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Last active November 4, 2019 15:48
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Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template

Ann Cerveny FEE 1904

Step 1: Mod 5 First Week Calendar

Screen Shot 2019-11-04 at 8 42 41 AM

Step 2: Help Us Help You

What motivates you?

I'm motivated by a vision I have set for the future. I want my partner and I to finally have a honeymoon; I want to stop being stressed about money; I want to have savings; I want to exercise at the gym I used to attend; I want my dog to have a dog bed; I want to buy a house. Keeping this in mind allows me to stay focused and push forward.

How will you keep yourself going when faced with rejection in the job search?

I know that rejection is imminent, and an important part of growth - for every cover letter I write and every interview I have, whether or not it ends in a job, I have the opportunity to learn how to do it better.

How will you hold yourself accountable to your plans? (Ex: Attend Mod 5, meet with cohortmates, attend Kayt's coffee shop hours, etc.)

I am a creature of habit, so creating a routine and schedule to stick to is a must for me. If I treat Mod 5 like the 9-5pm days I've had the past 9 months, I'm going to be in a good place to continue the momentum.

How do you like to communicate?

I communicate best on the phone or in person - it's difficult for me keep up with text messages and emails. The in-person immediacy of a phone call or meeting keeps me focused.

What is your ideal job?

Ideally, I'd like to work at a startup where I continue to learn and work with React. The frameworks feels really intuitive to me, and I thoroughly enjoy using logic to manipulate data and items on the DOM.

What has been your approach to the job search so far?

Thus far, my approach to the job search has been somewhat passive. I had been looking forward to the cross pollination project, and I knew that Mod 4 would introduce new material pertaining to databases and servers; I wanted to make sure I was focused on learning that material. I applied to two jobs: one for which I have scheduled a coffee meeting for next week, and one for which I have interviewed, received a code challenge, and I find out today if I receive an offer.

What could you use help with?

I could use help with cover letters. As a writer, I struggle with putting together the "perfect" cover letter, and often spend way too much time on the process.

Step 3: Updated Resume


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