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Chiyu Zhong CatTail

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stevemao /
Last active June 15, 2022 00:37 — forked from sindresorhus/
Publish node module
# npm publish with goodies
# prerequisites:
# `npm install -g trash conventional-recommended-bump conventional-changelog conventional-github-releaser conventional-commits-detector json`
# `np` with optional argument `patch`/`minor`/`major`/`<version>`
# defaults to conventional-recommended-bump
# and optional argument preset `angular`/ `jquery` ...
# defaults to conventional-commits-detector
np() {
travis status --no-interactive &&
trash node_modules &>/dev/null;
thomasst /
Created May 14, 2015 18:26
Migrate Redis data on Amazon ElastiCache
Copies all keys from the source Redis host to the destination Redis host.
Useful to migrate Redis instances where commands like SLAVEOF and MIGRATE are
restricted (e.g. on Amazon ElastiCache).
The script scans through the keyspace of the given database number and uses
a pipeline of DUMP and RESTORE commands to migrate the keys.
Requires Redis 2.8.0 or higher.
# Hello, and welcome to makefile basics.
# You will learn why `make` is so great, and why, despite its "weird" syntax,
# it is actually a highly expressive, efficient, and powerful way to build
# programs.
# Once you're done here, go to
# to learn SOOOO much more.
### DML ###
# Keyspace Name
keyspace: stresscql
# The CQL for creating a keyspace (optional if it already exists)
keyspace_definition: |
CREATE KEYSPACE stresscql WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
# Table name
joshnuss / proxy.exs
Last active November 28, 2019 16:39
A module for defining GenServer proxies
# defines a generic proxy
defmodule GenProxy do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote location: :keep do
use GenServer
def handle_call(msg, from={_process, ref}, state) do
case proxy_call(msg, from, state) do
{:forward, server, new_state} ->
:erlang.send(server, {:"$gen_call", {self, ref}, msg}, [:noconnect])
staltz /
Last active May 30, 2024 18:43
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
smpallen99 / constants.ex
Created April 5, 2014 18:22
Approach for constants shared between modules in Elixir
defmodule Constants do
@moduledoc """
An alternative to use @constant_name value approach to defined reusable
constants in elixir.
This module offers an approach to define these in a
module that can be shared with other modules. They are implemented with
macros so they can be used in guards and matches
## Examples:
trevnorris /
Last active December 24, 2023 05:25
Quick steps of how to create a flame graph using perf

The will setup the latest Node and install the latest perf version on your Linux box.

When you want to generate the flame graph, run the following (folder locations taken from install script):

sudo sysctl kernel.kptr_restrict=0
# May also have to do the following:
# (additional reading )
sudo sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=0
branneman /
Last active April 27, 2024 04:16
Better local require() paths for Node.js

Better local require() paths for Node.js


When the directory structure of your Node.js application (not library!) has some depth, you end up with a lot of annoying relative paths in your require calls like:

const Article = require('../../../../app/models/article');

Those suck for maintenance and they're ugly.

Possible solutions

bnoordhuis / http-and-https-proxy.js
Created February 8, 2013 16:31
A node.js proxy that accepts HTTP and HTTPS traffic on the same port.
var fs = require('fs');
var net = require('net');
var http = require('http');
var https = require('https');
var httpAddress = '/path/to/http.sock';
var httpsAddress = '/path/to/https.sock';