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Last active February 14, 2019 05:24
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Ann Cerveny Mod 0 Day 1 Homework Assignments (includes Scheduling, Organization, and Finances Station Assignment)

I. Scheduling Station Assignment

  1. What do you notice about this schedule?

I notice that throughout the week, almost every minute is accounted for, including breaks. I imagine this is a great way to keep oneself on task. I also notice that the weekends are a bit more open, and I note the “NO CODING” block on Friday night and Saturday, which tells me that it’s important to specify time in your schedule to truly give your brain a rest. Finally, I note that Sunday through Thursday, there is time allocated to preview the lessons and prepare for the next day - this seems like an effective way to familiarize oneself with that material and let the general information settle before the session itself.

  1. How similar is this to your current schedule?

It is similar in the sense that I have a routine to study and prepare for Turing. I tend to be schedule oriented, which includes a routine of waking up early to get to the gym at 6am, returning home to walk my dog by 8, and then sitting down at my computer from 9-11am, breaking for lunch, and then reconveining at my computer from 2-6pm.

  1. What will be easiest about this schedule for you?

I think that scheduling an entire day, and dedicating longer chunks of time to specific tasks, will be a great way to keep myself on track. I see that happening relatively easily, as I function pretty well using to-do lists and the like.

  1. What will be most challenging about this schedule for you?

While I believe that working within specific, set hours on specified coursework will come easily to me, I believe that I’ll struggle with moving onto my next scheduled task if I don’t feel ready to move on. That is, I tend to dig deeply into concepts I have trouble understanding, when really what I need is a break and to come back to it refreshed.

  1. What will your daily schedule need to include?

My daily schedule will need to include time to warm-up (morning), review (late afternoon), and prepare (evening). When it comes to processing a lot of material - I work best when I have a sturdy foundation to work off of; I want to ensure I’m including enough time to really grip the material.

My daily schedule will also need to include dedicated chunks of time for homework and projects, similar to the schedule above. While some topics may require more attention than others, I think it will be important for me to ensure I’m distributing my time somewhat evenly.

Finally, I believe my daily schedule will need to include time to decompress, whether that be exercising in the mornings, meditating, reading, or listening to podcasts. Taking time to allow my brain to rest will help keep me balanced.

II. Organization Station Assignment

  1. What is your confidence in your own organization on a scale of 1-5? (1-not confident, 5-very confident)

I’d rate my confidence in my own organization at a 4.

  1. Are you currently using any organization tools that are helping you?

I currently have a small notepad that I use as a to-do list, which has been helpful, but I’m really enjoying the organization of the Mod 0 - Session 1B Conveyor Belt board.

  1. Which tools below will be easy for you to implement?

I think the easiest tool to implement will be Trello, the project management tool. I really like that way that it is set up, as it reminds me a lot of the Conveyor Belt board.

  1. What tools will be most challenging for you?

I think the calendar will be most difficult for me to implement. While I’m great with a schedule, I can become overly focused on the rigidness of strict guidelines that appear in a calendar.

III. Finances Station Assignment (** flagging, as I would be grateful for more 1:1 support with finances)

  1. Have you ever used a budget before? Has it been successful?

I have used a budget before. Some attempts have been more successful than others.

  1. What is your confidence in your ability to keep a budget on a scale of 1-5? (1-not confident, 5-very confident)

My confidence in my ability to keep a budget is 3.

  1. Does your budget cover all of your main costs?

Yes, my budget covers all of my main costs.

  1. Does your budget cover your job search? (At least 90 days after graduation)

Yes, it does.

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