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Created January 5, 2015 22:29
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  • Save Chadtech/effdcc9b32b492040ca3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Chadtech/effdcc9b32b492040ca3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gulp = require 'gulp'
concat = require 'gulp-concat'
stylus = require 'gulp-stylus'
jade = require 'gulp-jade'
reload = require 'gulp-livereload'
awatch = require 'gulp-autowatch'
source = require 'vinyl-source-stream'
buffer = require 'vinyl-buffer'
coffeeify = require 'coffeeify'
browserify = require 'browserify'
paths =
public: './public'
coffee: './client/js/*.coffee'
jade: './client/html/*.jade'
stylus: './client/css/*.styl'
gulp.task 'server', (cb) ->
require './server'
gulp.task 'coffee', ->
bCache = {}
b = browserify './client/js/',
debug: true
interestGlobals: false
cache: bCache
extensions: ['.coffee']
b.transform coffeeify
.pipe source 'ctDPNQPTFS03.js'
.pipe buffer()
.pipe gulp.dest paths.public
.pipe reload()
gulp.task 'jade', ->
gulp.src paths.jade
.pipe jade()
.pipe gulp.dest paths.public
.pipe reload()
gulp.task 'stylus', ->
gulp.src paths.stylus
.pipe stylus()
.pipe gulp.dest paths.public
.pipe reload()
gulp.task 'watch', ->
awatch gulp,
jade: './client/html/*.jade'
stylus: './client/css/*.styl'
coffee: './client/js/*.coffee'
gulp.task 'default', ['coffee', 'jade', 'stylus', 'server', 'watch']
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