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Created August 4, 2012 21:20
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(ns clojure.lang.traits
(:require [brochure.def :refer [deftrait]]
[clojure.lang.protocols :refer :all]))
(deftrait AReference [^:unsynchronized-mutable meta]
(-meta [this]
(locking this meta))
(-reset-meta! [this m]
(locking this (set! meta m))))
(deftrait AWatchable [^:volatile-mutable watches]
(-notify-watches [this old-value new-value]
(doseq [[key f] watches]
(f key this old-value new-value)))
(-add-watch [this key f]
(locking this
(set! watches (assoc watches key f))))
(-remove-watch [this key]
(locking this
(set! watches (dissoc watches key)))))
(deftrait AValidable [^:volatile-mutable validator]
(-set-validator! [this new-validator]
(when (new-validator (-deref this))
(set! validator new-validator)))
(-get-validator [_] validator)
(-validate [_ new-value]
(when validator
(assert (validator new-value) "Validator rejected reference state"))))
(defn throw-arity [this n]
(let [name (-> this .getClass .getSmpleName)
suffix (.lastIndexOf name "__")
elided-name (if (= suffix -1) name (.substring name 0 suffix))]
(throw (clojure.lang.ArityException. n (.replace elided-name \_ \-)))))
(def AFn
'(call [this] (-invoke this))
'(run [this] (-invoke this))
(map (fn [args] (list '-invoke (vec (cons 'this args))
(list 'throw-arity 'this (count args))))
(cons [] (take-while seq (iterate rest (repeat 18 '_)))))
'(-apply [this arglist]
(let [arglist-len (count arglist)]
(if (< arglist-len 19)
(eval `(-invoke ~this ~@arglist))
(eval `(-invoke ~this ~@(take 19 arglist) '~(drop 19 arglist))))))))
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