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Christopher Lane CLLane

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  • What motivates you?
    • Having a plan and a destination, a clear view of what I want to get done, and along the journey small pats on the back.
  • How will you keep yourself going when faced with rejection in the job search?
    • I will just take time to do self care and remember that its a bit of luck and my time will come.
  • How will you hold yourself accountable to your plans? (Ex: Attend Mod 5, meet with cohortmates, attend Kayt's coffee shop hours, etc.)
  • I will check in with mod 5 people and hold myself to a schedule.

Svelte is a ligh weight JavaScript library, much like other user interface frameworks you might have heard of like React.js and Vue.js. Developed by Rich Harris Svelte is meant to be a "Framework without the framework." Designed to improve run times this framework is a lightweight option for JS code it imporves loading/run time while compiling your code into vanilla JS. The hope for this open source framework is that a developer would use less code, save memory, improve compile time all while still having access to state management, custom component events, and simple/familiar code. The cons of Svelte center around the fact that it is relatively new and therefore has a small, yet devoted, community.

Svelte is very similar to React the biggest differnce is that Svelte does not operate of the virtual DOM. Then second biggest way that Svelte differentiates itself from React is there is no this.state in fact there is no specific syntax for state managment in Svelte any variable is available via just a s


  • The high level goal of this project is to allow a user to pick a origin and a destination for a road trip anywhere in the US, utilizing React. Once the user has entered the data they will see their route displayed on a google map, from there a series of different attractions will be displayed on the map as pins. The user will be able to hover a pin and see information associated to that specific attraction. There will be an option for the user to add a specific pin to their trip and they should see their route alter on the google map.

Tools and links

Where we are

  • We are successfully rendering the the google map on our page via this code:
# Section 1
* [Calendar](
# Section 2
* Why do you want mentoring in the job search?
* I would like some extra support given the work load, and I believe that I will be able to make my profile more appealing.
* How will you hold yourself accountable to balancing time for your job search and following your mentor and group's advice?
* I will schedule myself strictly, and treat the process of mentorship as seriously as I have taken my school work thus far.
### Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:
* What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
#### To solidify React concepts including Testing both Ansync and Unit, and create an intuitave and visually pleasing UI.
* What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
#### Paired programming for the first few days, then once the code base is structured we will divy up tasks.
* How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?

Why you want to connect with this person and what you want to talk about?

  • I want to connect with this person because he has worked in a job that I am interested in, and he has developed some that I use on a daily basis.

When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet?

  • I will contact them this coming weekend and try to set up a meet and great for over the break between mod2 and mod3.

What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them?

CLLane / Personal-Story
Created July 8, 2019 13:58
Story about myself
#I have always been a dedicated person. I have overcome many hurdles in the search of a career. I had a scholarship to play
soccer in college, until I tore my ACL my senior year of high school, and I asked myself what else do I enjoy. I left for college where four
years later I would recieve a degree in Bio-Chemistry. I searched for jobs out of school, and focused on rock climbing. During the job
search I ended up trying my hand at cooking and found that my understanding of chemistry and love of food made me a dedicated
and enthusiastic cook. I continued to rock climb while, I climbed the ranks of the kitchen for the next 7 years.
After 4 years progressing in my career and climbing, I was hit by a drunk driver late one night, I injured my lower back and
was forced to give up climbing, but I loved cooking enough to hang on for the next 2 years. The long days constantly
on your feet started to wear on me so I decided to look to the future and see what other interests I had. I decided to try my
# What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?
- I have learned that while waterfall has been a industry standard for years the agile
method of approaching problems is more dynamic and results in less backtracking. We
implemented an agile approach to this most recent project with sprints being 1 or 2 days
long and found that the progression and final product exceded our expectations.
# How did you and your group approach project management in this project
# (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?
- We utilized Trello, and made a strong attempt to retro at the end of each sprint.
As a whole I feel like we stuck to our DTR and modified our approach to problems
# The Perfect Job
The perfect job for me would offer a lifestyle that is flexible, working both remotely and in person with a team based
atmosphere. The type of work we are doing would help to make creatives more heard or open avenues for them to find help
and resources. That being said it would be low impact, also creative and fun in nature in a think tank kinda way. I guess
being part of an idea machine would be awesome.


What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

I have been the benifactor of empathy on a few occasions and I can say that the feeling that someone else understands
your issue is so refreshing it will lift a weight from your shoulders, it makes the world less large and reinforces
a belief in humanity. Empathy has helped me fall for a women that comes from a socio-economic background that I
havent lived, it has allowed me to step outsided of my comfort zone and befriend people I thought were polar opposites
of me. I firmly believe empathy is a hallmark of any good leader, and is a necessary attribute required of anyone that
claims to be a decent person.