]
(evaluate :args args env (cont :gather k v))))
(defmethod evaluate :args
[_ args env k]
(if (seq args)
(evaluate (first args) env (cont :args k (next args) env))
(resume k nil)))
(defmethod evaluate :apply
[_ f args env k]
(evaluate f env (cont :function k args env)))
(defcontinuation identity [f]
(resume [this v]
(f v)))
;; (evaluate form (atom {})
;; (cont :identity nil identity))
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