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print("UPDATE AUG 2023: this script is beyond old and broken") | |
print("You may find interesting and more up to date resources in the comments of the gist") | |
exit() | |
from slacker import Slacker | |
import json | |
import argparse | |
import os | |
# This script finds all channels, private channels and direct messages | |
# that your user participates in, downloads the complete history for | |
# those converations and writes each conversation out to seperate json files. | |
# | |
# This user centric history gathering is nice because the official slack data exporter | |
# only exports public channels. | |
# | |
# PS, this only works if your slack team has a paid account which allows for unlimited history. | |
# | |
# PPS, this use of the API is blessed by Slack. | |
# https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/204897248 | |
# " If you want to export the contents of your own private groups and direct messages | |
# please see our API documentation." | |
# | |
# get your slack user token at the bottom of this page | |
# https://api.slack.com/web | |
# | |
# dependencies: | |
# pip install slacker # https://github.com/os/slacker | |
# | |
# usage examples | |
# python slack_history.py --token='123token' | |
# python slack_history.py --token='123token' --dryRun=True | |
# python slack_history.py --token='123token' --skipDirectMessages | |
# python slack_history.py --token='123token' --skipDirectMessages --skipPrivateChannels | |
# fetches the complete message history for a channel/group/im | |
# | |
# pageableObject could be: | |
# slack.channel | |
# slack.groups | |
# slack.im | |
# | |
# channelId is the id of the channel/group/im you want to download history for. | |
def getHistory(pageableObject, channelId, pageSize = 100): | |
messages = [] | |
lastTimestamp = None | |
while(True): | |
response = pageableObject.history( | |
channel = channelId, | |
latest = lastTimestamp, | |
oldest = 0, | |
count = pageSize | |
).body | |
messages.extend(response['messages']) | |
if (response['has_more'] == True): | |
lastTimestamp = messages[-1]['ts'] # -1 means last element in a list | |
else: | |
break | |
return messages | |
def mkdir(directory): | |
if not os.path.exists(directory): | |
os.makedirs(directory) | |
# fetch and write history for all public channels | |
def getChannels(slack, dryRun): | |
channels = slack.channels.list().body['channels'] | |
print("\nfound channels: ") | |
for channel in channels: | |
print(channel['name']) | |
if not dryRun: | |
parentDir = "channels" | |
mkdir(parentDir) | |
for channel in channels: | |
print("getting history for channel {0}".format(channel['name'])) | |
fileName = "{parent}/{file}.json".format(parent = parentDir, file = channel['name']) | |
messages = getHistory(slack.channels, channel['id']) | |
channelInfo = slack.channels.info(channel['id']).body['channel'] | |
with open(fileName, 'w') as outFile: | |
print("writing {0} records to {1}".format(len(messages), fileName)) | |
json.dump({'channel_info': channelInfo, 'messages': messages }, outFile, indent=4) | |
# fetch and write history for all direct message conversations | |
# also known as IMs in the slack API. | |
def getDirectMessages(slack, ownerId, userIdNameMap, dryRun): | |
dms = slack.im.list().body['ims'] | |
print("\nfound direct messages (1:1) with the following users:") | |
for dm in dms: | |
print(userIdNameMap.get(dm['user'], dm['user'] + " (name unknown)")) | |
if not dryRun: | |
parentDir = "direct_messages" | |
mkdir(parentDir) | |
for dm in dms: | |
name = userIdNameMap.get(dm['user'], dm['user'] + " (name unknown)") | |
print("getting history for direct messages with {0}".format(name)) | |
fileName = "{parent}/{file}.json".format(parent = parentDir, file = name) | |
messages = getHistory(slack.im, dm['id']) | |
channelInfo = {'members': [dm['user'], ownerId]} | |
with open(fileName, 'w') as outFile: | |
print("writing {0} records to {1}".format(len(messages), fileName)) | |
json.dump({'channel_info': channelInfo, 'messages': messages}, outFile, indent=4) | |
# fetch and write history for all private channels | |
# also known as groups in the slack API. | |
def getPrivateChannels(slack, dryRun): | |
groups = slack.groups.list().body['groups'] | |
print("\nfound private channels:") | |
for group in groups: | |
print("{0}: ({1} members)".format(group['name'], len(group['members']))) | |
if not dryRun: | |
parentDir = "private_channels" | |
mkdir(parentDir) | |
for group in groups: | |
messages = [] | |
print("getting history for private channel {0} with id {1}".format(group['name'], group['id'])) | |
fileName = "{parent}/{file}.json".format(parent = parentDir, file = group['name']) | |
messages = getHistory(slack.groups, group['id']) | |
channelInfo = slack.groups.info(group['id']).body['group'] | |
with open(fileName, 'w') as outFile: | |
print("writing {0} records to {1}".format(len(messages), fileName)) | |
json.dump({'channel_info': channelInfo, 'messages': messages}, outFile, indent=4) | |
# fetch all users for the channel and return a map userId -> userName | |
def getUserMap(slack): | |
#get all users in the slack organization | |
users = slack.users.list().body['members'] | |
userIdNameMap = {} | |
for user in users: | |
userIdNameMap[user['id']] = user['name'] | |
print("found {0} users ".format(len(users))) | |
return userIdNameMap | |
# get basic info about the slack channel to ensure the authentication token works | |
def doTestAuth(slack): | |
testAuth = slack.auth.test().body | |
teamName = testAuth['team'] | |
currentUser = testAuth['user'] | |
print("Successfully authenticated for team {0} and user {1} ".format(teamName, currentUser)) | |
return testAuth | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='download slack history') | |
parser.add_argument('--token', help="an api token for a slack user") | |
parser.add_argument( | |
'--dryRun', | |
action='store_true', | |
default=False, | |
help="if dryRun is true, don't fetch/write history only get channel names") | |
parser.add_argument( | |
'--skipPrivateChannels', | |
action='store_true', | |
default=False, | |
help="skip fetching history for private channels") | |
parser.add_argument( | |
'--skipChannels', | |
action='store_true', | |
default=False, | |
help="skip fetching history for channels") | |
parser.add_argument( | |
'--skipDirectMessages', | |
action='store_true', | |
default=False, | |
help="skip fetching history for directMessages") | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
slack = Slacker(args.token) | |
testAuth = doTestAuth(slack) | |
userIdNameMap = getUserMap(slack) | |
dryRun = args.dryRun | |
if not dryRun: | |
with open('metadata.json', 'w') as outFile: | |
print("writing metadata") | |
metadata = { | |
'auth_info': testAuth, | |
'users': userIdNameMap | |
} | |
json.dump(metadata, outFile, indent=4) | |
if not args.skipChannels: | |
getChannels(slack, dryRun) | |
if not args.skipPrivateChannels: | |
getPrivateChannels(slack, dryRun) | |
if not args.skipDirectMessages: | |
getDirectMessages(slack, testAuth['user_id'], userIdNameMap, dryRun) |
Sep 16, 2020
via email
Thanks, @nickcanfield29 for guidance.
I can definitely try it. a slack app to export direct messages into files
All, I want to do is export the "direct messages" out into a file for future reading/searching.
our org has decided to move to a different application and hence no longer willing to use slack paid edition for all,
I tried the Evernote clip method but I don't have the paid version of Evernote so in one direct message itself I reached the limit.
Hey Everyone,
I've taken this code and updated it download messages directly into Excel files on your local computer. Check it out!
the link does not work
Does anyone know if using this script on a free account wouldn't just download the last 10,000 messages as opposed to the entire history?
It seems like I need slack admin approval to create this app.
I've not been able to use this script so I build a new one using the new API : https://gist.github.com/benoit-cty/a5855dea9a4b7af03f1f53c07ee48d3c
Less powerfull but work in April 2021.
This should also include replies to messages via threads
Which scopes should I add? 🤔
>python slack_history.py --token='xoxp-XXXXXXX'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\abc\slack\slack_history.py", line 204, in <module>
testAuth = doTestAuth(slack)
File "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\abc\slack\slack_history.py", line 165, in doTestAuth
testAuth = slack.auth.test().body
File "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\slacker\__init__.py", line 140, in test
return self.get('auth.test')
File "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\slacker\__init__.py", line 118, in get
return self._request(
File "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\site-packages\slacker\__init__.py", line 102, in _request
raise Error(response.error)
slacker.Error: invalid_auth
Hello, try with new API : https://gist.github.com/benoit-cty/a5855dea9a4b7af03f1f53c07ee48d3c
For people coming from a Google search, I found this script working well: https://github.com/sebseager/slack-exporter
Follow the instructions carefully.