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Nathan CUexter

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Before we start

If you plan to get anything out of the present

You are wrong


CUexter /
Last active September 19, 2021 08:57

Moore's Open Question argument(OQA)

Moore's open question argument argues that "good" resists definition.

G.E. Moore (1873-1958)

  • 1925-1939: Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge
  • Key text: Principia Ethica (1903)
  • considered as the Mather(Mother and Father intertwined, still binary tho) of contemporary metaethics


Metaethics is not about normative ethics

It is not telling us how we should behave

Metaethics is second order displine of ethics

Metaethics is the systematic analysis of :

CUexter /
Last active September 19, 2021 08:42


Beliefs usually doesn't motivate us, but moral statements do. Maybe that is because they are a form of emotion expression not beliefs (non-cognitivism).
If moral statements are actually expression of emotions, then it will be trivial (comparing with other theories) to explain its inherent connection with motivations.

Initial problem of emotivism

Error Theory


1. Moral Judgement express beliefs and are truth-apt (cognitivism)
2. There are no moral properties (non-realism)
c. All moral judgement fails to correspond to a certain reality and therefore false

Speaker relativism

Speaker relativism is different than agent relativism. It states that when we say "Zie is wrong" the truth value depends on the moral framework of us, not zim.

From disagreement

Moral disagreement is often used to justify relativism. If moral are universal, then there moral disagreement should not be that prominent.

The Thought:

Actually this is just a side note.

Lately I am planning to write something to introduce my idea of gender abolishment, the reason why and how we could/should achieve it, its limitation and potential problems, and perhaps alternatives. In the process of exploring, I often stumble upon the metaphysics of gender. I have always think that gender is a social construct, something that is ultimately not intrinsic to the subject[^1]. It seems like this is a vital starting point for me. Because of this, I decided to explore a totally new approach on gender, that gender is not a social construct.

As I was writing this, I find that I lack the tools to talk about feelings and emotions in philosophy, so there might be problems that I do not notice when formulating the properties and qualities of feelings or emotions. The primitive tools I used in analysis is thus based only my naive intuitions. I might revise on this topic and might change my opinion after further study on the philosophy of feelings or e






  1. 詳情可參考 Judith Butler 關於 gender performativity 的理論

from autogen import AssistantAgent, GroupChatManager, UserProxyAgent
from autogen.agentchat import GroupChat
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