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Created December 7, 2016 15:29
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Regular Strength Cat Remover
// @version 0.0.1
// @description Hide cat posts from SA's Star Citizen thread
// @match *://*
// @grant none
// @namespace
// @updateURL
// @author Chunjee
// ==/UserScript==
//change this to true if you want cat posts hidden in all threads, not just Star Citizen ones
var hideCatsAllSA = false;
var hideSensitivity = 1; //1 hide images if suspicison of cat picture is detected
var hideCompletelySensitivity = 4; //hide entire post if this threshold is met
var debugToggle = true;
//build an array of words that are suspicious
var blacklist_array = ['cat','cattax','cat tax','catte','tax','edit: tax','e: tax','e:tax','taxxe','cutte','catgif','dog','dogge','puppy','pupper','bunny','bunbun','bunnie','paid tax','kayak'];
//append any one-offs to the array
$(document).ready((function() {
'use strict';
//Check the forum title
var SubForum = $(".up:contains('Citizen')");
var ThreadTitle = $(".bclast:contains('Citizen')");
//If this is a Star Citizen thread OR HideCatsAllSA is set to true
if (SubForum.length > 0 || ThreadTitle.length > 0 || hideCatsAllSA) {
//Go through each post
$(".postbody").each( function () {
//grab the quoted poster's name
//var poster = /([ \.a-z0-9]+)\sposted:/gi.exec(this.innerHTML);
//does the post contain an image?
if(fn_InStr(this.innerHTML,"<img")||fn_InStr(this.innerHTML,"<timg")) {
//compare this post to our list of suspicious words
var suspicionCount = 0;
for (var i = blacklist_array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var iterate = blacklist_array[i];
var regex = new RegExp("(" + iterate + "[\\W])|(" + iterate + "[s ]+)", "gi");
var ignore_bool = regex.test(this.innerHTML);
if (ignore_bool === true) {
//Hide all pictures in this post if suspicion is too high
var thispost_nonsmilieimages = false;
if(suspicionCount >= hideSensitivity) {
//hide pictures that aren't SA smilies
$("img", this).each( function () {
if (!fn_InStr(this.outerHTML,"somethingawful")) {
thispost_nonsmilieimages = true;
if (thispost_nonsmilieimages) {
//Add text and toggle to the post
$(this).append('<br><div style="display:flex; align-items: center;"><span style="color:gray" class="toggletext">Contains Suspected Cat Picture (Click to show) &nbsp;</span></div> ');
//Hide the entire post if hideCompletelySensitivity is exceeded
if(suspicionCount >= hideCompletelySensitivity) {
$(this).text('(POST WAS HIDDEN FOR TOO MUCH PET TALK)').css("color", "gray").css("font-weight", "bolder");
//log after completed
console.log( + " - v" + GM_info.script.version + ": Finished hiding cat images");
} else {
//Do nothing
function fn_InStr(para_String, para_needle) {
var Output = para_String.indexOf(para_needle);
if (Output === -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function Sb_HideToggle() {
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