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Created March 21, 2017 22:05
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#include <math_constants>
#include <affine_transform>
#include <lighting>
param int sides = 3 : logrange(3, 12);
param float zRotation : range(-PI, PI);
param float xRotation : range(-PI, PI);
glsl struct FragmentData {
vec3 normal;
vec4 color;
glsl vec3 crystalCoord(int index) {
int triangle = index/3;
index %= 3;
vec3 coord;
if (index == 0) {
coord = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if (index == 1) {
float a = TAU*float(triangle)/float(sides);
coord = 0.5*vec3(sin(a), cos(a), 0.0);
if (index == 2) {
float a = TAU*float(triangle - 1)/float(sides);
coord = 0.5*vec3(sin(a), cos(a), 0.0);
if (triangle >= sides)
coord.xz *= -1.0;
return coord;
glsl vec3 crystalNormal(int index) {
int triangle = index/3;
vec3 a = crystalCoord(3*triangle + 0);
vec3 b = crystalCoord(3*triangle + 1);
vec3 c = crystalCoord(3*triangle + 2);
return normalize(cross(b-a, c-a));
glsl vec4 crystalVertex(out FragmentData fd, int index) {
vec3 coord = crystalCoord(index);
coord = rotateZ(coord, zRotation);
coord = rotateX(coord, xRotation);
coord.z -= 2.5;
fd.normal = crystalNormal(index);
fd.color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
return projectPerspectiveHFOV(coord, 0.5*PI, 1.0/256.0, 256.0);
glsl vec4 crystalFragment(in FragmentData fd) {
vec3 lightDirection = normalize(vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
float lightIntensity = 0.5 + 0.5*diffuseLight(lightDirection, fd.normal);
return vec4(lightIntensity * fd.color.rgb, 1.0);
model Crystal :
vertex(crystalVertex, triangles, 2*3*sides),
wireframe(false), cull(backface),
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