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Last active April 30, 2021 16:44
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Report Manual Paging Class and Template
!This CLASS was written to **replace page checking code** in reports that was in many places
!For most all people the **replace** comment will NOT apply.
!This is not an easy an easy thing to do. I cannot explain it all here.
! Steps to Implement ManRpt Class
!1. Add the Extension Template ReportLineHeightMaxSet Template so all lines have
! a. Sets all DETAIL PROP:MaxHeight=Height so line Height is exactly correct
! b. For all DETAILs defines LnHt_Label LONG variable and sets = DETAIL PROP:Height for use with Height calcs
!2. Add the Below ManRpt CLASS Declarion to DATA and CODE to Local procedures.
! 2.1 Search and Replace all Height variable with the new LnHt_Xxxx geenrated variables
!3. Start of "After Opening Report"
! [Priority 3600]
ManRpt.ReportOpenInit(Report, 167) !167 is the Fudge about.
!4. Find CheckPageOverFlow ROUTINE **replace page checking code**
! and comment it out
! Then add its code to ManRpt.NewPage
!5. Search for all PRINT( and change to new logic **replace page checking code**
!6. Remove old line counting LCNT variable so you get errors to fix **replace page checking code**
!7. Existing REPORT DETAIL cannot have stuff that affect printing and paging
! a. DETAILs must NOT have WithPrior() and WithNext()
! b. All Detail attributes must be considered e.g. ALONE, TOGETHER
! c. BREAK, HEADER, FOOTER must be done manually
! d. Details with PageAfter PageBefore should be removed and handled in Code with .NewPage()
!8. Find every PRINT( and do stuff to add ManRpt.
!See *Developer* comments
SECTION('CLASS Declarion goes in DATA Embed')
ManRpt CLASS !Manual Report Class Declarion (Put in "Declaration Section")
ReportOpenInit PROCEDURE(*REPORT RptRef, LONG FudgeLines) !After OPEN(Report) call (Report, FudeLines) to Initilize class
CheckOverflow PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_ToCheck),BOOL,PROC !Check if PRINT() overflows page, will Eject, does not +=LNCT, call with (LnHt_Xxx+LnHt_Xxx)
AddToLCNT PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_TotalPrinted) !After PRINT() adds (LnHt_xxx) to LCNT. Does NOT check for Overflow
CheckOverflowAndAddToLCNT PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_ToPrint, LONG LnHt_ExtraRoom=0, LONG ExtraMultiplier=1),BOOL,PROC !Before PRINT() check if fits then +=LNCT. Call with (LnHt_Xxx, Xtra ROom, Multiplier)
NewPage PROCEDURE() !When Page Overflows this finishs old page and starts New Page (code was in CheckPageOverflow ROUTINE)
ForceNewPage PROCEDURE() !Sets LCNT=99999 so Next CheckOverFlow will go to a New Page.
WillLinesOverflow PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_TotalLinesToCheck),BOOL !Check if lines fit on page, does NOT do NewPage nor + LCNT
zDB PROCEDURE(STRING DebugMessage) !Debug Output ManRpt LCNT Lines/Page Information
zDebugOff BOOL !Set to True to Turn OFF Debug
!---- Class Data -----
LinesPerPage LONG ,PRIVATE !was LinesPerPage !Total Lines on Page = REPORT{Prop:Height} - Fudge lines
LCNT LONG ,PRIVATE !was LCNT !How many lines have printed on the page
PagesPrinted LONG ,PRIVATE !was PAGE# !Number of times hit NewPage
!------ Internal Methods that are used only by class
xWasInitCalled PROCEDURE(),PRIVATE !Chck if forgot to Call ReportOpenInit() and show Message()
SECTION('CLASS Definition goes in Local "Procedures" Embed')
!ManRpt Class Procedure Code - Put in "Local Procedures" ========================================
ManRpt.NewPage PROCEDURE() !Called when ManRpt.CheckOverflow() does NOT find enough room to print
! *Developer* Modify this procedure to print Page Heading and do Page breaks the way you want to
! E.g. you may add code to repeat a subheading
SELF.PagesPrinted += 1 ! PAGE#+=1
SELF.LCNT = 0 ! was LCNT=0
Message('*Developer* YOU need to add your page break logic')
IF SELF.PagesPrinted<>1 THEN ! IF PAGE#<>1 THEN PRINT(RPT:DetailNewPage).
! IF PrintingTotals
! PRINT(RPT:BldgTotalsHdg)
! SELF.LCNT = LnHt_BldgTotalsHdg !was LCNT=BldgTotalsHdgHeight
SELF.LCNT = LnHt_PageHdr !LCNT=PageHdrHeight
ManRpt.ForceNewPage PROCEDURE() !Sets LCNT=99999 so Next CheckOverFlow will go to a New Page.
SELF.LCNT = 999999
! Carl notes the below .CheckOverflowAndAddToLCNT() should NOT need to be changed
ManRpt.CheckOverflowAndAddToLCNT PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_ToPrint, LONG LnHt_ExtraRoom=0, LONG ExtraMultiplier=1)!,BOOL,PROC !Check if PRINT() fits on page, +=LNCT, call with (LnHt_Xxx+LnHt_Xxx)
IsOverflowed BOOL(False) !^^ Print This ^^ ^^ Allow Room ^^^ ^^ Room for LnHt_ToPrint ^^
PrintPlusXtraLines LONG,AUTO
PrintPlusXtraLines = LnHt_ToPrint + LnHt_ExtraRoom !allow extra room for Underline that may not print this time
IF ExtraMultiplier > 1 THEN
PrintPlusXtraLines += LnHt_ToPrint * (ExtraMultiplier -1) !can say allow room for 2
IF SELF.WillLinesOverflow(PrintPlusXtraLines) THEN
IsOverflowed = True
SELF.NewPage() !Page overflow, call the New Page
SELF.AddToLCNT(LnHt_ToPrint) !We ASSume this will PRINT() a Detail this tall after the call
RETURN IsOverflowed !Tell the caller if we ejected the page
! ManRpt.CheckThenPrint(LnCt_Detail,0,2) !Print 1, allow room for *2 LnCt_Detail
! PRINT(RPT:Detail) !Now Print 1 Detail
! !Nothing to do here because CheckThenPrint() already added to LCNT
ManRpt.CheckOverflow PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_ToCheck)!,BOOL,PROC
IsOverflowed BOOL(False)
IF SELF.WillLinesOverflow(LnHt_ToCheck) THEN
IsOverflowed = True
SELF.NewPage() !Page overflow, call the New Page
RETURN IsOverflowed !Tell the caller we ejected the page
! ManRpt.CheckOverflow( LnCt_Detail * 2 + LnHt_Underline) !Will 2 + Underline fit?, ejects page if not room
! PRINT(RPT:Detail) !Now Print 1 Detail
! ManRpt.PRINTed(LnCt_Detail) !This adds to LCNT
ManRpt.WillLinesOverflow PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_TotalLinesToCheck)!,BOOL,PRIVATE !Check for new page, but do nothing else
IsOverflowed BOOL(False)
IF LnHt_TotalLinesToCheck + SELF.LCNT > SELF.LinesPerPage THEN
IsOverflowed = True
!this one does NOT --> SELF.NewPage()
RETURN IsOverflowed !Tell the caller we ejected the page
ManRpt.ReportOpenInit PROCEDURE(*REPORT _RptRef, LONG FudgeLines)
IF _RptRef &= NULL OR STATUS(_RptRef) <> 0 THEN
Message('Programming bug:|ManRpt.ReportOpenInit was called with the REPORT not open, or null.|' & 0{'Proc_Name'})
SELF.RptRef &= _RptRef
SELF.LinesPerPage = _RptRef{PROP:Height} - FudgeLines
DB('ManRpt.ReportOpenInit LinesPerPage=' & SELF.LinesPerPage & ' adjusted by Fudge=' & FudgeLines )
SELF.PagesPrinted = 0
SELF.LCNT = 999999 !Force a New Page
ManRpt.xWasInitCalled PROCEDURE() !Tell Forgot to Call ReportOpenInit
IF SELF.LinesPerPage <=0 OR SELF.RptRef &= NULL THEN
Message('Programming bug:|ManRpt.ReportOpenInit was not been called before calling CheckOverFlow or Printed.|' & 0{'Proc_Name'})
ManRpt.AddToLCNT PROCEDURE(LONG LnHt_TotalPrinted) !After PRINT(Rpt:Detail) call with Ht Printed
SELF.LCNT += LnHt_TotalPrinted
ManRpt.zDB PROCEDURE(STRING DebugMessage) !Debug Output ManRpt LCNT Lines/Page Information
DB('ManRpt: LCNT=' & SELF.LCNT &' Lines/Page='& self.LinesPerPage &' Page#='& self.PagesPrinted &' - '& CLIP(DebugMessage))
#EXTENSION(ReportLineHeightMaxSet,'Report Set Prop:MaxHeight'),PROCEDURE
#! would like to #RESTRICT use to when a REPORT is available
#DISPLAY('Code will be generated for each DETAIL to')
#DISPLAY(' set LnHt_DetailName=Report$?Detail{{Prop:Height}')
#DISPLAY(' and set Prop:MaxHeight = LnHt_DetailName.')
#DISPLAY('Also define a LnHt_DetailName LONG for each DETAIL')
#DISPLAY('Below list details to exclude:')
#BUTTON('Excluded Details'),MULTI(%ExcludedDetails,%ExcludedDetail),INLINE
#PROMPT('Detail Name:',FROM(%ReportControl,%ReportControlType = 'DETAIL',%ReportControlLabel)),%ExcludedDetail
#! UI to allow not generating
#! skip if it has no AT Height defined i.e. Blank
#! scan if it contains resize controls
#! Report Label, cannot assume "Report?
#FOR (%ExcludedDetails)
#! !Label "%Current0Label" %ReportControlStatement
#! !In Label "%Current0Label" has resize-> %ReportControlStatement
!ReportLineHeightMaxSet Variables
#! a Blank AT(,,,Height) means no defined ht so leave it out
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel has no AT() Height: %(REPLACE(%ReportControlStatement,'<13,10>',' '))
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType has RESIZE controls
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType is Excluded in Template by user
#! ReportControlStatement could have a |<13,10> at the end and mess up
#!LnHt_%[25]ReportControlLabel LONG !%(CLIP(SUB(%ReportControlStatement,1,40)))
LnHt_%[25]ReportControlLabel LONG !%(REPLACE(%ReportControlStatement,'<13,10>',' '))
!WARNING! %ReportControlLabel has AT(,,,0) Height ZERO this will not print
#!!----------------- Report Structure -------------------------
#!!ReportControlIndent 0=TopLevel 1=Control so hunt >0 for TEXT,RESIZE
#!!%ReportControlIndent At4=%RptAtH %ReportControlType => %ReportControlStatement
#!-------------------------------- Assign Heights ----------------
!ReportLineHeightMaxSet Template
#! a Blank AT(,,,Height) means no defined ht so leave it out
#!Looking at %ReportControlLabel Use=%ReportControlUse
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType has no AT() Height
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType has RESIZE controls
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType is Excluded in Template by user
#! #IF(~%ReportControlUse)
#!!%ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType has no USE(ReportControlUse)
#! "%ReportControlUse" does NOT seem to have a value for DETAIL so must Extract it from USE(?xxxx)
!Skipped %ReportControlLabel %ReportControlType has no USE(%ReportControlUse)
#!Generate line for %ReportControlLabel Use=%ReportControlUse RptUse1=%RptUse1
LnHt_%[20]ReportControlLabel = %Report$%RptUse1{PROP:Height} ; %Report$%RptUse1{PROP:MaxHeight} = LnHt_%ReportControlLabel
!WARNING! %ReportControlLabel has AT(,,,0) Height ZERO this will not print unless Height and MaxHeight are set
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