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package main
import (
func main() {
now := time.Now()
BumpeiShimada / gist:df59386b6f62c54d105a28d71bb24d0a
Created July 9, 2019 18:53
A function enables text data line breaking
const lines = tweet.split("\\n").map(function(line) {
return <p className="line-wrap">{line}</p>;
public class LoginLogic {
// ...
* @return whether current date is after or equal to graduate year's 1st April
* NOTE FOR READERS: In Japan, students commonly graduates at the end of March
boolean isAfterServiceGraduateDate() {
// Let's create a test before implementation!!
class LoginLogicUnitTest extends Specification {
private CandidateLoginLogic logic
def setup(){
logic = new CandidateLoginLogic()
// Mocking autowired methods
OriginalTimeManager timeManager = Mock()
logic.metaClass.setAttribute(logic, "timeManager", timeManager)
public class LoginLogic {
private OriginalTimeManager timeManager; // This is an in-house class for managing data related to dates
* @param graduateYear
* @return whether current date is after or equal to graduate year's 1st April
* @throws NullPointerException if the param graduateYear is null
public class DateEmptyValidator implements BaseValidator {
public void validate(EventForm form, List<String> errors) {
validateStartDate(form, errors);
validateEndDate(form, errors);
public ValidateType getValidateType() {
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))
public class ValidatorFactory {
// All concrete classes of an interface can be asserted like this in Spring.
// If you want to know more, see:
private List<BaseValidator> validators;
* Filter out all unnecessary validation classes by checking event types
* and returns only needed ones.
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))
public class ValidationService {
private ValidatorFactory factory;
public void execute(boolean isExclusive, EventForm form, List<String> errors) {
List<BaseValidator> validators = factory.get(isExclusive);
validators.forEach(validator -> {
validator.validate(form, errors);
* Types for categorizing validation classes
enum ValidateType {
* Applicable to all events
* The base class for validating EventForm data
public interface BaseValidator {
// Argument "errors" should be replaced with error handling class.
// In actual case, when "errors" are not empty a program detect it and understand that there are errors.
void validate(EventForm form, List<String> errors);
ValidateType getValidateType();