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Last active August 20, 2024 00:59
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Klipper bed mesh on print area only macro install guide


Adaptive bed mesh is merged into klipper master branch. You can use this feature without this custom macro. Official klipper adaptive bed mesh

Klipper mesh on print area only install guide

What this macro do

  • This macro will dynamically changing the bed mesh area based on the size of the parts will be printed. The fw will only probe on the area that the part will be printed (plus mesh_area_offset value)

Setup guide

  • (1) Add the following macro to your printer config, this will replace the default BED_MESH_CALIBRATE command.
[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
; gcode parameters
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
; the clearance between print area and probe area 
variable_mesh_area_offset : 5.0
; number of sample per probe point
variable_probe_samples : 2
; minimum probe count
variable_min_probe_count : 4
; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count
variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0
; enable preference index
variable_enable_reference_index : False
    {% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
        {% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
        {% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
        {% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}

        {% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
	{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
	{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
	{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

	{% if bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")|length == 2 %}
            {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
            {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
        {% else %}
            {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
            {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% endif %}

	{% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
	{% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

        {% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
            {% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_x %}
                {% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_y %}
                {% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_x %}
                {% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_y %}
                {% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
            {% endif %}

            {% set meshPointX = (meshPointX * (area_max_x - area_min_x) / (safe_max_x - safe_min_x) * probe_count_scale_factor)|round(0)|int %}
            {% if meshPointX < min_probe_count %}
                {% set meshPointX = min_probe_count %}
            {% endif %}
	    {% if meshPointX > meshMaxPointX %}
                {% set meshPointX = meshMaxPointX %}
            {% endif %}

            {% set meshPointY = (meshPointY * (area_max_y -area_min_y ) / (safe_max_y - safe_min_y) * probe_count_scale_factor )|round(0)|int %}
            {% if meshPointY < min_probe_count %}
                {% set meshPointY = min_probe_count %}
            {% endif %}
	    {% if meshPointY > meshMaxPointY %}
                {% set meshPointY = meshMaxPointY %}
            {% endif %}

            {% set algorithm = "bicubic" %}
	    {% if "algorithm" in bedMeshConfig %}
	        {% set algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if meshPointX >=7 or meshPointY >=7 %}
                {% set algorithm = "bicubic" %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if enable_reference_index %}
                {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}
                BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex}
            {% else %}
                BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
  • (2) Go to slicer setting and replace the old bed mesh gcode the following command.

Prusa Slicer
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}

Ideal maker
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={print_pos_min_x},{print_pos_min_y} AREA_END={print_pos_max_x},{print_pos_max_y}

Cura slicer

*(Cura slicer plugin) To make the macro to work in Cura slicer, you need to install the post process plugin click here to download (based on frankbags's script)
- In cura menu Help -> Show configuration folder.
- Copy the python script from the above link in to scripts folder.
- Restart Cura
- In cura menu Extensions -> Post processing -> Modify G-Code and select Klipper print area mesh

For user using single command START_PRINT

  • (*) If you use single command start gcode like START_PRINT BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} .You might need to add parameter parsing to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE inside START_PRINT. This is an example, also check my macro sample
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
variable_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 190
variable_parameter_BED_TEMP: 60
; gcode parameters for area bed mesh
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
    # preheat, homing, etc
    BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")}
    # the rest of your start macro here

And you will need to change Slicer start gcode to this

  • Cura: START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} AREA_START=%MINX%,%MINY% AREA_END=%MAXX%,%MAXY%
  • Prusa slicer: START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}

change logs

  • 2022/07/21
    • Added force lagrange algorithm for mesh with lower than 3 points
    • Added enable_reference_index config flag

The code does not work?

  • I will try to help if possible, you will have to post ALL of your configs, your slicer start gcode and your sliced gcode.
  • If I'm cannot or too slow to respose, our discord members might help you. Check our discord here
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Taracair commented Apr 9, 2022


Is there a way to increase the amount of probing points to, let's say 36 points (6x6) on area around 5x5cm? My bed is so warped I'd need even more detailed mesh.

Sorry, just found the answer few posts above to tune "variable_probe_count_scale_factor".

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noahliketheark commented Apr 11, 2022

@Taracair @ChipCE
What do you think of this? It forces odd mesh spacing to ensure a refence point in the exact center of the probed area. It defines the mesh based on a maximum distance between probe points up to a defined maximum, or 11 points (I wasn't sure how to code a loop).

[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
variable_mesh_delta : 25 ;; distance between points
variable_x_mesh_max : 7 ;; max points on x-axis
variable_y_mesh_max : 7 ;; max points on y-axis
variable_mesh_area_offset : 0 ;; the clearance between print area and probe area
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0 ;; gcode parameter to be defined by slicer
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0 ;; gcode parameter to be defined by slicer
{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}

;; get [bltouch] config parameters
{% set BLTouchConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bltouch"] %}
{% set probe_samples = BLTouchConfig.samples|int %}
{% set probe_samples_tolerance_retries = BLTouchConfig.samples_tolerance_retries|int %}
{% set probe_samples_tolerance = BLTouchConfig.samples_tolerance|float %}
{% set probe_sample_retract_dist = BLTouchConfig.sample_retract_dist|float %}
{% set probe_samples_result = samples_result %}

;; get [bed_mesh] config parameters
{% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
{% set mesh_algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
{% set mesh_bicubic_tension = bedMeshConfig.bicubic_tension|float %}
{% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
{% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
{% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
{% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

;; get print area min/max from slicer gcode
{% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

;; check if print area min/max from slicer gcode is compatable with [bed_mesh] min/max
{% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
;; set probing area
{% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_x %}
{% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_y %}
{% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_x %}
{% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_y %}
{% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
{% endif %}

;; set probe counts
{% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 3 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 3 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 5 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 5 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 7 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 7 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 9 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 9 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 11 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 11 %}
{% endif %}
{% if (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 3 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 3 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 5 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 5 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 7 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 7 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 9 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 9 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 11 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 11 %}
{% endif %}

;; check probe count vs max
{% if meshPointX > x_mesh_max %}
{% set meshPointX = x_mesh_max %}
{% endif %}
{% if meshPointY > y_mesh_max %}
{% set meshPointY = y_mesh_max %}
{% endif %}

;; check for 7x3 or 3x7 mesh
{% if meshPointX > 5 %}
{% if meshPointY == 3 %} # 7x3 mesh invlaid for bicubic
{% set meshPointY = 5 %} # set 7x5 mesh
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if meshPointY > 5 %}
{% if meshPointX == 3 %} # 3x7 mesh invlaid for bicubic
{% set meshPointX = 5 %} # set 5x7 mesh
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

;; set new reference index point
{% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}

;; send bed mesh parameters
M117 Mesh {meshPointX}x{meshPointY}
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} samples={probe_samples} sample_retract_dist={probe_sample_retract_dist} samples_tolerance={probe_samples_tolerance} samples_tolerance_retries={probe_samples_tolerance_retries} samples_result={probe_samples_result} samples_result={probe_samples_result} algorithm={mesh_algorithm}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

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krpepe commented Apr 21, 2022

Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Printer is shutdown

any idea what I might be doing wrong

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@Taracair @ChipCE What do you think of this? It forces odd mesh spacing to ensure a refence point in the exact center of the probed area. It defines the mesh based on a maximum distance between probe points up to a defined maximum, or 11 points (I wasn't sure how to code a loop).

[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
variable_mesh_delta : 25 ;; distance between points
variable_x_mesh_max : 7 ;; max points on x-axis
variable_y_mesh_max : 7 ;; max points on y-axis
variable_mesh_area_offset : 0 ;; the clearance between print area and probe area
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0 ;; gcode parameter to be defined by slicer
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0 ;; gcode parameter to be defined by slicer
{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}

;; get [bltouch] config parameters
{% set BLTouchConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bltouch"] %}
{% set probe_samples = BLTouchConfig.samples|int %}
{% set probe_samples_tolerance_retries = BLTouchConfig.samples_tolerance_retries|int %}
{% set probe_samples_tolerance = BLTouchConfig.samples_tolerance|float %}
{% set probe_sample_retract_dist = BLTouchConfig.sample_retract_dist|float %}
{% set probe_samples_result = samples_result %}

;; get [bed_mesh] config parameters
{% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
{% set mesh_algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
{% set mesh_bicubic_tension = bedMeshConfig.bicubic_tension|float %}
{% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
{% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
{% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
{% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

;; get print area min/max from slicer gcode
{% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

;; check if print area min/max from slicer gcode is compatable with [bed_mesh] min/max
{% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
;; set probing area
{% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_x %}
{% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_y %}
{% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_x %}
{% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_y %}
{% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
{% endif %}

;; set probe counts
{% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 3 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 3 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 5 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 5 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 7 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 7 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 9 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 9 %}
{% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 11 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointX = 11 %}
{% endif %}
{% if (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 3 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 3 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 5 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 5 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 7 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 7 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 9 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 9 %}
{% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 11 < mesh_delta %}
{% set meshPointY = 11 %}
{% endif %}

;; check probe count vs max
{% if meshPointX > x_mesh_max %}
{% set meshPointX = x_mesh_max %}
{% endif %}
{% if meshPointY > y_mesh_max %}
{% set meshPointY = y_mesh_max %}
{% endif %}

;; check for 7x3 or 3x7 mesh
{% if meshPointX > 5 %}
{% if meshPointY == 3 %} # 7x3 mesh invlaid for bicubic
{% set meshPointY = 5 %} # set 7x5 mesh
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if meshPointY > 5 %}
{% if meshPointX == 3 %} # 3x7 mesh invlaid for bicubic
{% set meshPointX = 5 %} # set 5x7 mesh
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

;; set new reference index point
{% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}

;; send bed mesh parameters
M117 Mesh {meshPointX}x{meshPointY}
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} samples={probe_samples} sample_retract_dist={probe_sample_retract_dist} samples_tolerance={probe_samples_tolerance} samples_tolerance_retries={probe_samples_tolerance_retries} samples_result={probe_samples_result} samples_result={probe_samples_result} algorithm={mesh_algorithm}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

I had to explicitly define some bed_mesh and bltouch probe parameters and separate BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE with a separate PROBE gcode line as well, but this actually worked for me in the end

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DerBierBaron commented May 18, 2022

Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE" Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Printer is shutdown

any idea what I might be doing wrong

Same thing happens to me. I followed the instructions in the readme file and when running the BED_MESH_CALIBRATE command klipper goes into shutdown on internal error inside BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE.

Here's the klippy log from right after one of these events:

Generating new points...
bed_mesh: generated points
Index | Tool Adjusted | Probe
0 | (73.7, 51.8) | (54.5, 75.8)
1 | (98.4, 51.8) | (79.3, 75.8)
2 | (123.2, 51.8) | (104.0, 75.8)
3 | (147.9, 51.8) | (128.8, 75.8)
4 | (147.9, 73.8) | (128.8, 97.7)
5 | (123.2, 73.8) | (104.0, 97.7)
6 | (98.4, 73.8) | (79.3, 97.7)
7 | (73.7, 73.8) | (54.5, 97.7)
8 | (73.7, 95.8) | (54.5, 119.7)
9 | (98.4, 95.8) | (79.3, 119.7)
10 | (123.2, 95.8) | (104.0, 119.7)
11 | (147.9, 95.8) | (128.8, 119.7)
12 | (147.9, 117.7) | (128.8, 141.7)
13 | (123.2, 117.7) | (104.0, 141.7)
14 | (98.4, 117.7) | (79.3, 141.7)
15 | (73.7, 117.7) | (54.5, 141.7)
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 199, in _process_commands
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 136, in
func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params))
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 136, in
func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params))
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 600, in cmd_BED_MESH_CALIBRATE
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 571, in update_config
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 401, in print_generated_points
% (rri, self.points[rri][0], self.points[rri][1]))
IndexError: list index out of range
Transition to shutdown state: Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"

Then some dump lines and afterwards this:

Read 6295.795388: 'BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START=59.4947,80.7517 AREA_END=123.799,136.674\n'
gcode state: absolute_coord=True absolute_extrude=False base_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] last_position=[273.0000097657055, 127.70260742187827, 4.977523195091998, 0.0] homing_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] speed_factor=0.0166666666667 extrude_factor=1.0 speed=20.0
Reactor garbage collection: (6288.271120751, 0.0, 0.0)
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 199, in _process_commands
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 136, in
func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params))
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 186, in cmd
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 68, in run_gcode_from_command
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 214, in run_script_from_command
self._process_commands(script.split('\n'), need_ack=False)
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 199, in _process_commands
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 136, in
func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params))
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/", line 136, in
func = lambda params: origfunc(self._get_extended_params(params))
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 600, in cmd_BED_MESH_CALIBRATE
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 571, in update_config
File "/home/pi/klipper/klippy/extras/", line 401, in print_generated_points
% (rri, self.points[rri][0], self.points[rri][1]))
IndexError: list index out of range
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
MCU 'rpi' shutdown: Command request
clocksync state: mcu_freq=50000000 last_clock=25568762177 clock_est=(6266.926 24141143000 49998000.724) min_half_rtt=0.000049 min_rtt_time=5786.204 time_avg=6266.926(843.403) clock_avg=24141143000.805(42168466407.952) pred_variance=17265271.615 clock_adj=(0.446 50000401.761)
Dumping serial stats: bytes_write=3895 bytes_read=13731 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=625 receive_seq=625 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 stalled_bytes=0

What I find interesting is that before this there was a regular mesh calculation;

bed_mesh: generated points
Index | Tool Adjusted | Probe
0 | (20.2, 0.0) | (1.0, 23.9)
1 | (62.2, 0.0) | (43.1, 23.9)
2 | (104.3, 0.0) | (85.2, 23.9)
3 | (146.4, 0.0) | (127.2, 23.9)
4 | (188.5, 0.0) | (169.3, 23.9)
5 | (230.6, 0.0) | (211.4, 23.9)
6 | (272.6, 0.0) | (253.5, 23.9)
7 | (272.6, 43.5) | (253.5, 67.4)
8 | (230.6, 43.5) | (211.4, 67.4)
9 | (188.5, 43.5) | (169.3, 67.4)
10 | (146.4, 43.5) | (127.2, 67.4)
11 | (104.3, 43.5) | (85.2, 67.4)
12 | (62.3, 43.5) | (43.1, 67.4)
13 | (20.2, 43.5) | (1.0, 67.4)
14 | (20.2, 87.0) | (1.0, 110.9)
15 | (62.2, 87.0) | (43.1, 110.9)
16 | (104.3, 87.0) | (85.2, 110.9)
17 | (146.4, 87.0) | (127.2, 110.9)
18 | (188.5, 87.0) | (169.3, 110.9)
19 | (230.6, 87.0) | (211.4, 110.9)
20 | (272.6, 87.0) | (253.5, 110.9)
21 | (272.6, 130.5) | (253.5, 154.4)
22 | (230.6, 130.5) | (211.4, 154.4)
23 | (188.5, 130.5) | (169.3, 154.4)
24 | (146.4, 130.5) | (127.2, 154.4)
25 | (104.3, 130.5) | (85.2, 154.4)
26 | (62.3, 130.5) | (43.1, 154.4)
27 | (20.2, 130.5) | (1.0, 154.4)
28 | (20.2, 174.0) | (1.0, 198.0)
29 | (62.2, 174.0) | (43.1, 198.0)
30 | (104.3, 174.0) | (85.2, 198.0)
31 | (146.4, 174.0) | (127.2, 198.0)
32 | (188.5, 174.0) | (169.3, 198.0)
33 | (230.6, 174.0) | (211.4, 198.0)
34 | (272.6, 174.0) | (253.5, 198.0)
35 | (272.6, 217.5) | (253.5, 241.5)
36 | (230.6, 217.5) | (211.4, 241.5)
37 | (188.5, 217.5) | (169.3, 241.5)
38 | (146.4, 217.5) | (127.2, 241.5)
39 | (104.3, 217.5) | (85.2, 241.5)
40 | (62.3, 217.5) | (43.1, 241.5)
41 | (20.2, 217.5) | (1.0, 241.5)
42 | (20.2, 261.1) | (1.0, 285.0)
43 | (62.2, 261.1) | (43.1, 285.0)
44 | (104.3, 261.1) | (85.2, 285.0)
45 | (146.4, 261.1) | (127.2, 285.0)
46 | (188.5, 261.1) | (169.3, 285.0)
47 | (230.6, 261.1) | (211.4, 285.0)
48 | (272.6, 261.1) | (253.5, 285.0)
bed_mesh: relative_reference_index 24 is (127.24, 154.45)
BLTouch set output mode: 5V
Starting heater checks for heater_bed
Starting heater checks for extruder

Any ideas where the issue is coming from?

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noahliketheark commented May 19, 2022

This is simplified and should be less buggy. The errors are because I had more defined in my BLTouch and Bed_Mesh configurations that you were missing.

[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
variable_mesh_delta : 25 ## distance between points
variable_x_mesh_max : 7 ## max points on x-axis
variable_y_mesh_max : 7 ## max points on y-axis
variable_mesh_area_offset : 5 ## the clearance between print area and probe area
{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
## get [bed_mesh] config parameters
{% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
{% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}
## get print area min/max from slicer gcode
{% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}
## set probing area
{% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_x %}
{% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_y %}
{% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_x %}
{% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
{% endif %}
{% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_y %}
{% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
{% else %}
{% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
{% endif %}
## set probe counts
{% set meshPointX = ((area_max_x - area_min_x) / mesh_delta + 1)|round(0)|int %}
{% if meshPointX < 3 %}
{% set meshPointX = 3 %}
{% elif meshPointX x_mesh_max %}
{% set meshPointX = x_mesh_max %}
{% endif %}
{% set meshPointY = ((area_max_y - area_min_y) / mesh_delta + 1)|round(0)|int %}
{% if meshPointY < 3 %}
{% set meshPointY = 3 %}
{% elif meshPointY y_mesh_max %}
{% set meshPointY = y_mesh_max %}
{% endif %}
## check for invalid mesh
{% if meshPointX 5 %}
{% if meshPointY == 3 %} # 7x3 mesh invlaid for bicubic
{% set meshPointY = 5 %} # set 7x5 mesh
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if meshPointY 5 %}
{% if meshPointX == 3 %} # 3x7 mesh invlaid for bicubic
{% set meshPointX = 5 %} # set 5x7 mesh
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
## set new reference index point
{% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}
## send bed mesh parameters
M117 probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY}
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

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Thanks for the code, unfortunately I'm not yet familiar with python syntax and I get syntax errors telling me it expects "end of statement blocks" and if I add "==" between the elif and the condition for x_mesh_max it tells me the issue now is with y_mesh_max, if I add the "==" in that elif it still tels me y_mesh_max is the issue. Could you repost the code in a "paste-ready" format, because I appear to not be able to figure it out myself?

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@DerBierBaron @krpepe @selrahc13
Sorry, I haven't been able to figure out how to post the code correctly on Github. Here it is on pastebin

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Thanks again! Works like a charm, no compile errors and no internal errors. Also factors in the bicubic algorith that works miles better on my heated bed. Would a min count of 4 not also be sufficient for bicubic? Anyways, cool stuff!

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mohalsa commented May 21, 2022

Will give it a try today! Amazing Idea

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Thanks for sharing this macro - it's awesome, works really well!

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selrahc13 commented May 23, 2022

Here's an edited version that works well for me, and has not yet had a failure:

[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
    {% set mesh_delta = 25 %} ;; distance between points
    {% set x_mesh_max = 7 %} ;; max points on x-axis
    {% set y_mesh_max = 7 %} ;; max points on y-axis
    {% set mesh_area_offset = 0 %};; the clearance between print area and probe area
    {% set parameter_AREA_START = "0,0" %} ;; gcode parameter to be defined by slicer
    {% set parameter_AREA_END = "0,0" %} ;; gcode parameter to be defined by slicer
    {% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
        ;; get [bltouch] config parameters
        {% set BLTouchConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bltouch"] %}
        {% set probe_samples = BLTouchConfig.samples|int %}
        {% set probe_samples_tolerance_retries = BLTouchConfig.samples_tolerance_retries|int %}
        {% set probe_samples_tolerance = BLTouchConfig.samples_tolerance|float %}
        {% set probe_sample_retract_dist = BLTouchConfig.sample_retract_dist|float %}
        {% set probe_samples_result = samples_result %}

        ;; get [bed_mesh] config parameters
        {% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
        {% set mesh_algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
        {% set mesh_bicubic_tension = bedMeshConfig.bicubic_tension|float %}
        {% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
        {% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}
        {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
        {% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
        {% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

        ;; get print area min/max from slicer gcode
        {% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
        {% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

        ;; check if print area min/max from slicer gcode is compatable with [bed_mesh] min/max
        {% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
        ;; set probing area
            {% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_x %}
                {% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >= safe_min_y %}
                {% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_x %}
                {% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <= safe_max_y %}
                {% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
            {% endif %}

                ;; set probe counts
            {% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 3 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointX = 3 %}
            {% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 5 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointX = 5 %}
            {% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 7 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointX = 7 %}
            {% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 9 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointX = 9 %}
            {% elif (area_max_x - area_min_x) / 11 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointX = 11 %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 3 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointY = 3 %}
            {% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 5 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointY = 5 %}
            {% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 7 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointY = 7 %}
            {% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 9 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointY = 9 %}
            {% elif (area_max_y - area_min_y) / 11 < mesh_delta %}
                {% set meshPointY = 11 %}
            {% endif %}

                ;; check probe count vs max
            {% if meshPointX > x_mesh_max %}
                {% set meshPointX = x_mesh_max %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if meshPointY > y_mesh_max %}
                {% set meshPointY = y_mesh_max %}
            {% endif %}

                ;; check for 7x3 or 3x7 mesh
            {% if meshPointX > 5 %}
                {% if meshPointY == 3 %} # 7x3 mesh invlaid for bicubic
                    {% set meshPointY = 5 %} # set 7x5 mesh
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if meshPointY > 5 %}
                {% if meshPointX == 3 %} # 3x7 mesh invlaid for bicubic
                    {% set meshPointX = 5 %} # set 5x7 mesh
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}

            ;; set new reference index point
            {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}

            ;; send bed mesh parameters
            M117 Mesh {meshPointX}x{meshPointY}
            M118 Mesh {meshPointX}x{meshPointY}
            M118 PROBE samples={probe_samples} sample_retract_dist={probe_sample_retract_dist} samples_tolerance={probe_samples_tolerance} samples_tolerance_retries={probe_samples_tolerance_retries} samples_result={probe_samples_result}
            M118 BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} algorithm={mesh_algorithm}
            PROBE samples={probe_samples} sample_retract_dist={probe_sample_retract_dist} samples_tolerance={probe_samples_tolerance} samples_tolerance_retries={probe_samples_tolerance_retries} samples_result={probe_samples_result}
            BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} algorithm={mesh_algorithm}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

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Lecso11 commented May 31, 2022

Guys! I'm using klicky and macros from here Where should I paste Bed Mesh Calibrate macro? Do I need make some changes?

I made it work. On this new macro you need 2 modifications:

* This 3 lines at the beginning of the gcode section
    _CheckProbe action=query
* A `Dock_Probe` before end the end of the file.

You can see in this screenshot the mesh generated for a benchy placed at the center of my 340x340 bed: Screenshot 2022-04-03 172731

If you use the plugin to automatically calibrate the z-offset, you should update it to the latest version. There's a PR from a few weeks ago that gets the RRI from the latest mesh.

The only issue I see with using this macro is related to a famous plugin to automatically calibrate the z-offset. To generate a mesh, my config is:

probe_count: 3,3
mesh_pps: 3,3
relative_reference_index: 4

This macro is using the center of it's mesh as the RRI (in this screenshot x=153.61 y=149.99, while the CALIBRATE_Z command of the plugin sets the RRI at the center of the default mesh (x=170 y=152 in my case)). It doesn't makes much of a difference when placing the model at the center of the bed and it is mostly flat (and probably it will be easy to fiddle with the start gcode to send the RRI coordinates as a parameter for the CALIBRATE_Z macro of the plugin), but JFYI.

Hi. I'm also using klicky and auto Z calibration, and I can't get it to work. Where do I need that 3 line exactly? Would you mind sharing your config files?

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panik988 commented Jun 6, 2022

@diegomarino can you share your macro?
I tryed with this but it doesn't work :-(

[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: _BED_MESH_CALIBRATE
; gcode parameters
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
; the clearance between print area and probe area
variable_mesh_area_offset : 5.0
; number of sample per probe point
variable_probe_samples : 2
; minimum probe count
variable_min_probe_count : 3
; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count
variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0

{% set V = printer["gcode_macro _User_Variables"].verbose %}
{% if V %}
    { action_respond_info("Bed Mesh Calibrate") }
{% endif %}

_CheckProbe action=query

{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
    {% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
    {% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
    {% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
    {% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
    {% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}

    {% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

{% if bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")|length == 2 %}
        {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
    {% else %}
        {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
    {% endif %}

{% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
{% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

    {% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
        {% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_x %}
            {% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_y %}
            {% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_x %}
            {% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_y %}
            {% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set meshPointX = (meshPointX * (area_max_x - area_min_x) / (safe_max_x - safe_min_x) * probe_count_scale_factor)|round(0)|int %}
        {% if meshPointX < min_probe_count %}
            {% set meshPointX = min_probe_count %}
        {% endif %}
    {% if meshPointX > meshMaxPointX %}
            {% set meshPointX = meshMaxPointX %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set meshPointY = (meshPointY * (area_max_y -area_min_y ) / (safe_max_y - safe_min_y) * probe_count_scale_factor )|round(0)|int %}
        {% if meshPointY < min_probe_count %}
            {% set meshPointY = min_probe_count %}
        {% endif %}
    {% if meshPointY > meshMaxPointY %}
            {% set meshPointY = meshMaxPointY %}
        {% endif %}

        _BED_MESH_CALIBRATE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}


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panik988 commented Jun 7, 2022

@diegomarino unfortunately it doesn't work for me. Thanks for your help

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@ChipCE I believe the error that some of the users are experiencing, specifically IndexError: list index out of range is related to a [bed_mesh] config that has faulty regions. After commenting the faulty regions out of my config, this macro worked fine.

speed: 500
mesh_min: 35,7
mesh_max: 240,198
probe_count: 7,7
mesh_pps: 2,2
#algorithm: lagrange
algorithm: bicubic
bicubic_tension: 0.2
horizontal_move_z: 5
#relative_reference_index: 13
relative_reference_index: 25
#faulty_region_1_min: 130.0, 0.0
#faulty_region_1_max: 145.0, 40.0
#faulty_region_2_min: 225.0, 0.0
#faulty_region_2_max: 250.0, 25.0
#faulty_region_3_min: 165.0, 95.0
#faulty_region_3_max: 205.0, 110.0
#faulty_region_4_min: 30.0, 170.0
#faulty_region_4_max: 45.0, 210.0

I'm not sure how to fix it, but I thought you might want the info. Thanks!

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VozzickaR commented Jun 20, 2022

I have a problem with Heating Bed/Extruder after implementing this Macro. Can you help me with that?
After start print klipper say

Error on 'M140 S': unable to parse

On slicer Cura i use Start G  code:
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} AREA_START=%MINX%,%MINY% AREA_END=%MAXX%,%MAXY%

# [gcode_macro START_PRINT]

variable_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 190
 variable_parameter_BED_TEMP: 60
 gcode parameters for area bed mesh
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0

 Start bed/EXTRUDER heating
     # Use absolute coordinates
     # Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
     ## Home the printer
      BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")}
    M140 S{BED_TEMP} ; set bed temp in background, do not wait
    ; report temperature
    M104 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ; set extruder temp
    G1 Z25 X8 F1500
    # Wait for bed to reach temperature
    M190 S{bed_temp}
    # Set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature
    M109 S{extruder_temp}
    # Reset Extruder
    G92 E0
    # Move Z Axis up
    G1 Z2.0 F3000
    # Move to start position
    G1 X8 Y20 Z0.28 F5000.0
    # Draw the first line
    G1 X8 Y200.0 Z0.28 F1500.0 E15
    # Move to side a little
    G1 X8.3 Y200.0 Z0.28 F5000.0
    # Draw the second line
    G1 X8.3 Y20 Z0.28 F1500.0 E30
    # Reset Extruder
    G92 E0
    # Move Z Axis up
    G1 Z2.0 F3000
    # Print message on LCD
`[Full Config]( 

Problem solved
Now i repeate adding your macro in Cfg, and its work, idk where, or what mistake i do...

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@DerBierBaron @krpepe @selrahc13 Sorry, I haven't been able to figure out how to post the code correctly on Github. Here it is on pastebin

For better searchability this code linked above resolves this issue:
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Printer is shutdown

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I'm getting this issue on one of my prints. Can't seem to fix it. Using SuperSlicer Mosaic Edition with an Ender 3 V2 that has a hemera revo and bl touch

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lungkao commented Jul 19, 2022

how to for simplify3d

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@ChipCE Thanks for the answer, you're absolutetly right! Also, I had the same error as @Durahl on December 8th and I thought you might want to add a note. The problem was that I had a relative_reference_index set in my [bed_mesh] section set at 24 (for my default 7x7 grid) and it was causing an error when it was to do a grid say of 9 points. Needed to dig into the klipper.log to understand what the problem was. What I did is add the line {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %} at Line 74, and change the call for the custom bed_mesh_calibrate at line 75 for BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} samples={probe_samples|int}

This could be useful for people wanting to use a relative_reference_index for their bed_mesh. Or else maybe mention to remove this parameter alltogether in [bed_mesh] section.

Thank you that was helpful. Strange that this isn´t in the doc or as separate config example available.

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ChipCE commented Jul 21, 2022

The problem was that I had a relative_reference_index set in my [bed_mesh] section set at 24 (for my default 7x7 grid) and it was causing an error when it was to do a grid say of 9 points. Needed to dig into the klipper.log to understand what the problem was. What I did is add the line {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %} at Line 74, and change the call for the custom bed_mesh_calibrate at line 75 for BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} samples={probe_samples|int}

Thank you!
I updated the script based on your suggestion, relative_reference_index is now can be enable with variable_enable_reference_index : True<,code>

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ChipCE commented Jul 21, 2022

I'm getting this issue on one of my prints. Can't seem to fix it. Using SuperSlicer Mosaic Edition with an Ender 3 V2 that has a hemera revo and bl touch unknown

bicubic need atleast 4x4 mesh. I updated the macro, it will now auto switch to lagrange algorithm if the mesh point are lower than 4

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I'm getting this issue on one of my prints. Can't seem to fix it. Using SuperSlicer Mosaic Edition with an Ender 3 V2 that has a hemera revo and bl touch unknown

bicubic need atleast 4x4 mesh. I updated the macro, it will now auto switch to lagrange algorithm if the mesh point are lower than 4

I'm now getting that It wants to use Lagrange, but can't

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ChipCE commented Jul 25, 2022

I'm getting this issue on one of my prints. Can't seem to fix it. Using SuperSlicer Mosaic Edition with an Ender 3 V2 that has a hemera revo and bl touch unknown

bicubic need atleast 4x4 mesh. I updated the macro, it will now auto switch to lagrange algorithm if the mesh point are lower than 4

I'm now getting that It wants to use Lagrange, but can't image

I will try to fix that later, for now please change variable_min_probe_count : 3 to variable_min_probe_count : 4

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bjj commented Aug 1, 2022

This is an amazing macro! Can I recommend expanding the (8 space) tabs that are used on a few lines of the macro? It would make cutting and pasting easier.

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kubark42 commented Sep 20, 2022

@panik988 @Lecso11, et al:
There are two things I had to do to get this to work with Klicky.

  1. Place the below into a file called bed_mesh_print_area.cfg.
[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
; gcode parameters
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
; the clearance between print area and probe area 
variable_mesh_area_offset : 5.0
; number of sample per probe point
variable_probe_samples : 2
; minimum probe count
variable_min_probe_count : 3
; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count
variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0
; enable preference index
variable_enable_reference_index : False

variable_mesh_delta : 25                   ## distance between points
variable_x_mesh_max : 7                    ## max points on x-axis
variable_y_mesh_max : 7                    ## max points on y-axis


    _CheckProbe action=query

	{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
	## get [bed_mesh] config parameters
		{% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
		{% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
		{% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
		{% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
		{% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}
	## get print area min/max from slicer gcode
		{% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
		{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
		{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
		{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}
	## set probing area
		{% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_x %}
			{% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
			{% else %}
			{% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
		{% endif %}
		{% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_y %}
			{% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
			{% else %}
			{% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
		{% endif %}
		{% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_x %}
			{% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
			{% else %}
			{% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
		{% endif %}
		{% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_y %}
			{% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
			{% else %}
			{% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
		{% endif %}
	## set probe counts
		{% set meshPointX = ((area_max_x - area_min_x) / mesh_delta + 1)|round(0)|int %}
		{% if meshPointX < 3 %}
			{% set meshPointX = 3 %}
			{% elif meshPointX > x_mesh_max %}
			{% set meshPointX = x_mesh_max %}
		{% endif %}
		{% set meshPointY = ((area_max_y - area_min_y) / mesh_delta + 1)|round(0)|int %}
		{% if meshPointY < 3 %}
			{% set meshPointY = 3 %}
			{% elif meshPointY > y_mesh_max %}
			{% set meshPointY = y_mesh_max %}
		{% endif %}
	## check for invalid mesh
		{% if meshPointX > 5 %}
			{% if meshPointY == 3 %}  # 7x3 mesh invalid for bicubic
			{% set meshPointY = 5 %}  # set 7x5 mesh
			{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
		{% if meshPointY > 5 %}
			{% if meshPointX == 3 %}  # 3x7 mesh invalid for bicubic
			{% set meshPointX = 5 %}  # set 5x7 mesh
			{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	## set new reference index point
		{% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}
	## send bed mesh parameters
		M117 probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY}
		BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex} 
	{% else %}
	{% endif %}

  1. Place the below into klicky-probe.cfg.
[include ./bed_mesh_print_area.cfg]             # Bounding box for mesh

You can test with, e.g., BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START=100,100 AREA_END=200,200

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Quick question reguarding the relative_reference_index would thee be a way to do a macro for taking mesh lowest point and using that as the relative reference index? Or is that already taken care of in this?

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Is possible do it without changes in slicer?

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