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Chunjee / Something-Awful-threadSniper.user.js
Last active December 26, 2023 16:48
Something-Awful-threadSniper userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name Something-Awful-threadSniper
// @version 0.2.0
// @description Highlights threads ready to be sniped
// @match *://*
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// @namespace
// @author Chunjee
// ==/UserScript==
Chunjee /
Last active March 25, 2022 21:07
biga.ahk plugin formatting

A brief guide to consistant biga.ahk plugin formatting

example packages


package naming

packages ideally should be named {{name}}_bigaplugin.ahk in all lowercase


Chunjee / export.ahk
Last active April 30, 2021 16:40 — forked from anonymous1184/
WinHttpRequest Warpper
static instance := ""
return isObject(instance)
? instance
: instance := new winhttprequest(params*)
class winhttprequest extends WinHttpRequest.Factory
Chunjee / export.ahk
Created August 31, 2020 00:50
Braille Bytes (Big-endian)
;#! AHK v2.a122 64 Unicode ; UTF-16_LE_BOM
∫⣿∫ Braille Bytes (Big-endian)
⠢⡦⢆⢎⠞⠞⢖⠄⠢⣎⡖⢖⣦ ◷ 2020-08-26
Computers store information in various sized groups of binary bits.
If sometime you feel blind, use Braille Bytes to visualize.
• Braille Pattern Dots: U+2800 U+28FF
Chunjee / Compare sets.ahk
Created August 13, 2020 05:44 — forked from JoeGlines/Compare sets.ahk
Comparing two sets of items
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines -1
DetectHiddenWindows, On
gosub Display
gui, +resize

AutoHotkey Style Guide() {

A mostly reasonable approach to AutoHotkey


  • All variables should be camelCase or snake_case
  • Constants should be in ALLCAPS

Functions and Methods:

; iterate through chrome tabs example
; Compile Options
SetBatchLines -1 ;Go as fast as CPU will allow
#SingleInstance force
Chunjee / export.ahk
Last active April 2, 2022 02:43
Date Parser
; /--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\
; Date Parsing
; \--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/
date_array := []
d_array := []
;Get the century
FormatTime, local_century, A_Now, yyyy
; Function: Array_Gui
; Description: Displays an array as a treeview in a GUI
; Syntax: Array_Gui(Array)
; Parameters: Param1 - Array
; Return Value: Null
; Remarks: Resizeable
; Related: Array_Print, Array_DeepClone, Array_IsCircle
; Example: Array_Gui({"GeekDude":["Smart", "Charming", "Interesting"], "tidbit":"Weird"})
Array_Gui(Array, Parent="") {
; /--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\
; Misc useful functions
; \--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/--\--/
util_misc_ver := 1.2.0
fn_QuickRegEx(para_Input,para_RegEx,para_ReturnValue := 1)
{ ;Quick RegEx for quick matches. Remember to include match parenthesis (\d+).+ Returns matched value
if (para_ReturnValue = 0) {
para_RegEx := "O)" para_RegEx