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Created November 9, 2016 23:07
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Task C: Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers
What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?
How does empathy help you build better software?
Why is empathy important for working on a team?
Describe a situation in which your ability to empathize with a colleague or teammate was helpful.
When do you find it most difficult to be empathetic in professional settings? How can you improve your skills when faced with these scenarios?
1. Empathy, whether I knew I had it as a kid or n ot has been with me, most of my life. I have glasses, plain and simple.
I have had them since Kindergarten. I am not debilitated because of my sight, yet, I know what it is like to have an alteration in ones life.
I think because this stated when I was young, it helped sew the seed for understanding during my childhood, which allows me to appreciate what
I do have. That is the understanding. What I have, and what others may not.
2. I think it helps to close the gap. I didn't even realize the amount of zoom reading software there is available to us. I don't need it now,
it could be useful when I get older. How it closes the gap though? The software that is developed now, for the most part, is based off the
software engineer's experience/knowledge. If people are being sent to learn about the hardships of others lives, as well as the input that into
their code. It could lead to a world where the disabled and downtrodden are still a functioning part of society and not considered as non-worthy of everyday life.
3. To reiterate the point above. "Listening empathetically enhances your ability to receive information...". This quote puts it into perspective.
If we are able to communicate better, understand one another better. It would make a team better, diverse, astute team.
4. Being a manager, scratch that. Being anyone who has responsiblitiy for others at any time will go through empathy with the people around them.
I have probably helped so many out, in so many different situations, that it is almost second nature to me. I have sent people home to be with their kids,
while I finished their shift, because I don't have kids. I drove my employees home, sometimes in bad weather, sometimes in good weather.
If I knowingly can help, I try to help others. Does it help me? I have no idea. I believe in Karma though, so I hold it in high regard.
5. While working, I try to give my customers as much as they can get for what they spend. That has always been my way, because that is our way
as humans. Or at the very least that is the way of businesses, which is a human(greed) created thing. I wouldn't steal, I wouldn't assisst them in stealing.
What I did was inform. Most customers, even when regulars, fall into shopping patterns. These patterns, on certain days, could lead them to spend more money,
if they didn't pay attention to the times they were shopping. Sometimes it isnt just a timing issue. It could be that the same item they come and get is on sale,
but they could get double or triple if they requested the right amount for only $3-5 dollars more than they pay. People don't know all the tricks to each business,
businesses don't share all their secrets. If the situation was appropriate, I would inform my customers on how they can save themselves
money and time in the future. The hardest times to do this is when the customer didn't understand what I Was trying to explain.
I have had a customer yell at me for something that was in their favor, yet they couldn't comprehend that. I'm still not sure if they were
drunk or they just didn't understand math. It is very exhausting to explain something so simple, while being yelled at, -- sometimes using other language or terminology to
help with different values is enough(this could also apply to language barrier issues as well). Realizing that it is a two way street and that not only can the customer
do something different, I could as well.
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Cdale3 commented Nov 9, 2016

Why Is Empathy Essential for Design?

By Mathieu Turpault

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