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Crystal Rush - C++ Starter
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//********************************* UTILS **********************************************
struct Point {
int x{-1}, y{-1};
int distance(const Point& oth) { return abs(x - oth.x) + abs(y - oth.y); }
ostream& dump(ostream& ioOut) const {
ioOut << x << " " << y;
return ioOut;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& ioOut, const Point& obj) { return obj.dump(ioOut); }
//********************************* GAME STATE **********************************************
enum class Type : int { NONE = 0, ROBOT, RADAR, TRAP, ORE, HOLE };
enum class ActionType : int { WAIT = 0, MOVE, DIG, REQUEST };
static constexpr int MAX_PLAYERS = 2;
static constexpr int MAX_WIDTH = 30;
static constexpr int MAX_HEIGHT = 15;
static constexpr int MAX_ROBOTS = 5;
struct Cell : Point {
bool hole{false};
bool oreVisible{false};
int ore{0};
void update(Point p, int _ore, bool _oreVisible, int _hole) {
hole = _hole;
ore = _ore;
oreVisible = _oreVisible;
x = p.x;
y = p.y;
struct Entity : Point {
int id{0};
Type type{Type::NONE};
Type item{Type::NONE};
int owner{0};
Entity() = default;
Entity(int _id, Type _type, Point p, Type _item, int _owner) : Point{p}, id{_id}, type{_type}, item{_item}, owner{_owner} {}
void update(int _id, Type _type, Point p, Type _item, int _owner) {
x = p.x;
y = p.y;
id = _id;
type = _type;
owner = _owner;
item = _item;
struct Robot : Entity {
bool isDead() const { return x == -1 && y == -1; }
struct Player {
array<Robot, MAX_ROBOTS> robots;
int ore{0};
int cooldownRadar{0}, cooldownTrap{0};
int owner{0};
void updateRobot(int id, Point p, Type item, int owner) {
int idxOffset{0};
if (id >= MAX_ROBOTS) { idxOffset = MAX_ROBOTS; } - idxOffset).update(id - idxOffset, Type::ROBOT, p, item, owner);
this->owner = owner;
void updateOre(int _owner, int _ore) {
ore = _ore;
owner = _owner;
void updateCooldown(int radar, int trap) {
cooldownRadar = radar;
cooldownTrap = trap;
struct Game {
array<array<Cell, MAX_HEIGHT>, MAX_WIDTH> grid;
array<Player, MAX_PLAYERS> players;
vector<Entity> radars;
vector<Entity> traps;
Game() { reset(); }
Cell& get(int x, int y) { return; }
Cell& get(Point p) { return; }
void reset() {
void updateOre(int owner, int ore) {, ore); }
void updateCooldown(int owner, int radar, int trap) {, trap); }
void updateCell(int x, int y, const string& ore, int hole) {
int oreAmount{0};
bool oreVisible{false};
Point p{x, y};
if (ore != "?") {
oreAmount = stoi(ore);
oreVisible = true;
get(p).update(p, oreAmount, oreVisible, hole);
void updateEntity(int id, int type, int x, int y, int _item) {
// item
Type item{Type::NONE};
switch (_item) { //-1 for NONE, 2 for RADAR, 3 for TRAP, 4 ORE
case -1: item = Type::NONE; break;
case 2: item = Type::RADAR; break;
case 3: item = Type::TRAP; break;
case 4: item = Type::ORE; break;
default: assert(false);
Point p{x, y};
switch (type) { // 0 for your robot, 1 for other robot, 2 for radar, 3 for trap
case 0:
case 1:, p, item, type); break;
case 2: radars.emplace_back(id, Type::RADAR, p, item, 0); break;
case 3: traps.emplace_back(id, Type::TRAP, p, item, 0); break;
default: assert(false);
//********************************* GAME SIMULATION **************************************************
struct Action {
static const array<string, 4> LABELS_ACTIONS;
Point dest;
ActionType type{ActionType::WAIT};
Type item{Type::NONE};
string message;
void wait(string _message = "") {
dest = Point{0, 0};
type = ActionType::WAIT;
item = Type::NONE;
message = _message;
void move(Point _dest, string _message = "") {
dest = _dest;
type = ActionType::MOVE;
item = Type::NONE;
message = _message;
void dig(Point _dest, string _message = "") {
dest = _dest;
type = ActionType::DIG;
item = Type::NONE;
message = _message;
void request(Type _item, string _message = "") {
dest = Point{0, 0};
type = ActionType::REQUEST;
item = _item;
message = _message;
ostream& dump(ostream& ioOut) const {
ioOut <<;
if (type == ActionType::MOVE || type == ActionType::DIG) { ioOut << " " << dest; }
if (type == ActionType::REQUEST && item == Type::RADAR) { ioOut << " RADAR"; }
if (type == ActionType::REQUEST && item == Type::TRAP) { ioOut << " TRAP"; }
if (message != "") { ioOut << " " << message; }
return ioOut;
const array<string, 4> Action::LABELS_ACTIONS{"WAIT", "MOVE", "DIG", "REQUEST"};
ostream& operator<<(ostream& ioOut, const Action& obj) { return obj.dump(ioOut); }
//********************************* AI *****************************************************************
array<Action, MAX_ROBOTS> getActions(Game& game) {
array<Action, MAX_ROBOTS> actions;
// smart code here
if ( <= 0) {
cerr << "time to collect stuf!\n";
};"I'm Robot1");
Player& me{};
Robot& robot1{};
Robot& robot2{};
if (robot2.distance(robot1) > 3) {"Where is Robot1?"); }
else {"I'm robot2"); }"No beer here!");;
// end smart code
return actions;
//********************************* MAIN *****************************************************************
int main() {
Game game;
// global inputs
int width;
int height; // size of the map
cin >> width >> height;
// game loop
while (1) {
// first loop local inputs
int myOre;
int enemyOre;
cin >> myOre >> enemyOre;
game.updateOre(0, myOre);
game.updateOre(1, enemyOre);
// other loop local inputs
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
string ore; // amount of ore or "?" if unknown
int hole; // 1 if cell has a hole
cin >> ore >> hole;
game.updateCell(j, i, ore, hole);
int entityCount; // number of visible entities
int radarCooldown; // turns left until a new radar can be requested
int trapCooldown; // turns left until a new trap can be requested
cin >> entityCount >> radarCooldown >> trapCooldown;
game.updateCooldown(0, radarCooldown, trapCooldown);
for (int i = 0; i < entityCount; i++) {
int id; // unique id of the entity
int type; // 0 for your robot, 1 for other robot, 2 for radar, 3 for trap
int x;
int y; // position of the entity
int item; // if this entity is a robot, the item it is carrying (-1 for NONE, 2 for RADAR, 3 for TRAP, 4 for ORE)
cin >> id >> type >> x >> y >> item;
game.updateEntity(id, type, x, y, item);
// AI ------------------------------------------------------------------
auto actions{getActions(game)};
// AI ------------------------------------------------------------------
for (const Action& action : actions) {
// Write an action using cout. DON'T FORGET THE "<< endl"
// To debug: cerr << "Debug messages..." << endl;
cout << action << "\n"; // WAIT|MOVE x y|REQUEST item
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VanGrx commented Oct 5, 2019

Instead of - idxOffset).update(id, Type::ROBOT, p, item, owner);
should be - idxOffset).update(id - idxOffset, Type::ROBOT, p, item, owner);
Without the change, if the player is red, there is std::out_of_range.

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Also, the next line (we're in Player::updateRobot) should be

this->owner = owner

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Instead of - idxOffset).update(id, Type::ROBOT, p, item, owner);
should be - idxOffset).update(id - idxOffset, Type::ROBOT, p, item, owner);
Without the change, if the player is red, there is std::out_of_range.

Updated, thanks

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Also, the next line (we're in Player::updateRobot) should be

this->owner = owner

Updated, thanks

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