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Forked from JoeGlines/Compare sets.ahk
Created August 13, 2020 05:44
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Comparing two sets of items
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines -1
DetectHiddenWindows, On
gosub Display
gui, +resize
gui, font, s11 bold, Verdana ; Set 10-point Verdana.
Gui, add, Text,cRed x20 y10 , A ;Title for A
Gui, add, Text,cBlue x0 y460 , B ;title for B
gui, font, ; reset to default
Gui, Add, Text, cRed x140 y15 R1 , Count:
Gui, Add, Text, vA_Count_GUI cRed x180 y15 R1 , %A_Count% ;count A for update later
Gui, add, Edit, vA_Values cRed x0 y40 r30 w245,one`ntwo`nthree`nfour`nfive
Gui, Add, Text, cblue x140 y460 R1 , Count:
Gui, Add, Text, vB_Count_GUI cblue x180 y460 R1 , %B_Count% ;add counts for B
Gui, add, Edit, vB_Values cblue x0 y480 r30 w245, six`nseven`neight`nnine`nten`neleven`ntwelve
gui, font, ;s9, Arial ; Set 10-point Verdana.
;**********************A_not_B listview*********************************
Gui, add, Text, cred x350 y10 R1 , Count:
Gui, Add, Text, vA_not_B_Count_GUI cred x400 y10 R1 , %A_Not_B_count% ;count for A_not_B later
;~ guicontrol, hide, A_not_B_Count_GUI
Gui, Add, ListView, vA_not_B_LV cred x250 y22 grid r23 , A Not B Control+shift+A ;-Hdr
for k, v in data[2]
LV_Add("", v)
;**********************B_not_A listview*********************************
Gui, Add, Text, cblue x350 y445 R1 , Count:
Gui, Add, Text, vB_not_A_Count_GUI cblue x400 y445 R1 , %B_Not_A_count% ;count for A_not_B later
Gui, Add, ListView, vB_not_A_LV cblue x250 y460 grid r23, B not A Control+shift+B ;
for k, v in data[3]
LV_Add("", v)
Gui, Add, Text, cpurple x600 y110 R1 , Count:
Gui, Add, Text, vA_and_B_count_GUI cpurple x650 y110 R1 , %A_and_B_count% ;Control+shift+c
Gui, Add, ListView, vA_and_B_LV cpurple x500 y125 grid r40 , A and B Control+shift+c ;-Hdr
for k, v in data[1]
LV_Add("", v)
Gui, Add, Button, x550 y10 Default, Run
Gui, Submit, NoHide
Gui, Show,h900 w750, Compare
Gui, Submit ,NoHide
gosub Crunch_data
Gosub List_Data
Gui, Destroy
;**********************Extract groups*********************************
A_not_B= , B_Not_A= , A_and_B= , A_Count= , B_Count= ;clear variables
D1 := Object(), D2 := Object() ;create empty objects
sort, A_Values, U ;remove duplicates
loop, parse, A_Values, `n, `r ;loop thru rows and covert to objects
if A_Loopfield !=
D1[A_index] := A_LoopField
sort, B_Values, U ;remove duplicates
loop, parse, B_Values, `n, `r ;loop thru rows and covert to objects
if A_Loopfield !=
D2[A_index] := A_LoopField
data:=Compare_Sets(d1,d2) ;call function
;**********************breakout returned objects*********************************
for k, v in data[1]
A_and_B.=v "`r"
for k, v in data[2]
A_not_B.=v "`r"
for k, v in data[3]
B_not_A.=v "`r"
;~ clipboard:= B_Not_A
;***********Put on clipboard*******************
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
clipboard:= B_Not_A
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
clipboard:= A_and_B
;**********************list views*********************************
GuiControl, Move, A_Count_GUI , W100 ;need w incase new text is wider
GuiControl,, A_Count_GUI , %A_Count% ;updates count
GuiControl, Move, A_not_B_Count_GUI , W100 ;need W in case new text is wider
GuiControl,,A_not_B_Count_GUI , %A_Not_B_count% ;updates count
Gui, ListView, A_not_B_LV ; Count:%B_Not_A_count% ;-Hdr
for k, v in data[2]
LV_Add("", v)
B_Count:=d2.MaxIndex() ;count for list
GuiControl,,B_Not_A_count, %B_Not_A_count% ;updates count
;~ Gui, Add, Text, cblue x350 y464 R1 , Count: %B_Not_A_count% ;this overlays on lv.
GuiControl, Move, B_Count_GUI , W100 ;need W in case new text is wider
GuiControl,, B_Count_GUI , %B_Count% ;updates count
Gui, ListView, B_not_A_LV ; Count:%B_Not_A_count% ;-Hdr
for k, v in data[3]
LV_Add("", v)
GuiControl, Move, B_not_A_Count_GUI , W100 ;need W in case new text is wider
GuiControl, , B_not_A_Count_GUI , %B_Not_A_count% ;updates count
GuiControl, Move, A_and_B_count_GUI , W100 ;need W in case new text is wider
GuiControl, , A_and_B_count_GUI , %A_and_B_Count% ;updates count
Gui, ListView, A_and_B_LV ;
for k, v in data[1]
LV_Add("", v)
Gui, Show,, Compare ;display the gui
Temp:=[], Temp2:=[], B_not_A:=[], A_and_B:=[] , A_not_B:=[]
;**********************B not A*********************************
for i, val in SetA
Temp[val] := true ;create key with true / false
for i, val in SetB ;iterate through set b
if !Temp[val] ;if the key does not exist
B_not_A.Insert(val) ;add to B_not_A
;**********************A and B*********************************
for i, val in SetB ;iterate through set b
if Temp[val] ;if the key does exist
A_and_B.Insert(val) ;add to A_and_B
for i, val in SetB
Temp2[val] := true ;create key with true / false
for i, val in SetA ;iterate through set a
if !Temp2[val] ;if the key does not exist
A_not_B.Insert(val) ;insert into A_not_B
Return [A_and_B, A_not_B, B_Not_A] ;returns multiple objects
;**********************Double clicking in A_and_B*********************************
if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
{ RowNumber = 0 ; This causes the first loop iteration to start the search at the top of the list.
{ RowNumber := LV_GetNext(RowNumber) ; Resume the search at the row after that found by the previous iteration.
if not RowNumber ; The above returned zero, so there are no more selected rows.
LV_GetText(Text, RowNumber,1) ;changed to copy third column 8/25/2013
AllSelect.=Text . "`n"
NewList.=AllSelect . "`n"
Clipboard :=NewList
MsgBox,,Clipboard- Number of items: %Count%, % "The following is now on the clipboard`n`n" NewList, 4
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