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Last active February 14, 2023 01:48
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  • Save BurntSushi/b76e2f161ed98797f88a0811c492b98c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BurntSushi/b76e2f161ed98797f88a0811c492b98c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Recommended steps:
# bootstrap before entering chroot
# copy this script into INSTALL_DIR
# rootinit after entering chroot
# x (if installing graphics)
# pkgs
# xpkgs (if installing graphics)
# userinit
# kaitinit (optional)
# grubinit
# At this point, log in as the user created above.
# yayinit
# yaypkgs
# yayxpkgs (if installing graphics)
# homeinit
# xenvinit (if installing graphics)
# gpginit
# sshinit
# scannerinit
# autologin (for media PCs)
# nmmedia (for media PCs)
bootstrap() {
pacstrap "$INSTALL_DIR" base base-devel linux linux-firmware
genfstab -U "$INSTALL_DIR" >> "$INSTALL_DIR"/etc/fstab
rootinit() {
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") rootinit <hostname>" >&2
exit 1
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc
sed -i 's/^#\(en_US\.UTF-8 .*\)$/\1/g' /etc/locale.gen
echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf
echo "$hostname" > /etc/hostname
echo " localhost"
echo "::1 localhost"
echo " $hostname.localdomain $hostname"
} >> /etc/hosts
echo 'COMPRESSXZ=(xz -c -z -0 -)' >> /etc/makepkg.conf
echo "set root password:"
x() {
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") x <intel | radeon>" >&2
exit 1
pacman --noconfirm -S xorg xorg-xinit
case "$driver" in
pacman --noconfirm -S xf86-video-intel
pacman --noconfirm -S xf86-video-ati
echo "unrecognized graphics driver" >&2
exit 1
pkgs() {
pacman --noconfirm -S \
zsh \
asp \
sudo \
vi \
alsa-utils \
aspell aspell-en hunspell hunspell-en_US \
python python-pip python-setuptools python-virtualenv bpython \
python2 python2-pip python2-setuptools python2-virtualenv bpython2 \
flake8 \
go go-tools \
rustup \
grub efibootmgr \
iputils inetutils whois bind-tools dhcpcd \
cups \
shellcheck \
pdftk \
cronie openssh openssl sshfs sshuttle gnupg tmux nfs-utils enscript \
docker espeak ffmpeg jq ripgrep youtube-dl fzf \
iotop htop linux-tools pkgfile pwgen pv strace tig time tree valgrind \
vim \
git aws-cli s3cmd colordiff curl wget ctags darkhttpd pass rsync
pkgfile --update
xpkgs() {
pacman --noconfirm -Rsn vim
pacman --noconfirm -S \
xterm \
alacritty alacritty-terminfo \
k3b konversation konsole dolphin okular \
qt5 qt5ct oxygen oxygen-icons \
xsane \
xbindkeys \
libnotify \
kmix \
dunst \
i3lock \
mpv \
nitrogen \
numlockx \
xclip \
xdotool \
trayer \
freerdp \
gmrun \
gvim \
noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra \
userinit() {
# Use the same group ID on all machines.
sudo groupmod -n users-old users
sudo groupadd -g 100 users
sudo useradd -g users -u 1000 -m -s /bin/zsh \
-G disk,lp,wheel,log,dbus,network,video,audio,optical,storage,scanner,power \
echo "set andrew password"
sudo passwd andrew
echo "make sure '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' is in sudoers"
kaitinit() {
sudo useradd -g users -u 1002 -m -s /bin/bash \
-G disk,lp,wheel,log,dbus,network,video,audio,optical,storage,scanner,power \
echo "set kait password"
sudo passwd kait
echo "make sure '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' is in sudoers"
grubinit() {
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=grub
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
yayinit() {
cd /tmp || exit 1
if [ ! -d yay ]; then
git clone
cd yay || exit 1
makepkg -fsi --noconfirm
yaypkgs() {
yay --noconfirm -S \
brother-dcp7065dn \
brscan4 \
ngrok \
par \
vim-fzf-git vim-go-git vim-ledger-git vim-plug-git \
vim-renamer-git vim-syntastic-git vim-toml-git \
zsh-autosuggestions \
zsh-completions \
zsh-syntax-highlighting \
zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting-git \
yayxpkgs() {
yay --noconfirm -S \
dzen2-xft-xpm-xinerama-git \
google-chrome \
mirage \
idesk \
gkrellm \
gkleds \
gkrellsun \
gkrellweather \
nerd-fonts-hack \
ttf-oxygen \
ttf-dejavu \
ttf-fira-mono \
ttf-mononoki-git \
ttf-roboto \
homeinit() {
cd "$HOME" || exit 1
curl > /tmp/
sh /tmp/
git clone .password-store
mkdir -p .gnupg
echo 'default-cache-ttl 86400'
echo 'max-cache-ttl 86400'
} > .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
xenvinit() {
cd "$HOME" || exit 1
. "$HOME/bin/x11-go"
go get -v
go get -v
virtualenv2 "$HOME/.pyx11"
. "$HOME/.pyx11/bin/activate"
pip install pywingo
gpginit() {
rscp nas:/m/data/andrew/keys/*.key.* /tmp/
gpg --import /tmp/
gpg --import /tmp/
echo "use 'gpg --edit-key {email}' to trust each key completely"
sshinit() {
ssh-extract-key burntsushi
ssh-extract-key feral
scannerinit() {
brsaneconfig4 -a name=Brother model=DCP-7065DN ip=
autologin() {
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf > /dev/null <<EOF
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin andrew --noclear %I $TERM
nmmedia() {
sudo tee "$script" > /dev/null <<EOF
case "\$status" in
sudo -i -u andrew zsh -c '. ~/.zshrc && media'
sudo -i -u andrew zsh -c '. ~/.zshrc && media down'
sudo chmod 0755 "$script"
case "$1" in
bootstrap) shift ; bootstrap "$@" ;;
rootinit) shift ; rootinit "$@" ;;
x) shift ; x "$@" ;;
pkgs) shift ; pkgs "$@" ;;
xpkgs) shift ; xpkgs "$@" ;;
userinit) shift ; userinit "$@" ;;
kaitinit) shift ; kaitinit "$@" ;;
grubinit) shift ; grubinit "$@" ;;
yayinit) shift ; yayinit "$@" ;;
yaypkgs) shift ; yaypkgs "$@" ;;
yayxpkgs) shift ; yayxpkgs "$@" ;;
homeinit) shift ; homeinit "$@" ;;
xenvinit) shift ; xenvinit "$@" ;;
gpginit) shift ; gpginit "$@" ;;
sshinit) shift ; sshinit "$@" ;;
scannerinit) shift ; scannerinit "$@" ;;
autologin) shift ; autologin "$@" ;;
nmmedia) shift ; nmmedia "$@" ;;
echo "unrecognized command" >&2
exit 1
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BurntSushi commented Feb 9, 2020

Great! Thanks for the ping again. I was finally moved to switch to yay. Overall very happy. I love its diff options.

I've updated this script to use yay as well, so that others passing by will not be inclined to use yaourt just because I hadn't updated yet.

As for volume, I had settled on Super + Tab for volume up and Super + Shift + Tab for volume down and Super + Grave for mute toggle. Not a huge fan. I added your control options as well, and we'll see how it goes. :-)

Also, for changing volume, I use i3-volume. I don't use i3, and despite its name, it works just fine with any WM. (I actually use my own patched version of it that makes it work a little nicer with dunst, and plays a "ding" sound any time the volume changes.)

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