<!DOCTYPE html> |
<!-- include polyfills for custom event, Symbol and Custom Elements --> |
<script src="//unpkg.com/babel-polyfill@6.26.0/dist/polyfill.js"></script> |
<script src="//unpkg.com/custom-event-polyfill@0.3.0/custom-event-polyfill.js"></script> |
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/document-register-element/1.8.0/document-register-element.js"></script> |
<!-- use babel so that we can use arrow functions and other goodness in this block! --> |
<script src="//unpkg.com/babel-standalone@6/babel.min.js"></script> |
<script src="//unpkg.com/d3@5.5.0"></script> |
<script src="//unpkg.com/d3fc@14.0.41"></script> |
<style> |
body { |
font: 16px sans-serif; |
} |
.chart { |
height: 480px; |
} |
.plot-area { |
overflow: visible !important; |
} |
#container { |
position: relative; |
} |
.tooltip { |
position: absolute; |
top: 10px; |
left: 10px; |
} |
</style> |
<div id='simple-chart' class='chart'></div> |
<script type='text/babel'> |
// create some test data |
var sinewave = d3.range(50).map((d) => ({ |
x: d / 4, |
y: Math.sin(d / 4) |
})) |
// combine the sine wave with an empty array which will hold the |
// current crosshair value |
var data = { |
series: sinewave, |
crosshair: [] |
}; |
// use the extent component to compute the x / y domain |
var yExtent = fc.extentLinear() |
.accessors([d => d.y]) |
.pad([0.4, 0.4]) |
.padUnit('domain'); |
var xExtent = fc.extentLinear() |
.accessors([d => d.x]); |
// create a chart |
var chart = fc.chartCartesian( |
d3.scaleLinear(), |
d3.scaleLinear()) |
.yDomain(yExtent(sinewave)) |
.yLabel('Sine') |
.xDomain(xExtent(sinewave)) |
.xLabel('Value') |
.decorate(function(sel) { |
// decorate the cartesian chart to add the tooltip element on |
// the enter selection |
sel.enter() |
.append('div') |
.classed('tooltip', true); |
// on the update selection, update the text |
sel.select('.tooltip') |
.text(d => |
d.crosshair.length > 0 |
? 'x: ' + d.crosshair[0].x.toFixed(0) + ', y: ' + d.crosshair[0].y.toFixed(0) |
: '' |
); |
}) |
var sinLine = fc.seriesSvgLine() |
.crossValue(d => d.x) |
.mainValue(d => d.y); |
var crosshair = fc.annotationSvgCrosshair() |
.xLabel('') |
.yLabel(''); |
// Add the line and crosshair via a multi-series. Use the mapping function |
// to provide the correct data to each |
var multi = fc.seriesSvgMulti() |
.series([sinLine, crosshair]) |
.mapping((data, index, series) => { |
switch(series[index]) { |
case sinLine: |
return data.series; |
case crosshair: |
return data.crosshair; |
} |
}); |
chart.svgPlotArea(multi); |
function render(){ |
// render |
d3.select('#simple-chart') |
.datum(data) |
.call(chart); |
// add the pointer component to the plot-area, re-rendering |
// each time the event fires. |
var pointer = fc.pointer() |
.on('point', (event) => { |
data.crosshair = event; |
render(); |
}); |
d3.select('#simple-chart .plot-area') |
.call(pointer); |
} |
render(); |
</script> |